Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Advancing Medical Education by Optimizing the Use of Formal and Informal Curriculum Resources, Ziana Bagot
Decentralized Digital Fabrication of Flexible Micro/Nano Devices Using a Laserjet Printer, Arshya Bamshad
Multiracial but not Post-racial: The Reproduction of Racial Ideology and Processes in a Multiracial Church, Willie Barnes
On the Passive Sensing of Static and Dynamic Properties of Secondary Sources of Radiation, Mahed Batarseh
Coordinating the Chaos: How Institutions Influence Multi-Actor Coordination in Emergency Management, Sara Belligoni
Robotic Mechanisms for Surgery: Applications in Orthopedics and Prostate Biopsy, Pradipta Biswas
Exploring Quality of Life Perception Among Pre-Clinical and Clinical Phases of Medical School Students in One Medical School Program in the Southeastern United States, Carley Blades Myszkowski
Harnessing the Power of the Nitro Group in Natural Product Synthesis, Katelyn Bobek
Investigating Mitigation Strategies for Spatial Disorientation, Amanda Bond
Development of a Multivariate Poisson Hidden Markov Model for Application in Educational Data Mining, Shahab Boumi
The Nine Lives of Ula Stöckl: Recovering Germany's First Feminist Filmmaker, Rachel Braaten
Characteristics of Rotating Detonation Engines for Propulsion and Power Generation, Robert Burke
Associations Between Patient-provider Trust and HIV Care Continuum Outcomes, James Caldwell
Broadband Power Amplifier Design with High Power, High Efficiency and Large Back-off Range, Yuchen Cao
Optimal Impulse Controls With Changing Running Cost And Applications In Mortgage Refinance, Yuchen Cao
Attosecond Optical Probe and Control of Atomic Autoionizing States, Coleman Cariker
Resources and Racism: An Examination of a Dual-Pathway Model of Economic Stress and Workplace Prejudice and Discrimination, Nicole Carusone
First and Third Order Susceptibility of Organic Molecules, Hao-Jung Chang
Mixed-integer Programming Methods for Modeling and Optimization of Cascading Processes in Complex Networked Systems, Cheng-Lung Chen
Volumetric Microfabrication with Structured Light, He Cheng
Data Dimensionality Reduction Techniques: What Works with Machine Learning Models, Yuting Chen
Testing a Dynamic Model of Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB): How Changes in Job Stressors and Affective Experience Influence CWB Trajectory, Katherine Ciarlante
Discovery of Antiplasmodial Compounds From Fungi, Jennifer Collins
From Field to Failure: Detecting and Understanding Reliability Defects in Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics, Dylan Colvin
Sexual Aggression Risk and Sexual Assault Scripts in Men: A Vignette Study, Matthew Cook
Development of a Computational Application to Aid with Chemometric and Forensic Analysis of Fire Debris Samples, Michelle Corbally
Application of Biologically Activate Carbon for Treatment of Sulfide-laden Groundwater, Jessica Cormier
The Proof of Concept of The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer: Hurricane Wind Speed and Rain Rate Retrievals, Jonathan Coto
Chaperonin Containing TCP-1 is a novel biomarker for cancer detection, Amanda Cox
Third Order Nonlinear Optics in Solids, Nicholas Cox
Quantum Graph Parameters, Parisa Darbari Kozekanan
Role of biological clocks in ant behavioral plasticity and parasitic manipulation of ant behavior, Biplabendu Das
Nurse Managers' Patient Safety Communication, Christine Deatrick
Discrimination, Terrorist Violence and Secularist Policies: Challenges for the Integration of Muslims in Western Europe, Davide Dell'isola
Observation of Anisotropic Properties in Topological Quantum Materials, Gyanendra Dhakal
Methods and Characterization of Topological and Disordered-induced Protection of Coherence in Quantum Systems, Sayandip Dhara
Processing-Microstructure-Property Correlation for 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Nathalia Diaz Vallejo
3D Microelectrode Arrays (MEAs) For The Study And Interrogation Of Electrogenic Cells In Fabricated Microenvironments, Charles Didier
Mistreatment Anticipation and Mistreatment Anxiety, Michael DiStaso
Characterizing the Particle Size Distribution in Saturn's Rings Using Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultation Data, Stephanie Eckert
Socially Constructed Ways of Being and Interacting in a First-grade Mathematics Classroom, Daniel Edelen
Exploration of the Oral Microbiome in Non-Ventilated Hospitalized Patients, Kimberly Emery
Analytical Study of Deep Learning Methods for Road Condition Assessment, Elham Eslami
Designing Physical and Chemical Confinement in Lithium Sulfur Battery Cathode for Suppression of Shuttle Effect, Saisaban Fahad
Reticular Design and Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks with Targeted Emergent Properties, David Fairchild
The Impact of Social Capital on U.S. Based Destination Marketing Organizations and Interorganizational Relationships, Jeremy Fairley
Characterization of Hot Electrons Generated in Plasmonic Nanostructured Sensors, Corbin Feit
Predicting The Likelihood of Verbal Coercion Across Race and Ethnicity Through Routine Activity Theory, Ketty Fernandez
Automation, Take the Wheel: An Examination of Factors Influencing Trust in Automated Driver Assist Technologies, James Ferraro
A Qualitative Inquiry into Scholarly Publishing between Librarians and Subject Faculty, Michael Furlong
Synchronous Raman Microspectroscopy and Laser Beam Induced Current Measurements as a Metrology Tool for Solar Cells and Optoelectronic Devices, Jeya Prakash Ganesan
A Simulation Study to Compare the Sensitivity of Goodness of Fit Indices in Testing Measurement Invariance, Xueying Gao
Integrated Electro-Optic, Microwave, and Nonlinear Photonic Devices on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate, Milad Gholipour Vazimali
No More Pencils, No More Books: A One-to-One Digital Device Implementation and Its Effect on the Digital Divide, Theresa Gindlesperger
Lithium-ion Battery Prognosis with Variational Hybrid Physics-informed Neural Networks, Renato Giorgiani do Nascimento
Virtual vs Face-to-face Business Events: The Effects of Event Type on Attendees' Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions, Maksim Godovykh
Effects of Post-Exercise Recovery Drink Composition on Subsequent Performance in Masters Class Athletes, Erica Goldstein
An Experimental Investigation of Creativity in Relation to Extracurricular Activity and GPA in Undergraduate Engineering Students, Maria Gonzalez
Molecular Adaptations for Intestinal Colonization in Vibrio cholerae, Trudy-Ann Grant
The Cultural Significance of Racial Socialization and "The Talk" Within the Black Family, Deborah Griffith
Uncooled Microbolometer Imaging Systems for Machine Vision, Robert Grimming
Generative Modeling of Human Behavior: Social Interaction and Networked Coordination in Shared Facilities, Saumya Gupta
Social Complexity and Water Management Strategies at Holtun, Guatemala, Melvin Rodrigo Guzman Piedrasanta
Hydrogen and Peer-to-Peer Energy Exchanges for Deep Decarbonization of Power Systems, Hamed Haggi
Tuning the Fluid Wetting Dynamics on Gold Microstructures and Conductivity of Polyaniline Using Photoactive Compounds, Ali Haghighat Mesbahi
The Lived Experiences of Faculty in the COVID-19 Pandemic Shift in Instruction, Alison Hammack
Two Essays on Investor Disagreement and Asset Prices, Sulei Han
Change Point Detection for Streaming Data Using Support Vector Methods, Charles Harrison
Impacts of COVID-19 on Health Promotion Within Higher Education: Exploring Organizational Resilience, Maureen Hawkins
Cultivating Culturally Responsive, Equity-centered, and Trauma-informed Attitudes among Educators, Jasmine Haynes
Financial Sustainability of Florida Cities: Comparative, Retrospective Modeling for Prospective Municipal Financial Health, Terry Henley
Bayesian Spatiotemporal Modeling with Gaussian Processes, Qing He
Note to Survivors: An Analysis of Suicide Discourse on Suicide Noted and the Figured World of Suicide, Breahannah Hilaire
Student Experiences With University Accessibility Services: A Quantitative Inquiry, Charles Hilston
Atmospheric Retrieval: Bayesian Methods, Machine Learning, and Application to Exoplanets, Michael Himes
Examining Diet, Mobility, and Social Dynamics in Southern Medieval France Using a Multi-Isotopic and GIS Approach, Jane Holmstrom
The Impacts of a Food Pantry on College Students, Courtney Howell
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Strategic Displacement on Territorial Control in Conventional Civil War, Jennifer Hudson
Complex DNA Mixture Deconvolution by Single Cell Genomics: Direct Physical Cell Subsampling and High Sensitivity DNA Typing, Kaitlin Huffman
Reexamining Cytolethal Distending Toxin's Host Cell Entry and Trafficking: The First Steps Down a Long Road, George Huhn
Machine Learning in Fiber Optics, Xiaowen Hu
Progress in Chaos: Cash Transfers and Women Economic Empowerment amidst Climate Change and Violent Conflicts in West Africa, Jennifer Obado Joel