FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®, also known as the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSECĀ®), is the state's premier energy research center. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to test and certify solar systems, FSECĀ® is administered by the University of Central Florida. As a result of FSEC's extensive research capabilities increasing throughout the years, Florida Solar Energy Center slowly outgrew its solar name. The Center is rebranding its research as the FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®ā€”at the University of Central Floridaā€”to more accurately reflect its research, capabilities, and university affiliation.

Some records in this collection only include a citation. You can view the entire FSEC Publications Database on their website.


Submissions from 2013

Seriius, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

To Execute the Comprehensive Test Plan for Corning; Year 1 Quarter 4 Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Analysis of HERS Index Scores for Recent Versions of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) [Obsolete], Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


HERS Index Scores as an Alternative Compliance Path for the 2015 IECC, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


[Revised] Analysis of HERS Index Scores for Recent Versions of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Lead Research and Development Activity for DOE's High Temperature, Low Relative Humidity Membrane Program (Topic 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and James Fenton

ARRA Integrate EnergyPlus and Champs-Multizone to Perform Simultaneous Energy and IAQ Simulations, Florida Solar Energy Center and Lixing Gu


Applying Best Practices to Florida Local Government Retrofit Programs, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine


Current Best Practices for High Performance, Deep Energy Retrofits in Florida Affordable Housing, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine


Energy Retrofit Field Study and Best Practices in a Hot-Humid Climate, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine


The Next Step Toward Widespread Residential Deep Energy Retrofits, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine

Technical Subtopic 2.1: Modeling Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Equipment in EnergyPlus: Task 9.0 - Parametric Analysis Using the Energyplus VRF AC System Model, Florida Solar Energy Center and Bereket Nigusse


Determining Appropriate Heating and Cooling Thermostat Set Points for Building Energy Simulations for Residential Buildings in North America, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Energy and Economic Optimization to Achieve Near Zero Energy Homes in Europe: Implications of Inclusion of Lighting and Appliances, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Flexible Residential Test Facility: Impact of Infiltration and Ventilation on Measured Heating Season Energy and Moisture Levels, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


A Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump Computer Model in EnergyPlus, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad

Residential Energy Conservation Program Workbook for the Associated Gas Distributors of Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad

[Revised] Updating G-Rim and Participants Test Model for the Associated Gas Distributors of Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad


Technical Subtopic 2.1: Modeling Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Equipment in EnergyPlus, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad

Technical Subtopic 2.1: Modeling Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Equipment in EnergyPlus: Task 8.0 - Compare Field Demonstration Building Energy Use to Computer Simulations, Florida Solar Energy Center and Chandan Sharma


Short-Term Test Results: Transitional Housing Energy Efficiency Retrofit in the Hot-Humid Climate, Florida Solar Energy Center and Karen Sutherland

Towards 30% More Efficient Energy Code, Florida Solar Energy Center and Muthusamy V. Swami


Approaches to 30% Energy Savings at the Community Scale in the Hot-Humid Climate, Florida Solar Energy Center and Stephanie Thomas-Rees

Submissions from 2012


Measured Performance of Occupied, Side-By-Side, South Texas Homes, Florida Solar Energy Center and Dave Chasar

Side-By-Side Testing of High-Efficiency Condensate Natural Gas and Solar Water Heating Supplemented by Natural Gas Work Plan, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon


Side-By-Side Testing of Water Heating Systems: Results from the 2010-2011 Evaluation, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon

Concentrating Solar Power- the Determination of Solar Resources for Any Latitude - Longitude Location in Florida. (Final Report), Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Energy Audit and Implementation for the City of Satellite Beach, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings


Managing the Drivers of Airflow and Water Vapor Transport in Existing Single-Family Homes (Revised), Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings

Prepare CIGSes Cell Coupon and Test PV Modules at High Voltage, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Prepare CIGSeS Cell Coupon and Test PV Modules at High Voltage, Final Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of United Solar A-Si:H PV Modules Year 4 Quarter 3, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of United Solar A-Si:H PV Modules: Year 4 Quarter 4 Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

To Execute the Comprehensive Test Plan for Corning: Year 1 Quarter 1, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

To Execute the Comprehensive Test Plan for Corning, Year 1, Quarter 2 Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

To Execute the Comprehensive Test Plan for Corning Year 1 Quarter 3, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere


Cost Effectiveness of Home Energy Retrofits in Pre-Code Vintage Homes in the United States, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Partnership for High Performance Housing Final Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Janet McIlvaine

EPRI Project: Evolution of the Energyplus VRF Computer Model. Report Title: Task 1: VRF Computer Model Development, Florida Solar Energy Center and Bereket Nigusse

Technical Subtopic 2.1: Modeling Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Equipment in EnergyPlus: Task 3.0 - Validation of the VRF AC Heat Pump Model Using Manufacturers Performance Data, Florida Solar Energy Center and Bereket Nigusse


Accuracy of the Home Energy Saver Energy Calculation Methodology, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Achieving Very High Efficiency and Net Zero Energy in an Existing Home in a Hot-Humid Climate: Long-Term Utility and Monitoring Data, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Creating Performance Curves for Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pumps in EnergyPlus, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad

Technical Subtopic 2.1: Modeling Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Equipment in EnergyPlus: Task 4.0 - Independent Lab Testing of Two VRF AC Systems in Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Mode, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad

Technical Subtopic 2.1: Modeling Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Equipment in Energyplus: Task 5.0 - Development of a Vrf Ac System Heat Recovery Computer Model, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad

Technical Subtopic 2.1: Modeling Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Equipment in EnergyPlus: Task 6.0 - Field Testing Two VRF AC Systems, Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad

Updating G-Rim and Participants Test Model for the Associated Gas Distributors of Florida [Obsolete], Florida Solar Energy Center and Richard Raustad


Final Technical Report (2nd Revision) ARRA: Florida Energy Code Compliance Train-The-Trainer Program, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne

Technical Quarterly Progress Report ARRA: Florida Energy Code Compliance Train-The-Trainer Program January - March 2012, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne


Flexible Residential Test Facility Instrumentation Plan, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Technical Progress Report First Quarter 2012 ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira


A Comparison of Homes Built to the 2009 and 1984 Florida Energy Codes, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.


Final Report of Task Eight: ARRA Energy Code Compliance Project, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Revised Technical Progress Report Fourth Quarter 2011 ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Technical Progress Report Second Quarter 2012 ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Technical Progress Report Third Quarter 2012 ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Technical Report of Milestone Five Results of the ARRA Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement Project, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Technical Report of Milestone Seven Results of the ARRA Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement Project, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Submissions from 2011


Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP II) Final Report Budget Periods 1-5, April 1, 2006 - November 30, 2010, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robert Abernethy


Measure Guideline: Summary of Interior Ducts in New Construction, Including an Efficient, Affordable Method to Install Fur-Down Interior Ducts, Florida Solar Energy Center and David Beal

Monitoring Test Plan, Florida Solar Energy Center and Dave Chasar


New Construction Builders Challenge: Sealed Attic and High Efficiency HVAC in Central Florida: A Year in Review Monitored Prototypes - Springwater Homes, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon


Florida Solar Atlas, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Airtightness Test Report for UCF Harris Engineering, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings


Energy Savings and Peak Demand Reduction of a Seer 21 Heat Pump vs. a Seer 13 Heat Pump with Attic and Indoor Duct Systems - December 2011, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings

Study of Dow Chemical C-Si PV Modules Prepared with Specially Developed Encapsulant in Hot and Humid Climate (Final Report), Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of Dow Chemical C-Si PV Modules Prepared with Specially Developed Encapsulant in Hot and Humid Climate, Year 3 Quarter 3 Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of United Solar A-Si:H PV Modules (2011), Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of United Solar A-Si:H PV Modules (Project No: 2012-8162), Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of United Solar A-Si:H PV Modules, Year 3 Quarter 3 Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of United Solar A-Si:H PV Modules, Year 4 Quarter 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere


Short-Term Curtailment of HVAC Loads - Executive Summary, Florida Solar Energy Center and Lixing Gu


ARRA Advanced Weatherization Training Center - Quarterly Report (January 2011-March 2011), Florida Solar Energy Center and Neil Moyer


ARRA Advanced Weatherization Training Center - Quarterly Report (September 2010-December 2010), Florida Solar Energy Center and Neil Moyer

Florida Weatherization Training - Quarterly Report (April 2011 - June 2011), Florida Solar Energy Center and Neil Moyer

Florida Energy Code Compliance Train-The-Trainer Program: Technical Quarterly Progress Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne

Technical Quarterly Progress Report ARRA: Florida Energy Code Compliance Train-The-Trainer Program April - June 2011, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne

Technical Quarterly Progress Report ARRA: Florida Energy Code Compliance Train-The-Trainer Program January - March 2011, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne

Technical Quarterly Progress Report ARRA: Florida Energy Code Compliance Train-The-Trainer Program July - September 2011, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jeffrey Sonne

Technical Progress Report Fourth Quarter 2011 ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Technical Progress Report Second Quarter 2011 ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Technical Progress Report Third Quarter 2011 ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Technical Quarterly Progress Report ARRA: Energy Code Compliance and Effectiveness Measurement, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Withers, Jr.

Clean Cities Annual Operating Plan 2011, Florida Solar Energy Center and William Young

Plug-In Vehicle Strategies Planning/Feasibility Study, Florida Solar Energy Center and William Young

Submissions from 2010


Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP II), Annual Report - Budget Period 4 (BP4), January 01, 2009 - December 31, 2009, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robert Abernethy

Final Comprehensive Summary Report of Technical Support Activities for Florida Energy Code Development, Florida Solar Energy Center and Mangesh Basarkar

On-Site Reformation of Diesel Fuel for Hydrogen Fueling Station Applications, Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

BAIHP 2010 Monitoring Plans, Florida Solar Energy Center and Dave Chasar


Measured Performance of Side-By-Side South Texas Homes, Florida Solar Energy Center and Dave Chasar


Performance of Four Near Zero Energy Homes: Lessons Learned, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon


Side-By-Side Testing of Water Heating Systems Results from 2009-2010 Testing, Florida Solar Energy Center and Carlos Colon

Final Report: Evaluating Hot Water Use at Publix Store 1171, Lakeland, Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer


Field Monitoring and Hourly Simulation of Energy and Demand Savings from Use of the Telkonet Ss5000 System Hotel Ac Occupancy Control, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings


Evaluation of Bias Issues Within Regression-Based Inverse Modeling Methods Against Climate and Building Characteristics Using Synthetic Data, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jamie Cummings

Study of Dow Chemical C-Si PV Modules Prepared with Specially Developed Encapsulant in Hot and Humid Climate, Year 2, Quarter 3, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of Dow Chemical C-Si PV Modules Prepared with Specially Developed Encapsulant in Hot and Humid Climate, Year 2 Quarter 4, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of Dow Chemical C-Si PV Modules Prepared with Specially Developed Encapsulant in Hot and Humid Climate, Year 3 Quarter 1, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of Dow Chemical C-Si PV Modules Prepared with Specially Developed Encapsulant in Hot and Humid Climate, Year 3 Quarter 2 Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Study of New Generation BP Solar Modules and Commercial PV Connectors and Study of Leakage Current in BP Solar PV Modules in the Hot and Humid Climate of Florida, Year 3, Quarter 1, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere