Concurrent Session #2: Leveraging ChatGPT for Qualitative Text Analysis: Possibilities, Limitations, and Implications


Cape Florida A

Start Date

24-9-2023 11:45 AM

End Date

24-9-2023 12:00 PM


As large language models continue to advance, qualitative researchers face the challenge of effectively integrating these models with traditional methods and methodological approaches. In this presentation, we will highlight the possibilities and limitations of utilizing ChatGPT, a prominent language model, for qualitative analysis of textual data. Our focus will be on comparing a sample of results derived from a traditionally conducted qualitative analysis with those obtained using ChatGPT as an assistive tool. The findings from this research provide valuable insights into the practical applications of incorporating ChatGPT into qualitative research.

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Sep 24th, 11:45 AM Sep 24th, 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session #2: Leveraging ChatGPT for Qualitative Text Analysis: Possibilities, Limitations, and Implications

Cape Florida A

As large language models continue to advance, qualitative researchers face the challenge of effectively integrating these models with traditional methods and methodological approaches. In this presentation, we will highlight the possibilities and limitations of utilizing ChatGPT, a prominent language model, for qualitative analysis of textual data. Our focus will be on comparing a sample of results derived from a traditionally conducted qualitative analysis with those obtained using ChatGPT as an assistive tool. The findings from this research provide valuable insights into the practical applications of incorporating ChatGPT into qualitative research.