The Honors Undergraduate Thesis Program provides students from all disciplines the opportunity to engage in original and independent research as principal investigators. Over the course of two to four semesters, students work closely with a faculty committee to research, write, defend and publish an Honors thesis that serves as the capstone product of their undergraduate career. This thesis is published through the university library and is available to researchers worldwide through electronic databases. Please visit the Honors Undergraduate Thesis website for compete information.

This collection contains records for Honors theses completed at UCF. Links to electronic versions are included when available. If your Honors thesis is only in print, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world by downloading and filling out the distribution consent form.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2010

An exploratory study : romanticism in modern day men and women, Gabriella Torres

The influence of drinking games on drinking behavior, psychosocial variables, and harmful behaviors, Carol M. Touhy

Pet relationships: human versus animal attachment, Kim Anastasia Trajbar

Psychophysiology of selective mutism, Theresa N. Trombly

Reducing the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia with selected positional strategies, Brandon Raye Tucker


The evolution of the swastika : from symbol of peace to tool of hate, Lindsey L. Turnbull

From the land of the Inca to the land of Mickey Mouse : the trajectory of female Peruvian migration from Peru to Central Florida, Patricia S. Urdzik

Internal displacement : the link between government inefficienncy and forced migration, Johana M. Vesga

The brazilian soy industry : impacts and factors, Evy M. Vourlides

Four approaches to aid : a histortical analysis of aid efforts in Swaziland, Courtney N. Walmer

Interactive theatre techniques and focus groups for children : the advantages of playful participation, Stephanie L. Warren

Improving nonverbal communication beween nurses and deaf and hard of hearing children, Lydia J. Watkins

A comparative analysis of the effect of critical care nursing interventions on acute outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury, Jennifer M. Watts

Pediatric pain assessment : the role of the parent at the bedside, Allyson F. Weaver

Cyber bullying : an evaluation of Florida's recent enactment, Alyssa Williams

Halting but intimate confidences : sexuality and romance in utopian literature, Sara Williamson


Parallel adolescents, Tricia Windowmaker

Fertility awareness-based methods of avoiding and achieving pregnancy : an effective means of family planning and promoting women's empowerment, Maureen R. Woodman

Pressure losses experienced by liquid flow through straight PDMS microchannels of varying diameters, Darrel W. Wright

Nursing interventions to promote coping strategies in adolescent oncology patients, Julie Wunderlich

Partisan progressivism : social politics and the 1912 progressive party, Justin K. York

Theses/Dissertations from 2009

Transplanted embryonic stem cells inhibit cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy in type 1 diabetes, Dennrik Abrahan

Body and country exploited : how structural adjustment programs inpact human trafficking in developing nations, Modupeolu Adegoke

Hispanic consumers' perspectives of green hotels, Luisa F. Alvarez

South Florida water management : attitudes and priorities governing management, Mary Allison Andrews