FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®, also known as the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSECĀ®), is the state's premier energy research center. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to test and certify solar systems, FSECĀ® is administered by the University of Central Florida. As a result of FSEC's extensive research capabilities increasing throughout the years, Florida Solar Energy Center slowly outgrew its solar name. The Center is rebranding its research as the FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®ā€”at the University of Central Floridaā€”to more accurately reflect its research, capabilities, and university affiliation.

Some records in this collection only include a citation. You can view the entire FSEC Publications Database on their website.


Submissions from 2016

Comparison of the Modes and Mechanisms of Degradation of Experimental C-Si PV Modules with Various Encapsulants, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere


Comparison of the Modes and Mechanisms of Degradation of Experimental C-Si PV Modules with Various Encapsulants, October 2016, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Final Report: Comparison of the Modes and Mechanisms of Degradation of Experimental C-Si PV Modules with Various Encapsulants, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Solar Energy Research Institute India US, January - March 2016, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Solar Energy Research Institute India US (Seriius) Project Quarterly Report April - June 2016, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Solar Energy Research Institute India US (Seriius) Project, Quarterly Report, July-September, 2016, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Solar Energy Research Institute India US (Seriius) Project Quarterly Report, October-December 2015, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere


Cost Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency and On-Site Photovoltaic Power for 2015 IECC Energy Rating Index (ERI) Compliance (Draft), Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Lennar Ventures Power Purchase Agreement Analysis, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Metrics for Energy Efficient Buildings: How Do We Measure Efficiency?, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Relationship Between the Home Energy Score (HES) and the Home Energy Rating System (HERS), Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Battery and Fuel Cell Evs, PV and Your Home, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Fenton

Electric Vehicle Fleet Implications and Analysis, Florida Solar Energy Center and J. Doug Kettles

Business Plan for Sustaining the Solar Plans Design System, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles A. Lytle


Measured Performance of Heat Pump Clothes Dryers, Florida Solar Energy Center and Eric Martin


Florida Rural Small Business Energy Assistance Collaborative Cumulative Report Ending December 31, 2016, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine


Florida Rural Small Business Energy Assistance Collaborative Cumulative Report Ending July 31, 2016, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine


Evaluation of the Impact of Slab Foundation Heat Transfer on Heating and Cooling in Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Evaluation of the Space Heating and Cooling Energy Savings of Smart Thermostats in a Hot-Humid Climate Using Long-Term Data, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Flexible Residential Test Facility: Impact of Infiltration and Ventilation on Measured Cooling Season Energy and Moisture Levels (2016), Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Phased Retrofits in Existing Homes in Florida Phase I: Shallow and Deep Retrofits (February 2016), Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Cost Analysis of Workplace Charging for Electric Vehicles, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad


EV Workplace Charging Energy Use and Cost Case Study, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad


Are Residential Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation Systems Reliable Enough to Mandate Tight Homes?, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne


Evaluation of Mini-Split Heat Pumps as Supplemental and Full System Retrofits in a Hot Humid Climate, Florida Solar Energy Center and Karen Sutherland


Phased Retrofits in Existing Homes in Florida Phase II: Shallow Plus Retrofits [Revised], Florida Solar Energy Center and Karen Sutherland

Commercial Code Review for the 2017 Florida Building Energy Code, Florida Solar Energy Center and Muthusamy V. Swami


Evaluating the Economic Impacts of the Legislatively Delayed Provisions of the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code (Final Report), Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira


Measured Differences of Ground and Space Temperatures for Side-By-Side Slab-On-Grade Residences with and Without Carpet, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira


Effective Floor Cavity and Knee Wall Construction Techniques in Two-Story Homes in Hot Climates, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.


Energy-Efficient Management of Mechanical Ventilation and Relative Humidity in Hot-Humid Climates, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Evaluating the Impacts of an Addison 100% Outside Air Ventilation System with Linear Capacity, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.


Final Report: Cooling Seasonal Energy and Peak Demand Impacts of Improved Duct Insulation on Fixed-Capacity (SEER 13) and Variable-Capacity (SEER 22) Heat Pumps, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.


Measured Space-Conditioning Energy and Humidity in a Mechanically-Ventilated House Lab with Fixed and Variable-Capacity Cooling Systems Located in a Hot and Humid Climate, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Submissions from 2015


Electric Vehicle Sales for 2014 and Future Projections, Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block


Semi-Annual Program Progress Performance Report for the Electric Vehicle Transportation Center PPPR#3, Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block


Semi-Annual Program Progress Performance Report for University Transportation Systems, PPPR#4, October 2015, Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block


Fuel Cells as Electric Vehicle Range Extenders, Florida Solar Energy Center and R. Paul Brooker

Hybrid Microgrid with Energy Storage Recommendation for the Dry Tortugas Garden Key National Park, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon


Cooling and Heating Season Impacts of Right-Sizing of Fixed- and Variable-Capacity Heat Pumps with Attic and Indoor Ductwork, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings


Savings and Peak Reduction Due to Optimally-Timed Charging of Electric Vehicles on the Oahu Power System, Florida Solar Energy Center and Paritosh Das

Improved Testing of PVT Hybrid Technologies, Florida Solar Energy Center and John Del Mar

Solar Energy Research Institute India US (Seriius), Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Solar Energy Research Institute India US (Seriius) Quarterly Report Period: April - June 2015, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Solar Energy Research Institute India US (Seriius) - Second Quarter, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere


Maximum Energy Efficiency Cost Effectiveness in New Home Construction, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Self-Study Review Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) University of Central Florida (UCF), Florida Solar Energy Center and James Fenton


Electric Vehicle Charging Technology Analysis and Standards, Florida Solar Energy Center and J. Doug Kettles


Developing Exhaust Air Energy Recovery Credits for the Florida Energy Code, Florida Solar Energy Center and Bereket Nigusse

Measuring Commercial Fryer Electric and Gas Usage for Associated Gas Distributors of Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Bereket Nigusse


Estimating Daily Domestic Hot-Water Use in North American Homes, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Implications of Electric Vehicles on Gasoline Tax Revenues, Florida Solar Energy Center and Kevin Schleith


Sunsense/Sunsmart Plus-UP Schools Program Final Inspection Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Susan Schleith


Investigation of the Effectiveness and Failure Rates of Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation Systems in Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne


Simulating the Energy Performance of a Foam Roof System, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne

Evaluating the Economic Impacts of the Legislatively Delayed Provisions of the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code: Interim Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira


Investigating Solutions to Wind Washing Issues in Two-Story Florida Homes, Phase 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.


Why Doesn't 25 Years of an Evolving Energy Code Make More of a Difference?, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Submissions from 2014


Achieving Challenge Home in Affordable Housing in the Hot-Humid Climate, Florida Solar Energy Center and David Beal


Electric Vehicle Sales and Future Projections, Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block


Second Semi-Annual Program Progress Performance Report for University Transportation Systems, Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block


Semi-Annual Program Progress Performance Report for University Transportation Systems, Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block


Incentives for Efficient Multifamily Construction Through Utility Allowance Calculations in Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Dave Chasar

Solar Power at the Turkey Lake Service Plaza: A Project Analysis and Best Practices Guide, Florida Solar Energy Center and David Click

Tec Sunsmart Schools Emergency Shelter Plus Up Program, Florida Solar Energy Center and David Click

Technical Assistance for the Electric Load Survey and Battery Energy Storage Recommendation at the Dry Tortugas Garden Key National Park, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon


Making the Case for Oversizing Variable-Capacity Heat Pumps, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings

Comparison of the Modes and Mechanisms of Degradation of Experimental C-Si PV Modules with Various Encapsulants, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Prepare CIGSes Cell Coupon and Test PV Modules at High Voltage, April 2014, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere


Comparative Performance Analysis: HERS Index Score Dependencies Related to Home Geometries and Operating Assumptions, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Cost Effectiveness of 2015 IECC Compliance Using the HERS Index, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Vent Right and Then? Mechanical Ventilation, Dehumidification and Energy Use in Humid Climates, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Scheduling and Cooperative Control of Electric Vehicles' Charging at Highway Service Stations, Florida Solar Energy Center and Azwirman Gusrialdi


Impact of Residential Mechanical Ventilation on Energy Cost and Humidity Control, Florida Solar Energy Center and Eric Martin


Measured Cooling Season Results Relating the Impact of Mechanical Ventilation on Energy, Comfort, and Indoor Air Quality in Humid Climates, Florida Solar Energy Center and Eric Martin


Technical and Business Solutions for Zero Net-Energy Ready and Zero Net-Energy Homes in the Hot Humid Climate, Florida Solar Energy Center and Eric Martin


Investigation of Potential Benefits of Revising Exception 1 Under Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, Section Duct Sealing upon Equipment Replacement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine

Design of a Very High Efficiency Evaporatively Cooled Mini-Split Air Conditioner, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Flexible Residential Test Facility: Impact of Infiltration and Ventilation on Measured Cooling Season Energy and Moisture Levels, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker

Improving Best Air Conditioner Efficiency by 20-30% Through a High Efficiency Fan Diffuser Stage Coupled with an Evaporative Condenser Pre-Cooler, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Measured Results of Phased Shallow and Deep Retrofits in Existing Homes, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Phased Retrofits in Existing Homes in Florida Phase I: Shallow and Deep Retrofits, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


An Analysis of Fuel Cell Vehicle Models by Major Automakers, Florida Solar Energy Center and Nan Qin


Hydrogen Fueling Stations Infrastructure, Florida Solar Energy Center and Nan Qin

A Study of Tallahassee StarMetro Electric Bus Fleet, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ali Raissi


Electric Vehicle Life Cycle Cost Assessment, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad


Initial Testing of a Unitary HVAC System Advanced Control Module, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad


A Review of Home Airtightness and Ventilation Approaches for Florida Building Commission Research, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne


Measured Retrofit Savings from Efficient Lighting and Smart Power Strips, Florida Solar Energy Center and Karen Sutherland

Development of the Compliance Software Tool Assistance Manual for the 2014 Florida Building Energy Code, Florida Solar Energy Center and Muthusamy V. Swami


Assessment of Energy Efficient Methods of Indoor Humidity Control for Florida Building Commission Research, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.


Energy and Peak Power Reduction from Air Misting Products Applied to Commercial Condensing Units in Hot and Humid Climates, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Investigating Solutions to Wind Washing Issues in Two-Story Florida Homes for the FPL Service Territory; Phase 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.


Where Should We Focus Efforts to Improve Building Energy Code Enforcement Rates? Resultsfrom a Research Study in Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Submissions from 2013


Efficient Multifamily Homes in a Hot-Humid Climate by Atlantic Housing Partners, Florida Solar Energy Center and Dave Chasar


Measured Cooling Performance and Potential for Buried Duct Condensation in a 1991 Central Florida Retrofit Home, Florida Solar Energy Center and Dave Chasar

Side-By-Side Testing of High-Efficiency Condensate Natural Gas and Solar Water Heating Supplemented by Natural Gas Annual Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon


Solar Heat Pump Seasonal and Peak Demand Energy Analysis, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings

Science Without Borders Program, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Science Without Borders Program: First Quarter, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere