The Honors Undergraduate Thesis Program provides students from all disciplines the opportunity to engage in original and independent research as principal investigators. Over the course of two to four semesters, students work closely with a faculty committee to research, write, defend and publish an Honors thesis that serves as the capstone product of their undergraduate career. This thesis is published through the university library and is available to researchers worldwide through electronic databases. Please visit the Honors Undergraduate Thesis website for compete information.

This collection contains records for Honors theses completed at UCF. Links to electronic versions are included when available. If your Honors thesis is only in print, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world by downloading and filling out the distribution consent form here.

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Theses from 2020


Understanding the Challenges Child Welfare Workers Encounter Related to Promoting the Online Safety of Foster Youth, Denielle Kirk L. Abaquita


Identification of Druggable Targets in a Schwannomatosis Patient-Derived Tumor Cell Line, Abdulrahman Allaf


Radio vs. Streaming Services: Exploring How Radio is Facing Competition, Kyra L. Allen


Goodness in Gaming: A Survey on Gamers and their Altruism, Daniel Amaral


Perception or Reality? The Perception of Abusive Supervision in the Workplace, Paul M. Amari


Trait Anxiety and Other Personality Constructs as Predictors of Negative Reactions to Quarantine and Social Isolation, Faith A. Ambrose


Rural Disparities in Lung Cancer Mortality: An Ecologic Study in Florida, Batel Amouyal


The Relationship Between Parent and Child Health Behaviors in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elise M. Arnold


An Investigation into Provider Communication at UCF and the Impact of Health Literacy on Teach Back Outcomes, Shreya L. Atmakuri


A Comparative Analysis of the Price of Insulin in Canada and the United States, Kimia Z. Badakhshan


The Influence of Industrial Automation on Educational Enrollment: A State-Level and Country-Level Analysis, Moutasm S. Badawi


An Exploration of Federal, State of Florida, and Local Policies and Classroom Implementation in Early Childhood Education, Brittany Baggaley


Risk Preference Stability In The Aftermath of Natural and Human-Influenced Catastrophes: A Meta-Analysis, James R. Bailey


Characterization of B-Fields Effects on Late-Time Rayleigh-Taylor Growth, Zoe Barbeau


Awareness of the Unaware: Anosognosia as a Comorbidity in Mental Health Conditions, Tiffany L. Baula


Ob/Gyn Women in a #Metoo World: Unraveling Agency, Gender Bias, and Gender Inequity in the Workplace, Corey L. Bazemore


Professional Liability Insurance for Athletic Trainers: A Cross Sectional Study of Athletic Trainers Who Do Per Diem Work, Kameelah J. Belgrave


In Situ Cultivation of Potential PAH Degrading Bacteria From Coastal Sediment, Kyle Benkel


Associations among Smoking, Vaping, Psychopathology, and Identity, Jacqueline A. Beretsky


Exploration Of Nozzle Circumferential Flow Attenuation and Efficient Expansion For Rotating Detonation Rocket Engines, Zane J. Berry


Women as Nontraditional Terrorists, Giorgi Beruashvili


Color and Color Placement Effects on Purchase Intent of Loot Boxes in Video Games, Mackenzie Bland


Recovery in Teachers: Barriers, Facilitators and the Relationship to Physical Stress Symptoms, Amber A. Blatchford


Sensing Symbiosis: Investigating the Symbiotic Magnetic Sensing Hypothesis in Fish Using Genomics, Elizabeth Boggs


Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and the Gut Microbiome: The Effects of Gut Microbial Metabolites on NAFLD Progression in a 2-Organ Human-on-a-Chip Model, Rachel H. Boone