Institution Type

Doctorate-granting university

Course Level


Modality of Lesson



Task Execution with Human Oversight

Primary AI Tool Used


Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Outline how a studio arts model for AI-integration can map onto the learning activities in their classrooms.
  • Describe how the values of a liberal arts education can be emphasized using a studio arts model.

Strategy Description

What began organically as an AI-focused collaboration between faculty in different disciplines along with researchers in the college’s Center for Instructional Innovation, has evolved into college-wide pedagogical workshops and the development of a studio model that affects courses, programs, and paradigms for faculty scholarship.

Lessons from these collaborations inform understandings of how key features of liberal arts education can be supported through intentional AI-integration within a Cross-Disciplinary Liberal Arts Colloquium. More specifically, this colloquium offers recommendations on adapting a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and reflective studio model to in-person, online, and hybrid educational environments facilitated through a Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) frame work (Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J., 2006).


We present three case studies to illustrate this model and its benefits:

  1. The AI-integrated creative arts workshop builds an experimental studio environment for creative praxis in which students interact with AI-enabled software such as Adobe Firefly, GPT, and Midjourney, as well as traditional art mediums such as painting. The workshop also explores the concept of the Avant-garde to contextualize creativity and innovation in the arts in relation to social progress. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to creativity in relation to humanities, science, and technology grounded in values such as social justice.
  2. In first-year seminar and writing courses, students broadened the application of the Common Read to an AI-integrated studio space in which concepts such as the Romantic idea of the citizen, the Social Contract, and the nature of justice could be explored at the individual, local, and global level. Generative AI, and digital literacy, became part of a dialogic approach to ethics and moral philosophy, offering students new ways to frame questions, perform textual analysis, and enhance reflection. Courses integrated technology in order to enhance and reflect upon uniquely human cognitive capabilities in creative, critical, and entrepreneurial thinking.
  3. STEM classes used AI technology to enhance students' academic and professional development. AI bots were used to produce Gantt charts which are used in the biotechnology industry to design and track projects. This information benefits undergraduate students in interviews for industrial positions, demonstrating awareness of how biotechnology projects are followed. AI was also used to summarize graduate school application criteria for greater student understanding.

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