The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.

If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.


Theses/Dissertations from 1993

Algebraic modeling of turbulent boundary layer profiles, Robert D. Dobbs

Personal, educational, and career success demographics of instructional technology graduates : a survey of instructional technology gradutes from selected graduate programs across the United States, Cheryl Marie Donahey

A dynamic probabilistic approach to multisensor fusion, Robert E. Douglas

An analysis of selected black male achievers and non-achievers of the 1992 graduating class of Jones High School Orlando, Florida, Thelma V. Jackson Dudley


Measuring and Compensating for Transport Delay in Real-time Interactive Driving Simulation, Joseph D. Dumas II

Development of a stream pollutant mixing model with calibration and verification and its application to the econlockhatchee river basin, Ronald Dean Eaglin

Study of storm drainage in the cranes roost basin using modelcad tm/lo/modflow to simulate storm events, Jeffrey Jay Earhart

The relationship between job satisfaction and practitioner roles among members of the Florida public relations association, Elizabeth Rice Faullin

Band acquisitions and contagion effects: an empirical analysis, Frank R. Flanegin

Detecting nonconformances in a constraint-based reasoning system knowledge base, Linda Marie Flannery

The micromachining of electrostatic side-drive micromotors, Anthony George Frangoul

Characterization and fabrication of surface acoustic wave three phase unidirectional transducers, Michael Edward Garrity

Differences between males and females regarding touch frequency and comfort levels, Carol Anne Gatewood

Real time control over a network type data link, John D. Gerthe

High performance soft x-ray photocathodes for precision electron imaging, Steven E. Grantham

Conical foil x-ray telescope performance predictions for space astronomy applications, William J. Gressler

The sea-roads, Kelle Dawn Groom

Congressional oversight of the Central Intelligence Agency and executive prerogative : Laos, a case study with a look toward redefining national security, Kristina Marie Gulick

Boundary layer flow and heat transfer in a viscous fluid at a stretching surface, Andreas C. Hadjinicolaou

Deposition of laser coatings using reactive low voltage ion plating, Xiaofeng Han

Stormwater reuse design curves for southwest Florida water management district, Thomas J. Harrison

Children, Webb Harris

Training in managing and valuing diversity, Judith Toth Hopkins

Scheduling in a distributed application to support environmental servers for DIS (distributed interactive simulation) exercises, William Howard Horan


Path to chaos : excess, absence and anarchy in Tennyson's Idylls of the King, Peggie A. Howerton

Study on scanning delivery system for holmium-yag laser thermokera toplasty, Cheng Hoa Huang

Application of a genetic algorithm to the optimization of a missile autopilot controller for performance criteria with non-analytic solutions, Richard A. Hull

Isolation and partial purification of allergenic components of the pollens paspalum notatum and melaleuca leucadendron, Susan Lee Hunter

The creation and growth of Hardee County, Florida/, Anthony Joseph Iacono

The effects of preparatory information on enhancing performance under stress, Carolyn M. Inzana

Examining chronic pain syndrome : an exploration of cognitive-behavioral pain management and a review of outcome efficacy studies, Alison Campbell Issen

A study of the relationship between teacher hardiness and job satisfaction at selected elementary schools, Barbara A. Jarvis

Calibration of the upper tomoka river using the qual2e stream water quality model, Joel Jordan

Implications of floor flexibility in seismic design of reinforced concrete structures, Bahram Joulaee Koochekssaraee

Human performance of overhead work using an ergonomic support stand : design and experimental analysis, David B. Kaber

Policy implications for school districts relating to the americans with disabilities act, Mary Ann Kaesberg

Boredom proneness as a predictor of vigilance performance, Steven J. Kass


Phosphorus accumulation in bottom sediments of retention/detention ponds, Kriss Young Kaye

Rapid coarse acquisition techniques for direct sequence spread spectrum communications, Glen Girard Koller

an intelligent concurrent engineering environment, Ganesh Krishnaswamy

The relationship between job tasks and practitioner roles among members of the Florida public relations association, Sheila Kumar

The effects of Japanese accented english, standard british accented english and general american speech on ratings of source, delivery and message, Doe Kurzan

Modeling mass transfer in nanofiltration membrane systems, Debra Corinne Laisure

Design and development of a concurrent engineering information database for use in the electronics industry, Anthony James LaManna

Hotel management education : an evaluation of the benefit of operating captive training facilities, Stephen Michael LeBruto

Variation in central Florida forested wetland bird communities pressured by development, David L. Leonard, Jr.

The impact of church attendance and labor force participation on the pregnancy duration of women who abort, Kamala L. Lewis

Ranking software quality factors using multi-criteria decision making techniques, Embelle Litumbe

Physically-based modeling and distributed computation for simulation of dynamic terrain in virtual environments, Xin Li

College students' behavior, attitude and knowledge on aids-related issues, Angela M. Londono

Comparison of live goals of irish and U.S. univerity students : a cross-cultural study, Joan C. Manning

A revised system for the computer automated bridge inspection office reporting process, William R. Maples

Relationship Between the Proficiency of Oral and Written English of Four Non-native College Bound Students, Tamas GK Marius

Kinetic modeling of the H2 O2 enhanced incineration of heptane and chlorobenzene, Alvaro Ignacio Martinez

An evaluation of redesigning organizational systems of defense and aerospace industries to be more competitive in the information age, Sharlene Wendel Martin

Consolidation, Victor C. Mason

A sound generation modification for the driver training simulator, Cathy Christensen Matthews

The use of convexity in bond portfolio management, Timothy R. Mayes

International cost-of-capital differences and determinants: a stochastic frontier approach to optimization, Kenneth G. McClure

Tocqueville revisited : the liberal/communitarian debate as a contemporary argument of democracy in america, James D. McGinnis

The development of a real time object-oriented lexicon for the specification of performance engineering requirements in real-time systems, Bruce R. McQueary

Small signal analysis of the lcc-type parallel resonant converter, Christodoulos Megalemos

Fast electro-Optic switching system for use in an ultra-fast high intensity laser, Edward J. Miesak

Peer mediation in orange county middle schools : transferring conflict management skills learned in school to home, Julia E. Miller

Coercive sexual strategy acceptance by greek and independent male college students, Kimberly Ann Miller

A meta-analysis of progressive relaxation, Laura Ann Miller

Coral Gables Federal's Colonial Plaza Office: A Case in Relocation, Erick J. Miranda

Faculties' attitudes toward and access to computerized instruction in developing advanced problem solving skills in undergraduate degree nursing programs, Laura M. Moore

Parent-child interaction and child's self-concept, Michelle L. Morgan

Heterogenous catalysis of dichlorodifluoromethane oxidation, Michael Charles Murray

The feasibility of computerized temporal visual acuity tests as predictors of a simulated flight task, Margaret D. Nolan

Variable area rocket nozzle study, William U. Notardonato

Design and fabrication of channel waveguides in a 4-dimethylamino-4'-nitrostilbene side chain polymer, Akira Otomo

The application of conventional verification and validation techniques to rule-based expert system development, Billy Carl Owen

The prevalence and self-perception of overweight among central Florida adults in hospital-based senior membership programs, Steven David Paquet

The United States support of the United Nations development initiatives, Manfredi Lynn Paredes

Preparing for organization-wide diversity initiatives : an assessment of selected communication strategies, Elizabeth Ann Perrell

Bicmos delay analysis including high injection and base push-out effects, Hoanh D. Pham


Design and construction of maintainable knowledge bases through effective use of entity-relationship modeling techniques, William Yancey Pike

Ada distributed simulation system, Scott C. Plumlee

Study of the perceived degree of implementation of a strategic planning model and teacher satisfaction, Cathy L. Pope

Externalizing the self : clothing in mosquitoes, sanctuary, the wild palms, and light in August, Terri Pyle

The application of vinylogous iminium salts and related synthons to the preparation of monosubstituted triazolopyrimidines, Zhenrong Qian

A robust extension of the newton-raphson method with strong global convergence properties, Haihong Qiu

Influential factors in recruitment of students to respiratory care programs as differentiated by age, ethnicity, gender, and type of program, Sandy G. Ricket

A tri-dimensional description of collaboration : effecting change for school improvement, Kathleen M. Roberts

An analysis of state school reform legislation and related litigation, Robin R. Roberts

Variation of photovoltaic parameters of crystalline and polycrystalline solar cells in lunar environment, James V. Santiago

The effect of stress inoculation training on anxiety and performance, Teresa L. Saunders

Analysis of a broadband microstrip dipole, Marybeth Selby

Methodology development for the estimation of total municipal solid waste landfill gas emissions, Debra R. H. Seligman

Design and implementations of a two axis micropositioning controller, Mark William Sellers

An integrated product development process methodology : a systematic approach to new product development with an application to industrialized housing, Thomas Allan Shipley

A comprehensive study of the back progragation algorithm and modifications/, Ali Sidani

Finite element simulation of debris cloud dispersion from space shield, Sanjay Sinha

The development, characterization, and utilization of a novel system combining calorimetry, chromatography and pressure measurement for the evaluation of metal hydrides as hydrogen storage compounds, James R. Slattery

A study to determine if there is a decline in infant mortality due to bacterial meningitis and sepsis, Ingrid S. Smith

Preparation and functionalization of regioselectively substituted pyrroles/, Lana L. Smith

Revelation, Erik Stenbakken


Acoustic emission spectra of steel and fiber reinforced concrete beam specimens as induced by static loading, Christian C. Steputat