Concurrent Session #1: Open Forum: The Ethics of Using AI as Faculty Members


Key West D

Start Date

24-9-2023 10:15 AM

End Date

24-9-2023 11:15 AM


Is it "okay" to use AI to grade students? Are there FERPA violations? Should student work be uploaded into LLMs without their permission? There will be no formal presentation in this "unconference"—instead, we will invite open conversation as we discuss ethical issues faculty members face when using AI tools as a teaching tool. In this forum, there will be a facilitator but no speaker. Participants are welcome to come and go from this session as their schedule allows.

This document is currently not available here.


Sep 24th, 10:15 AM Sep 24th, 11:15 AM

Concurrent Session #1: Open Forum: The Ethics of Using AI as Faculty Members

Key West D

Is it "okay" to use AI to grade students? Are there FERPA violations? Should student work be uploaded into LLMs without their permission? There will be no formal presentation in this "unconference"—instead, we will invite open conversation as we discuss ethical issues faculty members face when using AI tools as a teaching tool. In this forum, there will be a facilitator but no speaker. Participants are welcome to come and go from this session as their schedule allows.