Concurrent Session #2: Open Forum: AI and Privacy


Cape Florida D

Start Date

24-9-2023 11:30 AM

End Date

24-9-2023 12:30 PM


Artificial intelligence has been invading our lives for some time, via home assistants, smart thermostats, and almost every aspect of our smartphones. Arguably, we’ve been ceding privacy for a while. But the newer tools being used by students and instructors pose yet different questions. When is it OK to upload student work or a colleague’s work? Or to use AI to write an analysis or summary? Can we do that with published materials to save ourselves time? Generative AI learns over time—could someone train it to have incorrect knowledge about me? What about malicious or revenge actions? This is an “unconference” with a facilitator but no speaker. You’re welcome to drop in throughout the hour!

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Sep 24th, 11:30 AM Sep 24th, 12:30 PM

Concurrent Session #2: Open Forum: AI and Privacy

Cape Florida D

Artificial intelligence has been invading our lives for some time, via home assistants, smart thermostats, and almost every aspect of our smartphones. Arguably, we’ve been ceding privacy for a while. But the newer tools being used by students and instructors pose yet different questions. When is it OK to upload student work or a colleague’s work? Or to use AI to write an analysis or summary? Can we do that with published materials to save ourselves time? Generative AI learns over time—could someone train it to have incorrect knowledge about me? What about malicious or revenge actions? This is an “unconference” with a facilitator but no speaker. You’re welcome to drop in throughout the hour!