The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Granular Activated Carbon Pilot Plant for the Removal of Color, Toc, and THMFP, Jeffrey L. Herr
Effects on Iron and Cobalt on Methane Production from Dairy Cattle Manure, Mark E. Himes
The Technical and Economic Feasibility of Producing Methane from Biomass Using a Leaching-Bed/Packed-Bed Conversion Process, Steven W. Hinton
Diode Terminators for Reducing Line Mismatch and Crosstalk Transients on Pulsed Lines, Kieway Hwang
The Use of Computer Vision to Close the Control Loop of a Robot Arm, Randall S. Janka
The United States and the Restoration of Costa Rican Democracy, Richard J. Junkins
Locus of Control in Voluntary and Involuntary Psychiatric Patients, Christopher B. Karegeannes
An Analytical Model for Evaluating Database Update Schemes, Kathryn C. Kinsley
The Use of Companding in Conferencing Voice Communications Systems, Jon P. Klages
VLSI Multiple Microcomputer Technology Applied to Real-Time Simulators, David M. Kotick
Application of Ground Penetrating Radar to the Detection of Subsurface Cavities, Gary L. Kuhns
Past Life Therapy as a Form of Clinical Therapy, Gary A. Laba
Recent Life Stress Events and Adolescent Pregnancy, Mahalla Lenzi
The Performance of the 8089 Integrated I/O Processor in iAPX 86 Microcomputer Systems, Jeffrey A. Lohman
The Influence of Induced Self-Awareness on Sex-Typed Behavior, Kevin J. Lopyan
Dynamic Analysis of Plane Frames, Zohreh Malekamdani
An Extension to the Best Numerical Integration Formula Development, Jorge Medina
Behavioral Variables in the Treatment of Obesity, Karen M. Milo
Synthesis of Potential Agrochemicals and Reactions of Vinamidinium and Azavinamidinium Salts with Organometallic/Borane Reagents and Activated Nitrales, Charles N. Moorefield
Low Cost Neutron Detector, Sebastian K. Namukolo
Laminar Film Condensation Heat Transfer of Water Vapor-Air Mixture on a Vertical Flat Plate and Cylindrical Surface, Chick-Hong Ng
Design Methodology of Very Large Scale Integration, Ankush D. Oberai
Convective Heat Transfer from a Cylinder Rotating in Air, O. Kemal Pasamehmetoglu
Interactive Computer Aided Design and Animation of Spatial Mechanisms, Emmet B. Peter
Mathematical Model for Estimating Transient Pressure Surges in Cryogenic Liquid-Vapor Systems, Philippe Pfister
The Relationship Between Absenteeism and Job Involvement, Work Orientation, Job Characteristics, and Satisfaction with Work, Greg H. Richardson
Three-Phase Unidirectional Surface Acoustic Wave Transducer Model and Computer Aided Design Implementation, Samuel M. Richie
The Development of a Computer Aided Design Program for Constant Group Delay Monolithic Crystal Filters, Michael A. Robitaille
The Effect of a Small-Stepped Computer-Based Program on the Graphic Output of Chronically Asphasic Adults, Cynthia Rubin
Solvents for Use in the Extractive Distillation of Piperylene Concentrate, Abdulhadi Sagga
Models for Economic Evaluation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Daniel P. Salomon
Simulation of Naval Student Flow Using Pipeline Management Model, Mary L. Sankey
An Evaluation of the 8051 Microcontroller, George C. Schafner
Understanding the Accident Process: Crisis Intervention for the Industrially Injured, Karen W. Sharpe
Visual and Part-Task Manipulations for Teaching Simulated Carrier Landings, Daniel J. Sheppard
Feasibility of Graywater Systems for the Florida Environment, Joseph L. Tessitore
The Adult Client's Conception of Confidentiality in the Therapeutic Relationship, Philip O. Toal
The Simulation and Water Quality Characterization of a Coal Slurry Involving Eastern Coal, Michael R. Todd
Need for Clarity, the Determinants of Role Clarity, and Their Effect Upon Performance and Perceived Role Clarity, Gregory W. Tripp
An Analysis of Modal Noise in Multi-Mode Optical Fibers, Arthur R. Weeks
Design of a Single User Deconcentrator for a Conferenced Voice Communication Circuit Switching System, Ming-Yung Wen
Food Supplementation of Small Rodents in the Sand Pine Scrub, Brenda L. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Separation of Piperylene Concentrate via Metathesis Catalysis, Donald R. Allred
Simulation of a Solar-Driven Thermoelectric Generator, Iraj Andampour
Evaluation of Swale Design, David E. Anderson
Microsoftware for Facility Layout, James D. Anderson
Simulation of Traffic at a T-Intersection Using Slam, Karen M. Anderson
Development of a 64 to 1 Monolithic Analog Multiplexer, Vincent H. Angleton
The prediction of police officer performance utilizing the MMPI, Janet Blunt
Examination of the Feasibility of an Earth Coolant Tube to Provide Residential Space Cooling, W. Jerry Bowman
Micro-Scale Hydropower for the Eighties, E. Beatriz Caicedo-Maddison
Applied Steady-State and Transient Modeling of Mixing Zone Requirements in Streams, Alvin Castro
Microprocessor-Based Closed-Loop Control, Man T. Chan
The Perceptions of Female Middle-Level Managers Concerning Their Pay and the Pay of Their Superiors, Their Subordinates and Their Co-Workers, Karen S. Childs
Hospital Short Term Planning Through Patient Census Forecast, Wenhao Chiu
A Study of the Construct Differential Validity of a Performance Appraisal System, Hughette I. Crumpler
A Subset Selection Rule for Three Normal Populations, Bert Culpepper
Study of Virtual Memory, Shridhar S. Dixit
A Computer Method to Evaluate the Vibration Response of Stiffened Floor Systems to Impact Load, Michael E. Donahue
The Effects of TOC on Settling Velocity and Floc Formation Using Alum and Lime as Coagulants, Michael T. Dunn
Determining Solar Water Heating System Performance by Simulation, Muhammad Erami
A Survey of the Membership of the Florida Public Relations Association on the Question of Licensing Public Relations Practitioners, Jean G. Floyd
A Real Time Microprocessor Based Digital Lead-Lag Compensation, Vicente C. Garcia
IMERS: An Interactive Medical Records System, Mary A. Garner
Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop Across Thick Restrictions of Annular Geometries, Saeed Ghandeharioun
A Comparison of Clinical and Mechanical Combination of Assessment Center Data, Patrick J. Gilbert
Depth of Self-Disclosure as a Function of Assured Confidentiality and Video Recording, Sanford L. Graves
A Dynamic Analysis of an Explosion Driven Hydrodynamic Conical Distributed Breach Shock Tube, Lee E. Griesemer
A Neoclassical Analysis of Investment and Energy Prices, Luis M. Guibert
A Factor Analytic Comparison of the Work Values of Divergent Groups, Janette A. Hankins
An Analysis of Basic Investment Strategies: Buy-And-Hold and Market Timing, David L. Hansen
Effects of Programming on Mathematics Achievement, Mary O. Harrison
An Analysis of Weight Reducing Diets Published in Women's Magazines 1961-1980, Kathleen A. Hathaway
The Effects of Attorney Gender on Male and Female Juror Judgments, Shari V.N. Hodgson
Development of a Graphics Display Controller, David R. Hudnall
Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Job Tenure and Their Relationship to Absenteeism, Rita G. Huff
A Calorimeter for Solar Collector Testing Facilities, James C. Huggins
On-Site Excreta Treatment and Disposal in West Africa, Godfrey E. Igbokwe
The Effects of Threat to One's Belief on Stimulus of Belief Supporting Arguments, Peter A. Jeye
Theoretical Modeling for Detectivity and Resolution Comparison of Single Aperture and Multiple Aperture Optical Imaging Systems, Steven C. Kellogg
Personal Computer Simulation Program for Step Motor Drive Systems, William M. Koos
Synthesis of Potential Insecticides and New Synthetic Applications of Vinamidinium and Azavinamidinium Salts: Reactions with Reducing Agents and Nitro Compounds, Michael J. Lizzi
Optimizing Growth Options for the Wewahootee Pump and Transport System, Joseph O. Lung
The Effects of Two Levels of Fear Appeal on Attitude when Consequences are Aimed at the Listener or His Family, Irma Matrai
Synthesis and Evaluation of Polymeric Ether Glycol Derivatives for Use as Transducer Fluids, Cynthia K. McCurry
Comparability of Blind and Sighted Subject Test Scores as Affected by Mode of Test Presentation, Gary A. Meiseles
An Expandable Architecture for a Conferencing Digital Communications Switch, Timothy A. Mitchell
The Development of a Reentry Program for Women in Engineering at the University of Central Florida, Lucy C. Morse
The Effects of Technocratic Orientation on Response to Emotive Language, Star A. Muir
Computer Aided Filter Design Using Intel SPAS20 Software, Robert L. Olive
An Improved Flight Simulator Graphics System Using Microcomputer Technology, Wayne D. Parsons
Optimal versus Suboptimal Decision-Making Models: Determination of Aviator Task Proficiency, Melgarejo Betty Pereya
Differences Associated with Mating Type Alleles in Myxomycetes, Robert M. Queen
Relationship Between Creativity, Intelligence, and Sex Role Attitudes in College Students, Deborah D. Roman
Establishing the Content Validity of an Assessment Center: An Empirical Approach, Joseph T. Sefcik
Blacks Examine their Television Images, Bonita W. Sherman
A Comparative Study of In-Core and Out-of-Core Equation Solvers for Microcomputer Applications, Salahuddin A. Siddiqui
Computer Driven Training Simulator of Wastewater Treatment Operations, G. Robert Silkenson