Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Does Assessment of Distress Disclosure Enhance Prediction of Suicidal Ideation in the Three-Step Theory of Suicide?, Jessica A. Ruiz
Examining Secondary Trauma, Vicarious Trauma, and Posttraumatic Growth Among Caregivers of Children with Chronic Medical Illnesses, James Rujimora
Multi-Scale Assessment of Oceanic Sargassum habitat for the Sea Turtle 'Lost Years', Alexander E. Sacco
Giving Voice to The Voiceless: Health Communication and Female Fieldworkers in Central Florida, Sofia Salazar
Feedback-Related Negativity, Reward-Based Learning, and ADHD Symptoms: Preliminary Findings in a Pediatric Sample with Prominent Mood Symptoms, Giulia C. Salgari
A Scaffolded Corequisite Curriculum for College Algebra Students: Effects on Achievement and Motivation, Patrick R. Sandefur
Constructive Voice Feedback Loops Within and Across Jobs, Ann Schlotzhauer
Enhancing NFL Game Insights: Leveraging XGBoost For Advanced Football Data Analytics To Quantify Multifaceted Aspects Of Gameplay, Christopher P. Schoborg
Exploring the Benefits of the Integration of XR and BIM for Retrofitting Projects, John Sermarini
The Influence Of Natural And Anthropogenic Drivers On Estuarine Food Webs At Various Spatio-Temporal Scales And Levels Of Complexity, Michelle Shaffer
Tailoring the Internal Architectures of Hollow Nanoparticles for Enhanced Plasmonic Properties, Shikuan Shao
A CFD Framework to Study Complex Effects Relating to Airborne Viral-pathogen Transmission, Rajendra Shrestha Mr.
Mitigation of Reliability Risks Associated with Accelerated Thermal Cycling and High Current Density Electromigration in Ball Grid Array Solder Joints, Vishnu R. Shukla
Adaptation to Hypoxia and Nitrate/Nitrite Assimilation Require Species-Specific Regulation by DosR and NnaR in Mycobacterium abscessus, Breven S. Simcox
Social Cognition, Anhedonia, and Support in Relation to Depression Severity in Individuals with Breast Cancer, Samantha D. Simpson
Gone Phishing: How Task Interruptions Impact Email Classification Ability, Elisabeth Slifkin
Enhancing Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with Automation and Machine Learning, Darian Smalley
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training: Exploring Implementation Factors of Delivering Training in Florida Schools, Lakaysia Smith
Teacher agency in dual language programs: Examining constraining and facilitating factors through an ecological lens, Marcio R. Soares Gomes
Dual Coalitions or Dueling Coalitions?: A Comparison of Single-issue and Dual-issue Statewide Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions in the U.S., Shannon Sokolowski
Examining the Impact of a Video Review Guide on Robotic Surgical Skill Improvement, Mary Mansour Soliman
The Lived Experiences of Diverse Caregivers of Children With Disabilities Participating In Out-Of-School Time Activities, Vanessa Spero
It Matters: The Pedagogical Impact of Civics Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs on Democratic Education Practices, Christopher D. Spinale
A Pandemic in the Educational Sphere: Collecting and Understanding Students' Responses to University Communication on COVID-19, Matthew R. Stapleton
Developing a Course Enrollment Simulation Model to Improve College Graduation Outcomes, Rachel Straney
An Exploration of mHealth Applications Usage Among Older Adults: A Mixed Methods Study, Francine N. Sutton
Architectural and Training Regime Modifications to Transformer Models for low data Applications, Azwad Tamir
A Causal-Comparative Study of the Relationship Between School Shooter Typologies, Warning Signs, and Targeted School Violence, German R. Taveras
Predicting Personality from LinkedIn Profiles Using Natural Language Processing, Saba Tavoosi
Supporting Online Student Success via Online Instructor Best Practices, Tori Jayne Taylor
A Monte Carlo Study on the Applicability of Alignment-Within-CFA Versus MG-CFA for Moderate Group Sizes, Yacine Tazi
Video Action Understanding: Action Classification, Temporal Localization, And Detection, Praveen Tirupattur
The Perceived Impact of Restorative Practice Implementation on Exclusionary Discipline Practicce and the Role of School Administrators on the Effectiveness of Implementation, Courtney E. Tomasi
Hydrogen Enrichment of Methane-Air Mixtures for the Reacting Jet in Crossflow in a High Pressure, Axially Staged Combustor, Michael Tonarely
Program Evaluation Of Behavioral Health Training: Using The Retain Model, Kris J. Toscani
Elementary General Education Teachers' Beliefs About Inclusive Practices in General Education Classrooms in the Cayman Islands, Tracey Ann Trail
Opto-Electronic Oscillator driven Electro-Optic Modulator based Optical Frequency Comb, Lawrence Trask
What's in a frame? Exploring state policymakers' conceptualization of human trafficking., Alexis P. Tsoukalas
An Examination of the Effect of Instructional Facility Size on Student Achievement in the State of Florida, Paul B. Tweed
Exploiting Dynamic Magnetic Fields for New Magnetorheological Fluid Damping Capability, Christian Vazquez
"What Do You Mean By...?" The Role of Plain Language in Jury Instructions, Jamie L. Vega
Exploring Mathematics Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of Effective Questioning as a Pedagogical Tool, Joslyn M. Vilabrera
Robust Machine Learning Based Frameworks for Localization and mmWave Beam Prediction in Massive MIMO Systems, Katarina Vuckovic
Data-Centric AI: Taming AI-ready Feature Space from Decision-Making to Generative-AI Perspectives, Dongjie Wang
Non-Contact Lap-Splice Design with Ultra-High-Performance-Concrete for Seismic Buildings, Tiancheng Wang
Cooperative Driving Using an Integrated Co-Simulation and Digital-Twin Platform, Zijin Wang
Engineered Metallic Nanoparticles as Colorimetric Labels for Sensitive Lateral Flow Assay, Zhiyuan Wei
Validating Machine and Human Decision-Making in Forensic Fire Debris Analysis, Frances A. Whitehead
Students' Perceptions of Hospitality And Tourism Internships On Career Pathways: Transformational Versus Transactional Internships, Jessica L. Wickey
A Narrative Inquiry on Lived Experiences That Support Recruitment and Retention of Black Male Mathematics Teachers, Shane Wiggan
Informing a Comprehensive Player Profile Model Through the Development of a Video Game Experience Measure to Support Theory of Mind in Artificial Social Intelligence, Jessica L. Williams
The Role of The Principal in The Recognition of High Ability Students Who Are Black, English Language Learners, and Low Socio-Economic Status, Nadia N. Winston
Visual Experience Enhancement in Augmented Reality Displays, Qian Yang
Next-generation High-performance Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Light Engines, Zhiyong Yang
Giftedness: A Gap within Counselor Education, Jessica Yanson
High-Performance, Energy-Efficient, and Scalable Accelerator Design for Emerging Machine Learning Applications, Lingxiang Yin
Addressing Challenges in Utilizing GPUs for Accelerating Privacy-Preserving Computation, Ardhi Wiratama Baskara Yudha
Embracing Innovation in Education: Investigating the Use and Impact of AI Assistants Among Preservice Teachers, Tiffanie J. Zaugg
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Employing Organizational Theory and Strategic Enrollment Management to Private School Student Enrollment, Jessica Adams
The Effect of Wing Shape and Ground Proximity on Unsteady Fluid Dynamics During the Perching Maneuver., Dibya Raj Adhikari
Theoretical Analysis of Charge Conduction and Rectification in Self-Assembled-Monolayers in Molecular Junctions, Francis Adoah
Optimizing Information Values in Smart Mobility, Fatima Afifah
Towards a Holistic and Comparative Analysis of the Free Content Web: Security, Privacy, and Performance, Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar
Probing Electron Correlations with First-principles Calculations of the High Harmonic Spectrum in Solids, Didarul Alam
Enabling Large-Scale Transportation Electrification for Shared and Connected Mobility Systems, Md Rakibul Alam
An Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior and Retailers' Business Model in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bader Alfardan
Exploring Success Factors of Adopting Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Electrical Vehicles Industry in Saudi Arabia Applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Abdullah Al Fatais
Adversarial Attacks, Coarse Robustness, and Dataless Neural Networks: Novel Techniques for Improved Classification and Combinatorial Optimization, Ismail Alkhouri
Detecting Manipulated and Adversarial Images: A Comprehensive Study of Real-world Applications, Mohammed Alkhowaiter
Highly Dispersed Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts Achieved on Hydroxyl-Rich Supports for Environmental Catalysis, Murtadha Almousawi
Assessing Influence Factors Affecting the Quality of the Diffusion of Innovation and New Technology Management in the Higher Education Sector in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Ghanem M Alqahtani
An Econometric Analysis of Shared Mobility, Nami Alsulami
Improving Vulnerability Description Using Natural Language Generation, Hattan Althebeiti
Structural Transformations in Photo-Thermo-Refractive Glass for Hologram Recording, Roberto Alejandro Alvarez Aguirre
Assessment of Midblock Pedestrian Crossing Facilities using Surrogate Safety Measures and Vehicle Delay, Nafis Anwari
Shock Tube Investigation of Fuel Reaction Kinetics in Extreme Combustion Environment, Farhan Arafin
Spectrally Selective Pyroelectric Detectors For THz Sensing, Christopher Arose
Impacts of the Protist Pathogen Amphibian Perkinsea on Amphibian Species and Communities, Matthew Atkinson
Contributions to Professional School Counselors Entering and Remaining in the Profession: A Grounded Theory, Kathryn Babb
Transportation Electrification in Interdependent Power and Transportation Systems - Analysis, Planning, and Operation, Sina Baghali
The Impact of Culturally Responsive Instruction on Academic Achievement, Rolando Bailey
Overtourism in Dichotomies: Uncovering Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Costs and Benefits in Three Tourism Destinations, Aarash Baktash
Changes in Preservice Secondary Science Teachers' Views, Beliefs, and their NOS Teaching During a Science Methods Course Guided by RFN, Kelsey Beeghly
The Impact Math Interventions Have on Student Achievement in an Urban School Setting, Jennifer A. Bellinger
Material Appearance Modeling for Physically Based Rendering, Alexis Benamira
The Interplay of Spatial Ability, Sex, Training Modality, and Environmental Features: Effects on Spatial Cognition, Mental Map Formation, and Wayfinding, Rhyse Conner Bendell
An Exploratory Study of Eye-Tracking on Elementary Children With and Without Reading Disabilities, Monica Berns-Conner