Honors Undergraduate Theses from 2024
A Stabilizing “Anchor” or a Restrictive “Ball and Chain": Perspectives of Medically Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder, Alexander J. Gaudelli
Don’T Say Inequality - Ucf Instructors’ Experiences With Florida’S Senate Bill 266 And Its Legislative Kin, Liam A. Gundy
Masculinity and Political Discourse: A Critical Analysis of European Leaders, Taylor R. Haycock
Strategies For Protecting the Elderly During Natural Disasters: A Literature Review, Brian T. Nguyen
Attitudes And Perceptions Of Mental Health In The Vietnamese Community: A Comprehensive Analysis, Mai Ly Nguyen-Luu
The Prevalence and Determinants of Substance Use Disorders Among Sexual Minority Adults in the United States, Katheryn Olmos
Determining the Differences of Racial Microaggressions Faced by Multiracial Versus Monoracial Minority Patients within Healthcare Settings, Elizabeth S. Ommi
Investigating The Relationship Between Loneliness and Stress in College Students, Daniel A. Serpas-Medina
Sex Education Experiences Of Lgbtq+ College Students In Florida, Uma Sriram
The Impact of Homelessness on Identity in LGBTQ+ Youth of Color, Isabeau Tyndall Ms.
Effects Of Language Differences On Healthcare Barriers Experienced By Arab Americans, Abigail Yazdiya
Theses from 2023
Advocacy with Context: The Role of Pediatricians in Breastfeeding Success, Sanya Bansal
Ivermectin on Twitter: Investigating Early Advocacy for COVID-19 Vaccine Alternatives, Daniel Gabriel
The Implications of Religion and Internal Motivations on Health Behaviors, Sarah Jamaleddine
Speciesism in Childhood: An Exploration of Children's Attitudes Toward Nonhuman Animals, Hannah C. Knotts
An Analysis of the Role of Fentanyl in Fatal Overdoses in Orange County, Logan Michalski
Provider Perceptions on the Usage of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy to Influence Behavior Change in Individuals with Substance Use Disorders, Leia T. Rausch
Healthcare Access and Experiences Among Transgender University Students, Micah Reisner
Theses from 2022
Mental Health of Puerto Ricans Who Stayed in Puerto Rico Compared to Those Who Migrated to Florida After Hurricane Maria, Sophia Chapdelaine
Success Among Incarcerated Mothers Seeking Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder, Brinna Desai
The Impact of Emotional Support on Identity in Breast Cancer Survivors, Sakinah Dewji
Diabetes Mellitus Among Black/African Americans: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Epigenetic Research, Eliana Jacobs
Sense of Support: The Impact of Healthcare Encounters on the Breastfeeding Experiences of African American Mothers, Olivia M. Rauls
How Implicit Bias Contributes to Racial Disparities in Maternal Health, Michaella Saintil
Theses from 2021
The Girlhood Double-Standard, Juliet J. Cahow
The Prevalence of e-Cigarette Use According to Educational Attainment Among Young Adults in the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, Akhila Cheekati
Dating App Facilitated Sexual Violence: The Prevalence and Mental Health Effects, Samantha G. Echevarria
Does Medical Racism Influence Medical Mistrust in the Black Community?, Danielle Forrest
Non-Binary Identities: How Non-Binary People Move Through A Gendered World, Carly E. Kupper
Prosthetic Identity: Understanding the Relationship Between The Self, Prosthetic Design, and Society, Remy Marasa
Healthcare Experiences Related to Breastfeeding Among African American Mothers, Hanna S. Nour
The College Experience in the Eyes of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Andrea I. Olmeda Santiago
Gender Ideology, Gender Consciousness, and Identity Among Conservative Baptist Women: An Intersectional Perspective, Marina I. Rivera Ramos
Theses from 2020
Who Participates in Academic Services?, Richard Colón
Growing Up Puerto Rican: College Students' Reality of Staying in Puerto Rico Post-Maria, Bianca M. Pizarro Vázquez
Theses from 2019
Conceptions About Terrorism: How Fearful Are We and How Does That Affect Us?, Rebecca Jackson
Current Perceptions of Undocumented Immigrants in the United States, Gabriela Lozano
After Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rican Migrants and Residential Segregation in the Orlando MSA, Gabriella Ospina
Gender Negotiation Among People in Poly/Consensual Non-Monogamous Relationships, Vanessa Rijo - Sánchez
Theses from 2018
Public School Teacher Support of Transgender Students, Phoebe Singletary
Theses from 2017
Sexual Assault on College Aged Women: Intersectionality Matters, Dhaneen D. Comeau
What Happened To Sanders? Millennials Analyses of the 2016 Election Post-Primaries, Jacquelyn R. Fernandez
Views of Reality: Perceptions of Police Responses to Mentally Ill People, Kiara L. Gonzalez Cruz
African American Mothers' Narratives of Breastfeeding Support from Healthcare Providers, Tessa Treadwell
Theses from 2016
Public Perceptions of Birthmothers of Adopted Children, Bethany I. Wedlund
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
"Because I Shave My Armpits…": A Content Analysis of #WomenAgainstFeminism on Twitter, Marina Brandman
The Great Escape: Making the Choice for Upward Social Mobility, Trina Gilliam
Exploring the Stigma Associated with Depression, Amanda Gold
Perception of Mental Illness Based Upon its Portrayal in Film, Erika Hanley
Entrenched in context: Perceptions regarding intimate partner violence and viable interventions among undergraduate students, Julio Montanez
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Zero Tolerance for Some: The Role of Race in Zero Tolerance Exclusionary Discipline, Meghan Bejarano
Choosing Mates Who Look Like Ourselves, Alyse Gruber
Conceptions of Justice: A Sampling of Student Perspectives, Matt Landon
Just Eat it: An Examination of the Sociological Factors that Influence the Eating Habits of College Students, Alexandra Minnick
Positive Outcomes of Divorce: A Multi-Method Study on the Effects of Parental Divorce on Children, Grant Mohi
That's so Ghetto: A Study of the Racial/Socioeconomic Implications Associated with the Term "Ghetto", Shaun Richardson
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
An examination of the influence of religiosity on political views of the millennial generation, Kelsey DeGenaro
Factors and Motivations Behind Volunteering at Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters, Amy Fowler
Perceptions of Sex Offenders on College Campuses, Dayanne Harvey
Left in the dark: University of Central Florida students' perception of safety on campus, Amber Krauss
Getting help when needed: food insecurity among college students and the impact of food pantry availability, Jasmine Loftin
Psychological distress and substance use among college students, Katelynn Messer
The doctrine of self-determination, Kelsey Moskovits
Sexuality online: exploration and self-identification among college students, Chelsea Nordham
The offline impact of cyberbullying, Kathleen Ortiz
Does knowledge predict fear: prior knowledge of mass school shootings and students fear of crime on a college campus, Emily Rosenbaum
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Food availability in Eatonville, Florida, Jerian Benwell-Lybarger
Going natural african american women and their hair, Brittney Dennis
I'm every woman college women's perceptions of "real women" in print advertisements, Marie Gualtieri
Experiences with social services among homeless LGBTQ young adults, Fallon Kadel
Examining crowd violence connected to sport applying the hooligan template, Kelly Worthen
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
A comparitive sic] study on community-based after-school programs to faith-based after-school programs, Angiemil Perez
What is appealing? sex and racial differences in perceptions of the physical attractiveness of women, Rachel Sewell
The role of facial appearance in gender categorization, Joshua J. Simpkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Religious affiliation and religiosity : variations on the perceptions of domestic violence, Amelia Brooke Carey
Impact of sport participation on academic achievement, Samantha H. Snyder
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Toward a Sociology of the Internet, Padraic Burns
Between the Lines: Depictions of Transgender Victims in News Print Media, Ethan Kennedy
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Greek think : perceptions of dating violence by members of UCF's Greek community, Heather N. Stevens
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
An examination of the effects of family structure on attitudes toward marriage and divorce, Kim Daniels
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Into the Gray: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions About Date Rape, Alcohol-related Rape, and Non-Consensual Drug Use Rape on a College Campus, Triscia Panarello
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
A content analysis of teen magazines' covers, Carmen Maria Garcia