Evaluating Collaborative Generative AI Teaching Assistants in Public Speaking Education: Effectiveness and Efficacy


Seminole A

Start Date

23-7-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

23-7-2024 12:30 PM


This research project aims to investigate the effectiveness and efficacy of collaborative Generative AI teaching assistants within the domain of public speaking education. The study entails the recruitment of faculty members renowned for their excellence in providing feedback, as evidenced by their student evaluations, to volunteer their expertise in evaluating public speech outlines. This evaluation process replicates the feedback methods they routinely employ with their students. The overarching goal is to scrutinize how AI-generated feedback measures up against traditional human feedback in terms of enhancing public speaking skills.

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Jul 23rd, 12:00 PM Jul 23rd, 12:30 PM

Evaluating Collaborative Generative AI Teaching Assistants in Public Speaking Education: Effectiveness and Efficacy

Seminole A

This research project aims to investigate the effectiveness and efficacy of collaborative Generative AI teaching assistants within the domain of public speaking education. The study entails the recruitment of faculty members renowned for their excellence in providing feedback, as evidenced by their student evaluations, to volunteer their expertise in evaluating public speech outlines. This evaluation process replicates the feedback methods they routinely employ with their students. The overarching goal is to scrutinize how AI-generated feedback measures up against traditional human feedback in terms of enhancing public speaking skills.