Theses/Dissertations from 2006
The Paths To Becoming A Mathematics Teacher, Kimberly Lowry
The Effects Of Science Inquiry In A Fourth Grade Classroom, Stephanie Luke
The Effects Of Gender In Elementary Science Groups, Melissa Parks
A Mathematical Study Of Malaria Models Of Ross And Ngwa, William Plemmons
On Prime Generation Through Primitive Divisors Of Recurrence Sequences, Richard Russell
Epidemiological Models For Mutating Pathogens With Temporary Immunity, Neeta Singh
What Teachers Want To Know: A Systematic Review Of Action Research Theses Related To K-8 Mathematics And Science, Bridget Steele
Fade Statistics For A Lasercom System And The Joint Pdf Of A Gamma-gamma Distributed Irradiance And Its Time Derivative, Frida Stromqvist Vetelino
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
An Action Research Study Involving Fifth-grade Students Learning Fractions Through A Situative Perspective With Story Problems, Colleen Allen
Coherence Properties Of Optical Near-fields, Debbie Arthur
Decision Theory Classification Of High-dimensional Vectors Based On Small Samples, David Bradshaw
The Effects Of Integrating Technologyinto An 8th Grade Science Curriculum, Gregory Brunton
Effects Of Integrating Writing Activities On Students' Attitudes And Achievement In Problem Solving: An Action Research Study, Kelly Culbert
Application Of Statistical Methods In Risk And Reliability, Astrid Heard
Fraction Models That Promote Understanding For Elementary Students, Lynette Hull
The Effects Of Journal Writing On Student Attitudes And Performance In Problem Solving, Christine Quinones
Utilization Of Total Mass As A Control In Diffusion Processes, Mohamed Salman
Voice Authenticationa Study Of Polynomial Representation Of Speech Signals, John Strange
An Investigation Of High School Geometry Students Proving And Logical Thinking Abilities And The Impact Of Dynamic Geometry Software On Student Performance, Lalitha Subramanian
The Scintillation Index In Moderate To Strong Turbulence For The Gaussian Beam Wave Along A Slant Path, Fredrick Eugene Thomas
An Introduction To Hellmann-feynman Theory, David Wallace
The Effects Of Literature On Student Motivation And Connections In Mathematics, Arnita Washington
Integrating Journal Writing With Inquiry Based Science Instruction In A Second Grade Classroom, Lauren Zissman
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Smoothing Parameter Selection In Nonparametric Functional Estimation, Mohamed Amezziane
The Use Of Filters In Topology, Abdellatif Dasser
Measures Of Concordance Of Polynomial Type, Heather Edwards
Asymptotic Formulas For Large Arguments Of Hypergeometric-type Functio, Adam Heck
The probability density function (PDF) for the combined impact of motion-induced pointing jitter and laser beam scintillation, Souleymane Konate
The Wave Structure Function And Temporal Frequency Spread In Weak To Strong Optical Turbulence, Aaron J. Masino
An application of principal component analysis, Junichi Shishido
Neural Networks Satisfying Stone-weiestrass Theorem And Approximating, Pinal Thakkar
Macmahon's Master Theorem And Infinite Dimensional Matrix Inversion, Vivian Lola Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Integrability characteristics of higher order nonlinear PDES using regular and invariant Painleve analysis, Asma Al Ghassani
The effects of using graphing calculators in the middle school classroom, Patricia E. Allanson
Empirical bayes estimation via wavelet series, Mohammed B. Alotaibi
Characterization of scaling sets of multiresolution analysis, Ahmed Ameur
Perceived control and alcohol expectancies as predictors of relationship abuse, Wiveca I. Borjesson
Exact solutions of zonal shear fluid flow with free surface and density stratification, Edwin A. Cortes
The effects of implementing writing in a 6th grade Pre-IB mathematics class, Annette Fanelli Gibson
A report on solutions of some non-linear differential equations arising in third grade fluid flows, Vidhya Ithikkat
A bijective proof of the hook length formula of young tableaux, Elizabeth Joslyn
A model for a partially coherent gaussian beam in atmospheric turbulence with applications for LASERCOM and LIDAR systems, Olga Korotkova
Quadratic filters for automatic pattern recognition, Robert Raymond Muise
Mathematical robotic algorithms for mowing a field, Rex R. Oleson
The modeling of plant growth and cellular layers using Lindenmayer systems and multifractals, Cynthia A. Scofield
Inequalities involving complex rational functions, Sidra I. Van de Car
Analysis of cone beam reconstruction in computer tomography, Alexander Zamyatin
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Collisionless driven magnetic reconnection, Nasser Said Al Salti
Young tableaux and the robinson-schensted-knuth algorithm, Chinyen Chuo
Linear stability of zonal stratified shear flows with a free surface, Patrick Earl Cureton
Rational cubic splines, Daniel Gerard Hulmes
Estimation of p(x, Sonya Lenhof
Frequency analysis using Szego polynomials and the levinson algorithm, Timothy Edward Long
Random distributions and their application to direct-interaction approximation, Pablo Matos
Adiabatic invariants of damped oscillator systems with slowly varying frequencies, Calandra Moorman
Location of zeros of polynomials and their polar derivatives, Lan Dusty Nguyen
The effect of music infused into the middle-grades mathematics curriculum on student attitudes and performance, Genene Pearson
Thematic teaching in an inner city school and its effects on 8th grade algebra students' attitudes and performance in mathematics, George J. Roy
Topologically generated fuzzy topological spaces, Michael Dwight Schramm
The weakness of partially ordered sets, Rachid Semmoum
Frames in Hilbert spaces, Itamar Shaman
Examination of perturbative technique in approximation of solution to partial differential equations, Brian F. Sucevic
Estimation in a stress-strength model in the case of the generalized gamma distribution, Russell M. Takashima
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Parameter estimates for fractional autoregressive spatial processes, Young Hyun Boissy
Analysis around the focal plane of a bistatic laser radar system, Anne Wilkinson Bower
Formal solution of a reduced Kac-van Moerbeke matrix equation, David J. Bradshaw
A survey of known results on the crossing number of complete bipartite graphs Timothy Luke Brown. : Timothy Luke Brown, Timothy Luke Brown
Scintillation Behind the Collecting Lens of a Receiver, Clarissa A. Fleming Russell
Wavelet-based texture compression for simulation environments, Ercilio J. Martinez
Effects of small group cooperative team work on high school students' attitude and achievement in algebra, Lilian Arbic McCue
Mean irradiance behind a collecting lens, Kimberly Sandstorm Muterspaugh
Lie symmetries of differential equations with a hierarchal analysis of oscillators, Thomas Vogel
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The aperture averaged scintillation of the intensity of a Gauss ian laser beam propagated through strong optical turbulance and reflected by various targets, M. Ammar Al Habash
Demonstration of the levi-civita connection on the 2-sphere, Cory Alan Edwards
Statistical estimation of the locations of lightning events, Aicha Elhor
Beam spreading of higher order gaussian modes propagating through the earth's atmosphere, Yadira Vellon Gilchrest
A method for numerical conformal mapping, Aerim Jung
Mean irradiance of a Hermite-Gaussian beam propagated through atmospheric turbulence, Brian R. Macon
Solitons in nonlinear and dispersive transmission lines, David Macon
Isomorphic vertex colorings of trees with two degree two vertices and maximum degree three, Georgie L. M. O'Leary
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Linear and nonlinear kelvin-helmholtz instabilities of high velocity magnetized shear layers with generalized polytrope laws, Kevin G. Brown
A functional approach to obtaining weighted Markow-type inequalities, Holly K. Carley
Classification of tridiagonal z-matrices by their inverses, Awilda M. Cintron
Almost regular graphs, Lisa Fischer Cleary
Aperture averaging factor for the spherical wave, Alysen S. Heil
Modified Ishikawa iteration for fixed points of classes of mappings, Patrick M. Higgins
Chebyshev polynomials and their applications to error estimation in best approximation, Mark Varvak
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
New mathematical model for the intensity of a laser beam propagating through turbulent media, M. Ammar Al Habash
A process for automatic test generating, Donna J. Bradley
Finding the kinetic rate constant in a chemical reaction, Lori L. Dunlop
Determination of unknown parameters in the logistic equation for modeling of growth, Roxana Greer
Numerical calculation of streamlines, Perry L. Heard
Temporal propagation characteristics of ultrashort space-time gaussian pulses in laser satellite communication system, Deborah E. Tjin Tham Sjin Kelly
Order-theoretic results for sets of monomials, Laura C. McCrary
Approximation of the scintillation index for the gaussian beam wave in strong turbulence, Julie B. Meer
Regularity and compactness in fuzzy convergence spaces, Gary Minkler
On the regularity of probabilistic convergence and filter spaces, Jing Q. Minkler