Concurrent Session #1: Supporting Exploration of AI: Leveraging Nimble Strategies to Convene University Wide Discussion


Key West A

Start Date

24-9-2023 10:15 AM

End Date

24-9-2023 10:45 AM


The prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) is raising questions about implications for teaching and learning (Huang, 2023). During this interactive session, facilitators will demonstrate and share insights from nimble strategies, such as Question Storming and Strategic Doing used to convene interested groups for productive dialogue. We conducted a widespread question storming activity at our University, which yielded topics for exploration, including: leveraging AI as a tool for inclusive teaching, evolving approaches to curricular development, assessment design, academic integrity, and the role of higher education in a changing society. Subsequently, these questions informed a Strategic Doing workshop for program planning related to AI.

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Sep 24th, 10:15 AM Sep 24th, 10:45 AM

Concurrent Session #1: Supporting Exploration of AI: Leveraging Nimble Strategies to Convene University Wide Discussion

Key West A

The prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) is raising questions about implications for teaching and learning (Huang, 2023). During this interactive session, facilitators will demonstrate and share insights from nimble strategies, such as Question Storming and Strategic Doing used to convene interested groups for productive dialogue. We conducted a widespread question storming activity at our University, which yielded topics for exploration, including: leveraging AI as a tool for inclusive teaching, evolving approaches to curricular development, assessment design, academic integrity, and the role of higher education in a changing society. Subsequently, these questions informed a Strategic Doing workshop for program planning related to AI.