The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Sex Roles, Confidants, and Adolescent Sexual Experience, Sabrina F. Coronado
Digital Signal Processing Capabilities of the Fujitsu MB8764, Harold B. Creech
An Automated System for University Placement Center Interview Scheduling and Database Management, John C. Debo
Radar: Theory and Insight, Terry A. Dougherty
An Evaluation of Wheelchair Restraint Systems Used in the Transportation of Disabled Persons, Robin L. Drespel
Use of the Ada Language System in Configuration Control of Fortran-Based Software, Daniel L. Dyke
IPCL1- An Interactive Process Control Language, Richard A. Erlandson
Simulation of High Resolution Range and Separation Profiles Using a Stepped Frequency Radar Pulse, Howard. Fain
Modal Split Alternative to UCF Using the Urban Transportation Planning Process, Waddah S. Farah
A High Level Programming Language and Compiler for the Heathkit ET-18 Hero Robot, Daniel. Fischoff
Experimental Software Package for Linear Programming, Deborah S. Fogal
Experimental Investigation of Campbell Pacific Nuclear Corporation MC-1 Density-Moisture Nuclear Gauge on Sand, Clay, Asphaltic Concrete and Concrete, Carl H. Francois
Application Software of the Future-Filter Design with Gem, Alan D. George
Effects of Aerobic Fitness Training on Psychological Functioning, Dolores R. Gerscovich
Fiber Optic Fluid Level Sensor, Navid Ghandeharioun
Interfacing a Quadriplegic to a Computer Using the Electro-Ocumeter, Paul J. Godfrey
The Effect of Managerial Experience on Assessment Center Evaluations: An Application in Law Enforcement, Lonnie E. Griesemer
The Effect of Experimenter's Warmth/ Coldness on Intrinsic Motivation, Phillip N. Guikema
The Determination of Biological Activity and Biochemical Mode of Action for the Oxadiazole and Diacylhdrazine Insecticides, Bonnie M. Gunn
Protein Concentration Elevations in Mouse Lungs Following Sudden Transient Cephalad (+Gz) Acceleration, Charles J. Gutierrez
Data Compilation and Statistical Analysis of Bachelor of Science in Engineering Graduates at the University of Central Florida, June A. Hagerty
Fast-Flyback Mirror Scanner, Raymond E. Hanna
A Comparison of Analog and Direct Digital Control (DDC) of a Physical Process, Clifton R. Hargrove
Fate of heavy metals from highway runoff in stormwater management systems, Harvey H. Harper
An Investigation of the Attitudes of Principals and Superintendents in Florida Toward Merit Pay, Albert W. Helms
Rabies, Heidar G. Heshmati
A policy analysis of the legal aspects of teaching the handicapped child in physical education, Ronald K. Hirst
A Projectile Subsystem in a Flight Simulation System, Robert F. Hodson
The Impact of Western Technology on the Soviet Economy: A Study of the Soviet Chemical and Petroleum Industries, Michael A. Holden
Stability of Steel Structures, Abbas K. Hosseini
Multiplan Models for Construction, Edson. Jackson
An Algorithm for Computing Fast, Accurate, Z-Plane Root Locus Plots, David R. Jahn
Interviewer Trustworthiness and Intended Self-Disclosure as a Function of Verbal and Nonverbal Assurances of Confidentiality, Randall G. Jordan
Attenuation of Infrared Radiation by Diesel Fuel Generated Particle and Droplet Aerosols, Soodabeh Karimi
A Survey of Microcomputers in Training Devices, Kenneth P. Kelly
Breeding Biology of the Great Crested Flycatcher, myiarchus crinitus, (linnaeus) in Central Florida, Mark A. Kershner
Level Curve Concept for Facility Planning Using the Apple II Graphics Tablet, Craig E. Kirkland
Internal Precision and the Common Sample Rate, James C. Kirkwood
Life History Tactics of the Sailfin Molly (Poecilia Latipinna) in Contrasting Environments, Helen L. Large
Structural Comparisons of Sand Pine Scrubs of East-Central Florida, Pamela J. Latham
Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors for a Large Electric Power Generator, Daniel A. Lester
Phase Statistics For a Lightwave Traveling Through Turbulent Media, Donald J. Link
A Logic Simulator Interface, John D. Lofgren
The Effects of Three Levels of Rhetorical Questions on Information Processing and Attitude Change, David N. Macqueen
A Computer Graphics Head-Up Display for Air-To-Air and Air-To-Ground Flight Simulation, Daryl R. Mair
A Comparative Study on Presently and Previously Obese Individuals in Food Diary Records, and Lifestyle Data by Subjects Attending a Weight Control Program, Ileana M. Mancusi
The Effect of Recycle Control on Activated Sludge Clarification Efficiency, Joseph A. Margio
An Investigation of Effectiveness of Three Methods of Presentation of Celebrity Endorsers on Product Recall and Product Image in Print Advertising, Christina. Mayers-Drumm
The Quantity of Stormwater Entering the Drainage Wells of Orlando, Florida, James M. McBee
Synergistic Effects in Bimetallic Hydrogenation Catalysts, Kathleen L. McIntyre
Situational and Sex Role Determinants of Male Reactions to Female Assertion, Linda. Mesing
Reproductive Biology of Thamnophis sauritus sackenii (Kennicott) (Reptilia:Serpentes:Colubridae) From East-central Florida, Steven. Myers
Computer Modeling and Design of State Space Feedback Control System for a Process Veneer Dryer, Allen D. Nease
The Effects of Magnetic Flux on Suspended Particles in Seawater, Mohammed A. Nehme
Survey of Fiber Optic Connectors and Cables, John B. Ostlund
Using N.2 to Model a Microprocessor System, Benjamin J. Patz
The Effects of Criterion Contamination and Deficiency on Predictor Validity and Validity Generalization, Cheryl L. Pavlick
Dietary, Cognitive, and Behavioral Variables as Predictors of Weight Loss Maintenance, Lorisa. Pearce-Lewis
Evaluation of a Binary Spatial Light Modulator Correlator Using Time-Domain Polarity Coincidence Correlation Theory, Thomas J. Posluszny
A History of the Lutherans in the Orlando Area, 1868-1948, James D. Prahlow
Abstinence Versus Controlled Drinking: A Critical Review, Suresh. Pushkarna
The Content of Children's Toy and Food Commercials: Another Look., Dennis G. Ray
The Application of Value Analysis Techniques to Service Organizations, David M. Richardson
Self Concept and Locus of Control as Moderating Influences of Negative Life Events, Frances W. Rogers
Sex Differences in Dietary Practices and Attitudes Toward Weight, Mary F. Rollins
The Effects of Present Performance, Past Work History and Recipient Emotionality on the Feedback Process, Gerald A. Schoenfeld
A Computer Program to Design Reinforcement for Concrete Beams Subjected to Torsion, James E. Schwarz
A Comparison of Modeling and Instructions on Nonverbal Empathy Behavior in a Simulated Counseling Interview, Robin D. Seipp
Criminal Justice and the Mental Health Expert: A Critical Examination, Elliot. Shamis
UHF Frequency Synthesizer, Christopher W. Shenefelt
The Orlando Utilities Commission's Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center- A Case Study of Community Power Structure, Girvan G. Shirley
A High Level Programming Language and Graphics Simulator for the Heathkit ET-18 Hero Robot, Kenneth J. Sizemore
Subordinate Locus of Control, Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction, Stephanie A. Smith
Proposals for Energy Conservation Measures for a Specific Small Business, Scott W. Snapp
Optimum Input Impedance for an Electro-Oculometer, Robert A. Solomon
Isolation and Characterization of the Crossreactive Antigenic and Allergenic Components in Callistemon Citrinis and Melaleuca Quinquenervia Pollen by Immunochemical Methods, Brett E. Stanaland
Survey of Texture and Shading Techniques for Visual Flight Simulation, Walter R. Steiner
DIPSTK-a Process Control Language, Charles C. Strange
The Assessment of Adjustment Scores Between Married Persons With and Without Children, Donna N. Strickland
The Radio Commercial: The Effects of Varied Background Music on Attitude, Listener Recall and Intent to Purchase the Product, Ann E. Stump
A Tool for Developing Diagnostics for a Digital Switching System, David G. Tagge
Sampling Rate Conversion as Applied to Speech, Terry E. Tanzey
Groupthink Analysis of the Mayaguez Incident, Lloyd D. Tellefsen
The Effect of Differing Goal Strategies on Subjective and Physiological Indices of Workload Across Time, Kevin C. Uliano
Display Format Development Station, Paul A. Valentine
The Preparation and Use of Polymeric Metal Complexes as Fuel Oil Combustion Catalysts, Sebastian Vasquez
An Approach to Noise Estimation and Elimination in Communication Systems, Jerome J. Viviano
Suitability of the TMS320 Digital Signal Processor in Digital Signal Processing Applications Requiring Multiple-Precision, Randall L. Walker
The Effects of Feedback on Improving Safe Work Behaviors: A Component Analysis, Jeanine L. Williamson
Psychological Responses of Fathers and Mothers to Amniocentesis, Nancy D. Williamson
Speciation of Heavy Metals in Highway Drainage Systems, Lee P. Wiseman
Design of a Gold Code Generator for Use in Code Division Multiple Access Communication System, Mark W. Young
Design Considerations for a Digital Audio Equalizer, Timothy Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
A Gate-Array Realization of an Algorithm for Division, Salman Y. Abbasi
The Design of Standard Cell VLSI Circuits, Randolph L. Abidin
Image Analysis and Segmentation Based on the Circular Pipeline Video Processor, Jon M. Albritton
Graphic Display of Geographic Spatial Data, Jill G. Ashby
Using Simulation to Predict the Financial Effect of Hospital Management Policies Under a Prospective Reimbursement, Timothy G. Atkins
Pilot Study of Applicability of a Generic Microprocessor Assembly Language, Joseph H. Bartlett