Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A Phenomenological Investigation of the Lived Experiences of African American Adults in Individual Mental Health Counseling, Jessica Martin
A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Solid Nanoscale Interfaces, Jeronimo Matos
Gauging Training Effectiveness of Virtual Environment Simulation Based Applications for an Infantry Soldier Training Task, Douglas Maxwell
A high-content multiplexed screening platform for the evaluation and manipulation of force and fatigue of adult derived skeletal muscle myotubes in defined serum-free medium, Christopher McAleer
The Branding, Creation, and Promotion of a Solo Comedienne, Anna McCorison
Experiences of Stigma During Sexual Healthcare Visits: A Qualitative Study of Non-Monogamous Women, Rachael McCrosky
A Generational Perspective on the Development of the Political History of Modern Iran, Gregory McDowall
Vehicle Tracking and Classification via 3D Geometries for Intelligent Transportation Systems, William McDowell
Fabrication and Study of Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Sensing and Energy Storage, Matthew McInnis
An Improved Biosolid Gasifier Model, Hannah McLean
Differential Parenting and Parents' Perceptions of their Children: Can Attachment Help Explain This Relationship?, Meagan Mcswiggan
Gender and Social Capital: Implications for Women's Civic Engagement in Ecuador and Peru, Pamela Medina
An Empirical Analysis of the Association Between Types of Interventions and Civil War Onset, Melinda Mellott
Settlement History and Interaction in the Manialtepec Basin of Oaxaca's Central Coast, Victoria Menchaca
Almost Mirror Image: Exploring The Similarities And Dissimilarities Of Identical Twins In Theatrical Solo Performance, Elizabeth Mignacca
How Much is that War in the Window? An Investigation into the Costs of War, Spencer Miller
Optical Propagation of Self-sustaining Wavefronts and Nonlinear Dynamics in Parabolic Multimode Fibers, Matthew Mills
Road Stories, Louis Mindar
The Effects of Four Weeks of High Intensity Interval Training and β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyric Free Acid on the Onset of Neuromuscular Fatigue, Amelia Miramonti
Damage Detection Methodologies For Structural Health Monitoring of Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels, Arturo Modesto
Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycles, Mahmood Mohagheghi
Cyclic and Impact Resistance of FRP Repaired Poles, Zainab Mohsin
Analytical study of computer vision-based pavement crack quantification using machine learning techniques, Soroush Mokhtari
Improvements on Instrumentation to Explore the Multidimensionality of Luminescence Spectroscopy, Anthony Moore
Academic Performance among Homeless Students: Exploring Relationships of Socio-Economic and Demographic Variables, Miriam Moore
Visions of Race and Gender: Press Coverage of the French Colonial Expositions of 1922 and 1931, Zachary Morgan
Expansive Learning in FYC: Using Linguistic Discourse Analysis to Measure the Effects of Threshold Concepts in Facilitating Generalization, Allison Morrow
Do Olfactory Stimuli Increase Presence During Exposure Tasks: A Comparative Study, Benson Munyan
A Generic Framework For Multi-Method Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems Using Discrete Event, System Dynamics and Agent Based Approaches., Konstantinos Mykoniatis
The role of a highly conserved eubacterial ribosomal protein in translation quality control, Anusha Naganathan
Assessing Approximate Arithmetic Designs in the presence of Process Variations and Voltage Scaling, Adnan Aquib Naseer
A Jew from Nebraska: An Actors Attempt at Stand-up Comedy, Jeffrey Nathan
Selective electro-magnetic absorbers based on metal-dielectric-metal thin-film cavities, Janardan Nath
Helping Mothers Defend their Decision to Breastfeed, Kandis Natoli
Multi-Row Film Cooling Boundary Layers, Greg Natsui
Providing Cultural Balance for Young Americans, Mark Nichols
Mathematical Modeling of Carbon Removal in the A-Stage Activated Sludge System, Thomas Nogaj
Development of Regional Optimization and Market Penetration Models For Electric Vehicles in the United States, Mehdi Noori
Report Construction When Domestic Violence Surrounds or Involves Children, Chelsea Nordham
Undergraduate Prescription Stimulant Misuse: The Impact of Academic Strain, Social Norms, and Gender, Lauren Norman
A Case Study Evaluation of Quality Standards and Online Faculty Development, Erin O'Brien
Integration of Multidimensional Signal Detection Theory with Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory, Maureen O'Connell
Classroom Error Climate: Teacher Professional Development to Improve Student Motivation, Sean O'Dell
Integrated Sustainability Assessment Framework for the U.S. Transportation, Nuri Onat
The Effect of Precipitation on the Spread of Mosquito-Borne Diseases: A Case Study of Florida Counties, Marvin Osbourne
A Case Study of the Percieved Effectiveness of the Two-Semester, Job-Embedded Internship, Stephanie Osmond
Diagenetic Changes in Long Bones in Central Florida: A Preliminary Macro- and Microscopic Comparison of Sun and Shade Microenvironments, Mikayla Overholtzer
The Interspecies Family: Attitudes and Narratives, Nicole Owens
Assessment of Terrain Database Correlation Using Line-Of-Sight Measurements, Leonardo Oyama
Development of Cytotoxic Natural Killer Cells for Ovarian Cancer Treatment, Veethika Pandey
Characterization of gold black and its application in un-cooled infrared detectors, Deep Panjwani
Modified System Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Assistive Robotic Manipulator, Nicholas Paperno
Nurse Managers, Work Environment Factors and Workplace Bullying, Joy Parchment
Post Conversion Correction of Non-Linear Mismatches for Time Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters, Charna Parkey
Exploration and development of crash modification factors and functions for single and multiple treatments, Juneyoung Park
Tidal hydrodynamic response to sea level rise and coastal geomorphology in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Davina Passeri
Two-photon absorption in bulk semiconductors and quantum well structures and its applications, Himansu Pattanaik
Resource Management in Large-scale Systems, Ashkan Paya
Temperament, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance as related correlates of psychological symptoms, Catherine Pearte
Proteomic Analysis Delineates the Signaling Networks of Plasmodium falciparum, Brittany Pease
Instant Conductors, Mary Petralia
Sage Illusionists: A Historical Study Using Illusionists as a Reflection of Mass Entertainment, Popular Culture, anf Change During the Late Nineteenth Century, Clayton Phillips
Friday is a Planet: Stories, Allison Pinkerton
Investigating Place in the Writing Classroom: Designing a Place-Based Course with a Local Service-Learning Component, Melissa Pompos
Watch Me Disappear: Gendered Bodies, Pro-Anorexia, and Self-Injury in Virtual Communities, Leandra Preston-Sidler
The subjective gameplay experience: An examination of the revised game engagement model, Katelyn Procci
The Impact of Public Service Motivation on Reentry Managers' Decision-making Practices, Marie Pryor
Self-Scaling Evolution of Analog Computation Circuits, Steven Pyle
Problematic Internet Use in Residence Halls, Graham Quirk
Policy Implications of a Teacher Evaluation System: The Relationship of Classroom Observations, Levels of Feedback, and Students Achievement Outcomes, Shana H. Rafalski
The Effect of Traumatic Brain Injury on Exposure Therapy in Veterans with Combat-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Kathleen Ragsdale
Batch and Online Implicit Weighted Gaussian Processes for Robust Novelty Detection, Padron Ruben Ramirez
Modeling and Analysis of Automated Storage and Retrievals System with Multiple in-the-aisle Pick Positions, Faraz Ramtin
Principals' Lived Experiences in Childhood Poverty Impacting Resiliency of Students in Poverty, Jonathan Rasmussen
Boundaries: The Relationships among Family Structure, Identity Style, and Psychopathology, Kaylin Ratner
An Optimization of Thermodynamic Efficiency vs. Capacity for Communications Systems, Gregory Rawlins
An Applied Organizational Analysis of School Factors Affecting Technology Integration within the Context of Literacy Instruction, D'Ann Rawlinson
Farm to Fork: A Culinary- and Farm-Enhanced Nutrition Education Program, Vivian Ray
Ode to Amiel: A Micro-budget Experimental Essay Film, Phyllis Redman
Sexism and Women: The Implications of Female Gender Resentment, Christine Regnier-Bachand
Nonlinear Optical Response of Simple Molecules and Two-Photon Semiconductor Lasers, Matthew Reichert
Propagation of Unit Location Uncertainty in Dense Storage Environments, Patrick Reilly
A Framework for Safety Training Using Virtual Reality Software, Rana Riad
Judged by the Bottom-line But Expected to Lead Ethically: A Leader's Catch 22, Darryl Rice