The Honors Undergraduate Thesis Program provides students from all disciplines the opportunity to engage in original and independent research as principal investigators. Over the course of two to four semesters, students work closely with a faculty committee to research, write, defend and publish an Honors thesis that serves as the capstone product of their undergraduate career. This thesis is published through the university library and is available to researchers worldwide through electronic databases. Please visit the Honors Undergraduate Thesis website for compete information.
This collection contains records for Honors theses completed at UCF. Links to electronic versions are included when available. If your Honors thesis is only in print, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world by downloading and filling out the distribution consent form.
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Theses from 2021
COVID Couples: The Impact of the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic on Intimate Relationships, Victor E. Blocker
Influences of Public Opinion Concerning Abortion, Enya A. Brackins
An Analysis of the Constitutionality of the "Combating Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act of Florida", Paul Wesley Brown
The Australian Paradox: Politics of an Energy Transition, Lindsay H. Bushing
The Girlhood Double-Standard, Juliet J. Cahow
Exogenous Material on Asteroids, Remington M. Cantelas
Effectiveness of Virtual Reality on Reducing Pain in Burn Patients, Jillian R. Carr
Stock Returns by Sector and Industries in a Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic, Simon Alvin A. Casas
3D MRI Investigations of the Musculus Uvulae in Children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, Riley Cashon
The Development of Luciferase Reporters for the Optimization of CRISPR Interference Gene Silencing of Mycobacterial L,D-Transpeptidases, Isabella Castellano
The Political Impact of Evangelical Churches in Latin America: Case Studies of Brazil and Venezuela, Isabella Castro
The Relationship Between Rapid Weight Loss and Physical Performance in Combat Sports, Sean P. Cavey
High Rates of Misdiagnosis of Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome and How to Reduce Them, Aliya Centner
Perceptions and Health Effects of Electronic Cigarettes among College Students, Safia Centner
Misinformation in the Media and its Influence on Racism, Jared Champa
Exploring Factors of Acceptance of Chip Implants in the Human Body, Radha D. Chebolu
The Prevalence of e-Cigarette Use According to Educational Attainment Among Young Adults in the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, Akhila Cheekati
Effects of the COVID-19 Economic Downturn on Central Florida Nonprofits, Tiffany C. Chinwuba
The Demographic, Behavioral, and Clinical Factors associated with the Quality of Life of Cancer Survivors, Odette Chirinos
Applications of the MAtCH Model to Analyze Student Problem-Solving, Barbara Chiu
HXRF Analysis of Yugüe Obsidian, Jessica L. Clark
Gender Identity, Discrimination, and Adjustment Among College Students, Nicole A. Coco
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review, Delaney K. Cole
Exploring the Relationship Between Personality and Moral Reasoning During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Niti Contractor
The Association of Cultural Orientation with Identity Development and Psychological Adjustment, Madison M. Cooper