... - a book derived from a website - Why and how?

Submission Type


Start Date/Time (EDT)

20-7-2024 10:30 AM

End Date/Time (EDT)

20-7-2024 11:30 AM


Hypertexts & Fictions


.... - a book derived from a website - Why and how?

A lot changed since we started to make interactive websites. From text based the majority of them became image based. The speed with which data are transferred is incomparable. The cellphones used today are no longer click-based and the social interaction formerly between individuals in front of their computers in a domestic environment became organised through corporate platforms as a 24 hour a day obligation to being "on" everywhere.

The Internet as we knew it is gone, and "old" websites now can no longer be experienced as in the time when they were made.

When presented with a request of presenting such an "old" website in an exhibition in 2023, what to do?

The website concerned has always been a linguistic universe, in which different voices, languages, poems, codes and variables mingle into a labyrinthine whole. Thus it appeared logical and a challenge to try to capture/translate the essence of the concerned website into a book; into a collection of poetry.

The book has been made (150 copies) and is presented in an exhibition on digital art and available via book-stores. It contains 44 Poems, Fore Words by an e-lit scholar and Ad Verbs by me. It has 160 pages is printed in offset, black and white, A5 format, bound, hardcover with one spot color.

In this talk I would like to clarify the decisions in and the process of the making of the book.

PS: I also propose a performance called Reading a website?for the online ELO conference. I hope to have the possibility to experiment a re-turn of the book to the digital environment in a zoom performance.


Annie Abrahams questions the possibilities and limits of communication in general and, more specifically, investigates its modes under networked conditions. Abrahams is known worldwide for her netart (Being Human – online low tech mood mutators / not immersive.1996 – 2007), collective writing experiments and is an internationally regarded pioneer of networked performance art. In her carefully scripted art, she tends to reveal ordinary human behavior and develops what she calls an aesthetics of trust and attention. https://bram.org

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Jul 20th, 10:30 AM Jul 20th, 11:30 AM

... - a book derived from a website - Why and how?

Hypertexts & Fictions

.... - a book derived from a website - Why and how?

A lot changed since we started to make interactive websites. From text based the majority of them became image based. The speed with which data are transferred is incomparable. The cellphones used today are no longer click-based and the social interaction formerly between individuals in front of their computers in a domestic environment became organised through corporate platforms as a 24 hour a day obligation to being "on" everywhere.

The Internet as we knew it is gone, and "old" websites now can no longer be experienced as in the time when they were made.

When presented with a request of presenting such an "old" website in an exhibition in 2023, what to do?

The website concerned has always been a linguistic universe, in which different voices, languages, poems, codes and variables mingle into a labyrinthine whole. Thus it appeared logical and a challenge to try to capture/translate the essence of the concerned website into a book; into a collection of poetry.

The book has been made (150 copies) and is presented in an exhibition on digital art and available via book-stores. It contains 44 Poems, Fore Words by an e-lit scholar and Ad Verbs by me. It has 160 pages is printed in offset, black and white, A5 format, bound, hardcover with one spot color.

In this talk I would like to clarify the decisions in and the process of the making of the book.

PS: I also propose a performance called Reading a website?for the online ELO conference. I hope to have the possibility to experiment a re-turn of the book to the digital environment in a zoom performance.