The Honors Undergraduate Thesis Program provides students from all disciplines the opportunity to engage in original and independent research as principal investigators. Over the course of two to four semesters, students work closely with a faculty committee to research, write, defend and publish an Honors thesis that serves as the capstone product of their undergraduate career. This thesis is published through the university library and is available to researchers worldwide through electronic databases. Please visit the Honors Undergraduate Thesis website for compete information.

This collection contains records for Honors theses completed at UCF. Links to electronic versions are included when available. If your Honors thesis is only in print, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world by downloading and filling out the distribution consent form.

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Honors Undergraduate Theses from 2024


The Biomechanical Risk Factors of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) in Female Athletes and Implications for Injury Prevention, Mikaela E. Brown


Detection Of Micrornas In Blood Samples Using Biosensors For The Detection Of Early-Stage Lung Cancer, Nicholas Bruno


Insights Into The Heart Microstructure: A Case Study, Sarah Bulger


The Effect of Pharmacological Inhibition of Receptor-Interacting Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase 2 on the Enzymatic Activity of Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase, Hannah Burleson


Exploring I-Ready Mathematics And Its Support For Learning Fractions Of Third Grade Students, Allison Carnesale


The Impact Of Artificial Beach Lighting And Beach Renourishment On Loggerhead (Caretta Caretta) And Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) Nesting Success, Amanda M. Casaburi


The Effects of Bilingualism and Trust on Digital Scam Susceptibility, Grace M. Casanova


The Battle Over Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Critical Race Theory in Florida: A Case Study on the Stop W.O.K.E. Act, Grace Anne Castelin


Curanderismo and Healing: Insights from Hispanic Young Adults, Allisa Castro


Exploring The Health Benefits Of Grounding: A Scoping Review Of The Literature, Alejandra Y. Ceballos


In My End is My Beginning: Mary Stuart and the Foundation of Her Religious Pragmatism, Shantelle M. Clement


Individual and Organizational Challenges to Implementing Prolonged Exposure Therapy in the Military Health System: A Systematic Review of Client and Provider Perspectives, Paris R. Cloutier


The Relationship Between Social Media Use, Social Skills, and Loneliness in The Covid-19 Era, Jeyliz M. Collazo Rivera


Poisoning The Blood Of Our Country: Donald Trump And The Rhetorical Dehumanization Of Migrants, Cy Conley


The Effects of Nanobubbles for Gene Delivery for Osteoporosis Treatment, Abel Córdova Flores


Subjectivity in Circulation: Jean Baudrillard and the Image as Objective Reality, Jacob Crawley


Estimating Modeling Parameters for COVID-19 Spread on Campus, Aviel S. Crigger


Measuring Elementary Students' Level of Acquisition of Historical Habits of Mind, Natalia E. Cruz


Neurodivergent Student Success In Postsecondary Education: Attitudes Toward Current Accommodations, Alexis T. Cunha


Clostridioides difficile: Identification of Rival Organisms & Evaluation of Non-Antibiotic Treatment Implementation, Justin Davis


Multicolor Bipartite Ramsey Number of Double Stars, Gregory M. DeCamillis


The Contribution of the White Working-class Toward Their Own Political and Economic Disenfranchisement, Dana De Castro


Health-Outcomes Related to Smartphone Use in the College Student Population: A Scoping Review, Gregory Deglomine


The Efficacy of Vitamin D Supplementation in the Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Paola N. Delacerda


Exploring the Diffusion Potential of a Collaborative Mobile Platform for Disaster Management and Relief, Joao de Mendonca Salim