Volume 6 (2023)
Defining Dialogues: Tracing the Evolution of Human-Machine Communication
Andrew Prahl and Autumn P. Edwards
Disentangling Two Fundamental Paradigms in Human-Machine Communication Research: Media Equation and Media Evocation
Margot J. van der Goot and Katrin Etzrodt
ChatGPT, LaMDA, and the Hype Around Communicative AI: The Automation of Communication as a Field of Research in Media and Communication Studies
Andreas Hepp, Wiebke Loosen, Stephan Dreyer, Juliane Jarke, Sigrid Kannengießer, Christian Katzenbach, Rainer Malaka, Michaela Pfadenhauer, Cornelius Puschmann, and Wolfgang Schulz
Human-AI Teaming During an Ongoing Disaster: How Scripts Around Training and Feedback Reveal this is a Form of Human-Machine Communication
Keri K. Stephens, Anastazja G. Harris, Amanda L. Hughes, Carolyn E. Montagnolo, Karim Nader, S. Ashley Stevens, Tara Tasuji, Yifan Xu, Hemant Purohit, and Christopher W. Zobel
An Interactional Account of Empathy in Human-Machine Communication
Shauna Concannon, Ian Roberts, and Marcus Tomalin
Seriously, What Did One Robot Say to the Other? Being Left out From Communication by Robots Causes Feelings of Social Exclusion
Astrid M. Rosenthal-von der Pütten and Nikolai Bock
Triggered by Socialbots: Communicative Anthropomorphization of Bots in Online Conversations
Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Kaisa Laitinen, Minna Koivula, and Tanja Sihvonen
Valenced Media Effects on Robot-Related Attitudes and Mental Models: A Parasocial Contact Approach
Jan-Philipp Stein and Jaime Banks
Boundary Regulation Processes and Privacy Concerns With (Non-)Use of Voice-Based Assistants
Jessica Vitak, Priya C. Kumar, Yuting Liao, and Michael Zimmer
Who Is (Communicatively More) Responsible Behind the Wheel? Applying the Theory of Communicative Responsibility to TAM in the Context of Using Navigation Technology
Sungbin Youk and Hee Sun Park
Complete Volume

- Editor-in-Chief
- Autumn Edwards
- Associate Editors
- Chad Edwards
- Patric R. Spence