Type of Study - Collection of Studies

Type of Study - Collection of Studies



Collection of Studies

Anderson, Don S., and Bruce J. Biddle, eds., Knowledge for Policy: Improving Education through Research. Philadelphia: Falmer Press, 1991., Don S. Anderson and Bruce J. Biddle

Annotation: Provides overview of issues in models of social research, its effects, and its distribution.

Broad Topical Focus: Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Utilization

Apple, Michael W., Cultural Politics and Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 1996., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Discusses various educational issues involved in cultural politics: a national curriculum, the formation of the conservative right, the economy's implications for education, and the intellectual discourse surrounding these issues.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Discourse Analysis

Apple, Michael W., ed., Cultural and Economic Reproduction in Education: Essays on Class, Ideology, and the State . Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Presents ten essays by leading critical theorists on various aspects of cultural and economic reproduction in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge

Apple, Michael W., ed., The State and the Politics of Knowledge. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Describes ways that the state and school knowledge are interrelated; introduces illustrative examples from several countries.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Comparative Curriculum, Government Role in Educational Research & Development

Apple, Michael W., Education and Power . Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Contains six essays devoted to analysis of power, reproduction, resistance, and commodification in curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics

Apple, Michael W., Ideology and Curriculum. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979. Second Edition, 1990., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Contains eight essays on various aspects of the ideology of control in schools and curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics

Apple, Michael W., Power, Meaning, and Identity: Essays in Critical Educational Studies. New York: Peter Lang, 1999., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Collects ten of Apple's previously published articles on politics and curriculum, the control of curriculum knowledge, and critical educational studies, with an extended introduction and an epilogue.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Ideology and School Knowledge, Knowledge Generation

Apple, Michael W., Teachers and Texts: A Political Economy of Class and Gender Relations in Education . New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986., Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Contains eight critical essays on the work of teachers, textbook publishing, current reform proposals, and democracy in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Textbooks, Conceptions of Teaching

Apple, Michael W., and Kristen L Buras, eds., The Subaltern Speak: Curriculum, Power, and Educational Struggles. New York: Routledge, 2006., Michael W. Apple and Kristen L. Buras

Annotation: Offers perspectives on U. S. education from non-dominant and oppressed groups such as those oriented around the Core Knowledge Movement, home schooling, vouchers for African-Americans,indigenous and Chicano youth, the racially and sexually abused, those claiming academic freedom in the corporate academy,and those excluded by global cosmopolitanism, with additional examples from Taiwan and Brazil; includes analytic introductory and closing chapters.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Apple, Michael W., and Lois Weis, eds., Ideology and Practice in Schooling . Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983., Michael W. Apple and Lois Weis

Annotation: Presents eleven articles reporting studies of ideology and pracitices in schooling.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge

Apple, Michael W., and Lois Weis, "Ideology and Practice in Schooling: A Political and Conceptual Introduction," pp. 3-33 in Michael W. Apple and Lois Weis, eds., Ideology and Practice in Schooling . Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1983., Michael W. Apple and Lois Weis

Annotation: Relates what schools do to aspects of the sociology of school knowledge; analyzes the dynamics of ideology; calls for research at the level of practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge

Au, Wayne, Anthony L. Brown, and Delores Calderon, Reclaiming Multicultural Roots of U. S. Curriculum: Communities of Color and Official Knowledge in Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 2016., Wayne Au, Anthony L. Brown, and Delores Calderon

Annotation: Gives evidence of the omission during the early 20th century of attention by both schools and the curriculum scholars community to the realities of Native American, Asian American, Mexican American, and African American histories.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Curriculum and Politics, Ideology and School Knowledge, Materials Development and Evaluation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Au, Wayne, and Joseph J. Ferrare, eds., Mapping Corporate Education Reform: Power and Policy Networks in the Neoliberal State. New York: Routledge, 2015., Wayne Au and Joseph J. Ferrare

Annotation: Presents several studies using policy network analysis to demonstrate the webs of involvement of corporate and other non-governmental organizations in governing educational reform under neoliberal assumptions; examples include Teach For America, Pearson, and others from US, China, and Chile.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Hidden Curriculum, Ideology and School Knowledge, Religious & Private Schooling, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Baker, Bernadette, ed., New Curriculum History. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers,2009., Bernadette Baker

Annotation: Contains a set of studies using or about using various forms of historical inquiry in curriculum by scholars from several different countries.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Knowledge Generation

Baker, Robert L., and Richard E. Schutz, eds., Instructional Product Research . New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972., Robert L. Baker and Richard E. Schutz

Annotation: Provides treatments of several aspects of instructional product research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Guides, Plans, Documents, Materials, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Development as Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Materials Development and Evaluation

Ball, Stephen J., ed., Foucault and Education: Disciplines and Knowledge . New York: Routledge, 1990., Stephen J. Ball

Annotation: Includes nine articles by Australian, English, and Canadian scholars on Foucault and power in education..

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum and the Disciplines

Barone, Thomas, Jake Burdick, and C. Centae Richards, "Thinking and Rethinking Elliot Eisner," Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 9(No. 1, 2012), 16-17., Thomas Barone, Jake Burdick, and C. Centae Richards

Annotation: Introduces a series of ten short commentaries on the contributions of Elliot Eisner.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Professors

Barone, Tom, Aesthetics, Politics, and Educational Inquiry: Essays and Examples. New York: Peter Lang, 2000., Tom Barone

Annotation: Reprints 14 essays by the author (organized around the influences of Eisner, Dewey, Rorty, Sarte, and Bakhtin) describing and demonstrating the use of narrative inquiry in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Narrative Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum and Politics, Aesthetics and Curriculum

Barton, Len, Roland Meighan, and Stephen Walker, eds., Schooling, Ideology, and the Curriculum . Barcombe, England: Falmer, 1980., Len Barton, Roland Meighan, and Stephen Walker

Annotation: Contains 5 papers that reappraise correspondence theory and 5 papers that discuss the relation between power and ideology.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Curriculum and Politics

Barton, Len, and Stephen Walker, eds., Social Crisis and Educational Research. London: Croom Helm, 1984., Len Barton and Stephen Walker

Annotation: Collects twelve papers from 1982 sociology of education conference at Westhill on issues in social practice using interpretive and critical inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry, Phenomenological Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Bascia, Nina, Alister Cumming, Amanda Datnow, Kenneth Leithwood, and David Livingstone, eds., International Handbook of Educational Policy. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005., Nina Bascia, Alister Cumming, Amanda Datnow, Kenneth Leithwood, and David Livingstone

Annotation: Contains 55 articles under the headings: large-scale educational reforms, learning and governace, teachig quality, literacies, and workplace learning.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum Development Strategies

Beane, James A., ed., Toward a Coherent Curriculum. 1995 ASCD Yearbook. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1995., James A. Beane

Annotation: Defines curriculum coherence and gives several authors' views about ways to develop coherence through program design and teaching strategies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum Integration

Bellack, Arno, and Herbert Kliebard, eds.. Curriculum and Evaluation, from the series, Readings in Educational Research . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1977., Arno Bellack and Herbert Kliebard

Annotation: Presents a collection of fundamental readings in educational research focused on five questions: how should curriculum problems be studied? what purposes should the curriculum serve? how should knowledge be selected and organized for the curriculum? how should the curriculum be evaluated? how should the curriculum be changed?

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Research Domains and Structure, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Literature of Curriculum

Benavot, Aaron, and Cecilia Braslavsky, eds., School Knowledge in Comparative and Historical Perspective: Changing Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Education. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2007., Aaron Benavot and Cecilia Braslavsky

Annotation: Reports 15 studies of curriculum change, content, and organization across and within various countries (see especially chapters 1, 12, and 15).

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Ideology and School Knowledge

Berman, Louise M., Francine H. Hultgren, Diane Lee, Mary S. Rivkin, Jessie A. Roderick, Toward Curriculum for Being: Voices of Educators . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1991., Louise M. Berman, Francine H. Hultgren, Diane Lee, Mary S. Rivkin, and Jessie A. Roderick

Annotation: Reports the exchanges among a study group of six women educators, their autobiographical statements and thoughts, and their mutual interpretations and meaning-making.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry, Narrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Bernbaum, Gerald, Knowledge and Ideology in the Sociology of Education . London: Macmillan, 1977., Gerald Bernbaum

Annotation: Provides and introduction to the topic from British scholars.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge

Bernsen, Jens, Design: The Problem Comes First. Copenhagen: Danish Design Council,1982., Jens Bernsen

Annotation: Provides 26 short cases of product designing.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Development as Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Bernstein, Basil, Class, Codes and Control: Volume 3, Towards a Theory of Educational Transmissions. Revised Edition. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977., Basil Bernstein

Annotation: Presents a series of Bernstein's papers on changes in the moral basis of schools and changes in the coding of educational transmissions; chapter five presents the author's classic conceptualizations of classification and framing of educational knowledge.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Content Selection and Organization, Comparative Curriculum

Boulding, Kenneth E., and Laurence Senesh, eds., The Optimum Utilization of Knowledge: Making Knowledge Serve Human Betterment . Boulder, CO: Westview, 1983., Kenneth E. Boulding and Laurence Senesh

Annotation: Contains articles relating the topic to education and to decision-making in social institutions.

Broad Topical Focus: Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Utilization

Bowers, C. A., Critical Essays on Education, Modernity, and the Recovery of the Ecological Imperative. New York: Teachers College Press, 1993., C. A. Bowers

Annotation: Critiques the place of cultural literacy, educational computing, and the ecological perspective on education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Computers and Technology as Subjects, Social Studies, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Brause, Rita S., and John S. Mayher, eds., Search and Re-Search: What the Inquiring Teacher Needs to Know. Bristol, PA: Falmer Press, 1991., Rita S. Brause and John S. Mayher

Annotation: Provides guidelines for hypothesis generating and hypotheses testing studies in classrooms by teachers and reports selected studies in the language area.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Teacher Research, English

Bredo, Eric, and Walter Feinberg, eds., Knowledge and Values in Social and Educational Research . Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982., Eric Bredo and Walter Feinberg

Annotation: Presents overviews by the editors of positivistic, interpretive, and critical approaches to research; includes for each approach 6 or 7 chapters by other writers on related topics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Brown, George, ed., Knowledge, Education and Cultural Change: Papers in the Sociology of Education . London: Tavistock, 1973., George Brown

Annotation: Contains 12 papers by leading scholars at a 1970 Sociology of Education conference.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Comparative Curriculum

Bruner, Jerome, In Search of Pedagogy: The Selected Works of Jerome S. Bruner, Volumes 1 and 2. New York: Routledge, 2006., Jerome Bruner

Annotation: Contains brief excerpts from the author's writings (1957-2004) including several that reflect his contributions on teaching and on curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Knowledge Generation, Classics of Curriculum Literature

Brunner, Diane DuBose, Inquiry and Reflection: Framing Narrative Practice in Education. Albany: SUNY Press, 1994., Diane DuBose Brunner

Annotation: Combines a narrative method and a critical perspective in illustrating stories of schooling, teaching, etc.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Narrative Inquiry, Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Criticism of Schooling

Burgess, Robert G., ed., Field Methods in the Study of Education . Philadelphia: Falmer Press, 1985., Robert G. Burgess

Annotation: Reports a 1982 British conference on ethnographic research; covers theoretical issues, data collection, and field methods.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Comparative Curriculum

Burgess, Robert G., ed., Strategies of Educational Research: Qualitative Methods. London: Falmer Press, 1985., Robert G. Burgess

Annotation: Presents eleven articles on a variety of qualitative research methods.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research

Burgess, Robert G., ed., The Research Process in Educational Settings: Ten Case Studies . Sussex: Falmer Press, 1984., Robert G. Burgess

Annotation: Gives first person accounts (most from dissertations) of ethnographic studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Burlbaw, Lynn M., ed., Curriculum History: 1995. College Station, TX: Society for the Study of Curriculum History, 1996., Lynn M. Burlbaw

Annotation: Compiles ten papers presented at the 1995 meeting of the Society for the Study of Curriculum History in San Francisco; other collections are available from the Society for later years.

Broad Topical Focus: Publication Outlets for Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History

Burlbaw, Lynn M., and Sherry L. Field, eds., Explorations in Curriculum History Research. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 2005., Lynn M. Burlbaw and Sherry L. Field

Annotation: Collects 24 studies presented to the Society for the Study of Curriculum History between 1989 and 2004.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study, Publication Outlets for Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Literature of Curriculum

Burnaford, Gail, Joseph Fischer, and David Hobson, eds., Teachers Doing Research: Practical Possibilities. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996., Gail Burnaford, Joseph Fischer, and David Hobson

Annotation: Provides sketches of various work done by teachers as researchers of their own teaching and related classroom matters; the editors present context about the research process.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Teacher Research

Callahan, Daniel, and Bruce Jennings, eds., Ethics, the Social Sciences, and Policy Analysis . New York: Plenum Press, 1983., Daniel Callahan and Bruce Jennings

Annotation: Describes policy analysis research approaches.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Campbell, Donald T., Methodology and Epistemology for Social Science: Selected Papers. E. Samuel Overman, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989., Donald T. Campbell

Annotation: Presents a compilation of Campbell's writings on research methodologies in social science.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry, Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Carlson, Dennis, and Michael W. Apple, eds., Power/Knowledge/Pedagogy: The Meaning of Democratic Education in Unsettling Times. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998., Dennis Carlson and Michael W. Apple

Annotation: Gives contemporary political views of curriculum reform, identity issues, textbooks, and pedagogy.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Democratic Education, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Carr, Wilfred, For Education: Toward Critical Educational Inquiry. Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1995., Wilfred Carr

Annotation: Reprints eight previously published articles by the author; includes new material by Carr in introduction and epilogue and by Stephen Kemmis in prologue; demonstrates use of philosphical inquiry on theory/practice issues and educational inquiry generally.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Conceptual Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Critical Inquiry, Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Practical Knowledge

Carson, Terrance R., and Dennis J. Sumara, eds., Action Research as a Living Practice. New York: Peter Lang, 1997., Terrance R. Carson and Dennis J. Sumara

Annotation: Contains 22 accounts of action research as efforts to alter perception and action in practice.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum as Experience, Knowledge Generation, Teaching/Learning Process

Caswell, Hollis L., and Associates, Curriculum Improvement in Public School Systems . New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1950., Hollis L. Caswell

Annotation: Presents reports on several school systems engaged in curriculum improvement efforts.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History

Chubin, Daryl, Alan Porter, Frederick Rossini, and Terry Connelly, eds., Interdisciplinary Analysis and Research: Theory and Practice of Problem-Focused Research and Development. Mt. Airy, MD: Lomond, 1986., Daryl Chubin, Alan Porter, Frederick Rossini, and Terry Connelly

Annotation: Presents 34 reprinted articles on the why, who, where, what, and how of interdisciplinary research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Cohen, David K., Susan H Fuhrman, and Fritz Mosher, eds., The State of Education Policy Research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007., David K. Cohen, Susan H. Fuhrman, and Fritz Mosher

Annotation: Contains 16 chapters summarizing the current status of research topics related to education policymaking.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study:
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation, Curriculum Implementation

Cooper, Harris, and Larry V. Hedges, eds., The Handbook of Research Synthesis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994., Harris Cooper and Larry V. Hedges

Annotation: Provides 32 technical articles on various aspects of producing syntheses of reasearch from problem formulation to reporting results.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Cornbleth, Catherine, ed., Invitation to Research in Social Education, Bulletin No. 77. Washington, DC: National Council for the Social Studies, 1986., Catherine Cornbleth

Annotation: Describes several approaches to research in social education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Social Studies

Coulter, David L., and John R. Weins, eds., Why Do We Educate? Renewing the Conversation. 107th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Vol. One. Walden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, 2008., David L. Coulter and John R. Weins

Annotation: Presents evocative ideas by more than twenty authors regarding fundamental purposes, ideals, and subject matters for consideration by educational policy-makers, school curriculum planners, and the public; aims at "renewing the conversation" on these topics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Cronbach, Lee J., and Patrick Suppes, eds., Research for Tomorrow's Schools: Disciplined Inquiry for Education . New York: Macmillan, 1969., Lee J. Cronbach and Patrick Suppes

Annotation: Cites educational research that has had significant impact on education in the United States; contrasts conclusion-oriented inquiry and decision-oriented studies; discusses ways to improve educational research and suggests some paths for future inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Critique and Utilization of Curriculum Research and Inquiry
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Davis, O. L., Jr., ed., Perspectives on Curriculum Development: 1776-1976. Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1976., O. L. Davis Jr.

Annotation: Contains six major essays on historical subjects related to curriculum: professionalism, influences on curriculum, control of curriculum, curriculum diversity and conformity, current realities, and a source bibliography.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design,Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Classics of Curriculum Literature, Curriculum Specialists in Schools, Literature of Curriculum, Curriculum and Politics

Dede, Chris, James P. Honan, and Lawrence C. Peters, eds., Scaling Up Success: Lessons Learned from Technology-Based Educational Improvement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005., Chris Dede, James P. Honan, and Lawrence C. Peters

Annotation: Reports ten studies involving scaling up successful educational innovations (to other settings or districts) and examines the process and problems in doing so; the last chapter summarizes key themes and insights across studies.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Development as Inquiry, Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies, Curriculum Implementation, Knowledge Utilization, Media and Computers in Curriculum Development

de Marrais, Kathleen, and Stephen D. Lapan, eds., Foundations for Research: Methods of Inquiry in Education and the Social Sciences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004., Kathleen de Marrais and Stephen D. Lapan

Annotation: Gives discussions of about twenty methods of inquiry and research issues in education and the social sciences.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

de Marrais, Kathleen, and Stephen D. Lapan, eds., Foundations of Research: Methods of Inquiry in Education and the Social Sciences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004., Kathleen de Marrais and Stephen D. Lapan

Annotation: Contains chapters describing 20 different forms of inquiry in education, how to do each, and citing examples.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Deng, Zongyi, "Michael Young, Knowledge, and Curriculum: An International Dialogue," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 47(No. 6, 2015), 723-732., Zongyi Deng

Annotation: Introduces six essays following this editorial preview that are concerned with commenting on Michael Young's 2013 essay in this journal that called for curriculum theorist to address the question of what knowledge students are entitled to have access to in a curriculum; this essay summarizes the six essays around three topics derived from Young's essay; commentaries are by curriculum theorist from USA, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, USA, and Canada; Young's response to these essays follows.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum and the Disciplines, School Subjects

Deng, Zongyi, "The Practical, Curriculum, Theory and Practice: An International Dialogue on Schwab's The 'Practical 1'," Journal of Curriculum Studies, 45(No.5, 2013), 583-190., Zongyi Deng

Annotation: Introduces five articles by Connelly, Westbury, Deng, Kunzli, and Biesta that discuss the relevance and significance of Schwab's ideas in his "Practical 1" article forty years after its first appearance; a reprint of this article is provided; each of the essays emphasizes particular aspects of Schwab's article and interprets his ideas in the contemporary world of education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Deng, Zongyi S., S. Gopinathan, and Christine Kim-Eng Lee, eds., Globalization and the Singapore Curriculum: From Policy to Classroom. New York: Springer, 2013., Zongyi Deng, S. S. Gopinathan, and Christine Kim-Eng Lee

Annotation: Provides fifteen articles on the Singapore Curriculum, its history, its policies, its programs, and its classroom enactment; a thorough-going case study.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Scientific/Empirical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum History, Curriculum Frameworks, Curriculum Development Strategies

Denzin, Norman K., and Yvonna S. Lincoln, eds., The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005., Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln

Annotation: Gives status reports on many facets of qualitative research that update essays in earlier editions.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Denzin, Norman, and Yvonna Lincoln, eds., Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994., Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln

Annotation: Summarizes 36 topics related to the practice of qualitative research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research

Dewey, John, Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education (Macmillan, 1916). In John Dewey: The Middle Works, 1899-1924, ed. J. A. Boydston, Volume 9: 1916, pp. 1-402. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University, 1980., John Dewey

Annotation: Provides 26 chapters on aspects of educational theory and practice; Ch. 14 on the Nature of Subject Matter; others on specific curriculum areas; and many more topics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: All Fields
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Democratic Education, Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Classics of Curriculum Literature, Content Selection and Organization

Dillon , J. T., ed., Deliberation in Education and Society. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1994., J. T. Dillon

Annotation: Contains 10 articles defining, explaining, and illustrating deliberation in curriculum settings.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Decision-making Processes
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Deliberative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Deliberation

Dimitriadis, Greg, and George Kamberelis, Theory for Education. New York: Routledge, 2006., Greg Dimitriadis and George Kamberelis

Annotation: Presents sketches of the intellectual contributions of 23 twentieth century theorists (mostly outside of eduction) whose work have had implications for education; de Saussure, Bourdieu, Derrida, Foucoult, Freire, Vygotsky, and others.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Inquiry Language in Curriculum Research
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Dockrell, W. B., and David Hamilton, eds., Rethinking Educational Research . London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1980., W. B. Dockrell and David Hamilton

Annotation: Includes a series of essays on new approaches to educational research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Defining Curriculum Research Questions
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Doll, Mary Aswell, ed., The Reconceptualization of Curriculum Studies: A Festschrift in Honor of William F. Pinar. New York: Routledge, 2017., Mary Aswell Doll

Annotation: Contains 23 essays and a response by Pinar that identify his contributions to Curriculum Studies at home and abroad.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Professors, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Literature of Curriculum, Curriculum History

Doll, William E., Jr., and Noel Gough, eds., Curriculum Visions. New York: Peter Lang, 2002., William E. Doll Jr. and Noel Gough

Annotation: Contains essays by thirteen contemporary curriculum visionaries along with responses to each essay by other theorists; these alternative curriculum visions generally embrace the spiritual dimensions of life and their implications for education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Visions and Philosophies, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Philosophical Schools, Curriculum as Experience


Editors, "Curriculum verses Didaktik Revisited: Toward Transnational Curriculum Theory," Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 1(January, 2015)., Editors

Annotation: Introduces a series of articles that address various issues in curriculum theory, such as: curriculum vs Didaktik, the history of curriculum theory work in various countries, epistemic issues, deliberative vs other approaches, and globalization.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses

Collection of Studies

Eisner, Elliot, ed., Learning and Teaching the Ways of Knowing , 84th NSSE Yearbook, Part II. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985., Elliot Eisner

Annotation: Describes eight ways of knowing and offers six perspectives on their role in curriculum and other areas of educational practices.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Normative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Content Selection and Organization, Curriculum and the Disciplines

Eisner, Elliot W., ed., Confronting Curriculum Reform . Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1971., Elliot W. Eisner

Annotation: Provides a collection of 1969 conference papers and reflections on them pertaining to curriculum reforms of the period.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design,Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Development Strategies, Curriculum History

Eisner, Elliot W., Reimagining Schools: The Selected Works of Elliot W. Eisner. New York: Routledge, 2005., Elliot W. Eisner

Annotation: Reprints twenty-one of Eisner's articles published from 1965-2002.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Aims and Objectives, Art Education, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum Standards and Testing, Qualitative Research, Curriculum Professors, Curriculum Frameworks

Eisner, Elliot W., The Art of Educational Evaluation: A Personal View . London: Falmer, 1985., Elliot W. Eisner

Annotation: Includes 15 previously published articles on the topic.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Evaluation
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Eisner, Elliot W., The Hidden Consequences of a National Curriculum. Washington, DC: AERA, 1995., Elliot W. Eisner

Annotation: Has five articles and two responses on issues related to a nationalized curriculum policy in the U. S.; includes comparisons with European national curricula and projections of possible consequences.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Freedom/Authority and Curriculum, Local Control of Schooling, Comparative Curriculum, Curriculum Standards and Testing

Eisner, Elliot W., and Alan Peshkin, eds., Qualitative Inquiry in Education: The Continuing Debate. New York: Teachers College Press, 1990., Elliot W. Eisner and Alan Peshkin

Annotation: Treats issues of objectivity and subjectivity, validity, generalizability, ethics, and uses of qualitative inquiry.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Qualitative Research

Eisner, Elliot W., and Elizabeth Vallance, eds., Conflicting Conceptions of Curriculum . Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1974., Elliot W. Eisner and Elizabeth Vallance

Annotation: Classifies and illustrates with excerpts from original authors five groups of curriculum conceptions (as development of cognitive processes, as technology, as self-actualization, as social reconstructionism, as academic rationalism).

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Philosophical Schools

Ely, Margot, with Margaret Anzul, Teri Friedman, Diane Garner, and Ann McCormack Steinmetz, Doing Qualitative Research: Circles within Circles . Philadelphia: Falmer, 1991., Margot Ely, Margaret Anzul, Teri Friedman, Diane Garner, and Ann McCormack Steinmetz

Annotation: Reports the experiences of these authors' doing ethnographic research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research

Fenstermacher, Gary D., and John I. Goodlad, eds., Individual Differences and the Common Curriculum, Eighty-second Yearbook of the NSSE, Part I. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1983., Gary D. Fenstermacher and John I. Goodlad

Annotation: Treats perennial issues in curriculum of the implications of individual differences and the desire for a common curriculum for all students.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum Differentiation, Content Selection and Organization, Core Mandates, Psychology and Curriculum, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum, Curriculum Standards and Testing

Fetterman, David M., and M. A. Pitman, eds., Educational Evaluation: Ethnography in Theory, Practice, and Politics . Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1986., David M. Fetterman and M. A. Pitman

Annotation: Provides readings on various aspects of doing ethnographic evaluation studies in education.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry, Evaluative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Flinders, David J., and Geoffrey E. Mills, eds., Theory and Concepts in Qualitative Research: Perspectives from the Field. New York: Teachers College Press, 1993., David J. Flinders and Geoffrey E. Mills

Annotation: Questions and demonstrates the role of normative theory and concepts in qualitative research.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research, Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Foshay, Arthur W., ed., Considered Action for Curriculum Improvement, 1980 ASCD Yearbook. Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1980., Arthur W. Foshay

Annotation: Presents ten articles on the culture of school, aspects of curriculum theory, and realities of curriculum development, change, and classroom curriculum work; chapter 6 by Connelly and Elbaz is on "Conceptual Bases for Curriculum Thought;" chapter 7 by Gay is on "Conceptual Models in the Curriculum-Planning Process."

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Change, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Teacher Planning, Curriculum Deliberation

Foshay, Arthur W., et al., Research for Curriculum Improvement. 1957 ASCD Yearbook. Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, National Education Association, 1957., Arthur W. Foshay

Annotation: Covers the history and processes of curriculum research and highlights cooperative research to improve the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Change
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Action Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Curriculum History, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Franklin, Barry M., ed., Curriculum and Consequence: Herbert M. Kliebard and the Promise of Schooling. New York: Teachers College Press, 2000., Barry M. Franklin

Annotation: Contains eight essays on aspects of curriculum history published in honor of Kliebard at his retirement from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; includes an overview by the editor of Kliebard's life and contributions; closes with comments by Kliebard.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Visions and Philosophies
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Curriculum Differentiation, Liberal Education/General Education, Curriculum Standards and Testing, Social Efficiency/Control

Franklin, Barry M., ed., When Children Don't Learn: Student Failure and the Culture of Teaching. New York: Teachers College Press, 1998., Barry M. Franklin

Annotation: Reports several qualitative studies of student failure and teacher failure.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Ethnographic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Student Assessment, Teaching/Learning Process

Franklin, Barry M., and Gary McCulloch, eds., The Death of the Comprehensive High School? Historical, Contemporary, and Comparative Perspectives. New York: Palsgrave Macmillan, 2007, Barry M. Franklin and Gary McCulloch

Annotation: Offers ten chapters (reviews and case studies) of the successes, , problems and changes in the comprehensive high school in the United States and around the world over the last half-century and into the contemporary period; the introduction and the epilogue by the editors provide succinct summaries of this work.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Secondary School Curriculum

Fuhrman, Susan H., and Betty Malen, eds., The Politics of Curriculum and Testing . Philadelphia: Falmer, 1991., Susan H. Fuhrman and Betty Malen

Annotation: Provides thirteen studies of the politics of curriculum and testing at the state and local levels.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Integrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics, Curriculum Standards and Testing, Program Audit/Evaluation

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Philosophical Hermeneutics . Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1976., Hans-Georg Gadamer

Annotation: Includes thirteen articles by Gadamer illucidating various aspects of philosophical hermeneutics.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Field other than Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation

Garman, Noreen B., and Maria Piantanida, eds., The Authority to Imagine: The Struggle toward Representation in Dissertation Writing. New York: Peter Lang, 2006., Noreen B. Garman and Maria Piantanida

Annotation: Provides commentaries by members of a study group about their learnings and sharing regarding the doing and writing of various types of qualitative research studies as dissertations.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines, Curriculum Research and Inquiry-General
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Phenomenological Inquiry, Hermeneutic Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Qualitative Research, Knowledge Generation, Comparisons Among Inquiry Modes

Gingell, John, ed., Education and the Common Good: Essays in Honor of Robin Barrow. New York: Rutledge, 2013., John Gingell

Annotation: Presents essays on the contributions of Robin Barrow to curriculum and the philosophy of education; Barrow responds in the final essay.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum History, Curriculum Professors

Giroux, Henry A., ed., Postmodernism, Feminishm, and Cultural Politics: Redrawing Educational Boundaries, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Has articles by eight authors (an extended introduction and last article are by Giroux) on the subject of redrawing educational boundaries across cultures.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., ed., Social Practice, A Special Issue on the Politics of Education. Winfield, IL: ICEA/Social Practice, 1980., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contains essays on the topic by Greene, Aronowitz, Giroux, Whitty, Apple & Teitelbaum, Purpel, and Anyon.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., Ideology, Culture, and the Process of Schooling . Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contains six reprinted articles by the author with an introduction on the theoretical sources of his work.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum as a Field of Practice and Study, Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning . South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1988., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contains 14 essays by the author, most of which previously appeared elsewhere.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., The Giroux Reader. New York: Paradigm,2006, Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Reprints 13 articles from 1983-2003 covering major areas of scholarship to which the author has contributed.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Theorists, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Ideology and School Knowledge, Conceptions of Teaching, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum

Giroux, Henry A., Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition . South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1983., Henry A. Giroux

Annotation: Contains six essays on this topic based on earlier published articles.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline: Education
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Knowledge Generation, Ideology and School Knowledge, Curriculum and Politics

Giroux, Henry A., and Peter McLaren, eds., Critical Pedagogy, the State, and Cultural Struggle. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1989., Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren

Annotation: Presents essays by several prominent scholars on the theoretical aspects of the topic in which schools may contribute to social transformation; essays are by the editors, Carnoy, Wexler, McLaren, Fine, Feinberg, Giroux, and Giroux & Simon.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Critical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Curriculum and Politics

Gitlin, Andrew, et al. Teacher's Voices for School Change: An Introduction to Educative Research. New York: Teachers College Press, 1993., Andrew Gitlin

Annotation: Describes educative teacher research through stories of teachers' lives and school histories.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Enactment and Teaching
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Narrative Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: Conceptions of Teaching

Goodson, Ivor, School Subjects and Curriculum Change: Case Studies in Curriculum History. London: Croom Helm, 1983. Philadeplia: Falmer, 1987., Ivor Goodson

Annotation: Discusses the history of several school subjects in the curriculum.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Change, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: School Subjects, Curriculum History

Goodson, Ivor F., ed., International Perspectives on Curriculum History . London: Croom Helm, 1986., Ivor F. Goodson

Annotation: Gives accounts of curriculum history in eleven countries in various subject areas.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines,Curriculum Research Domains and Structure
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: School Subjects, Curriculum History, Comparative Curriculum

Goodson, Ivor F., ed., Social Histories of the Secondary Curriculum: Subjects for Study . London: Falmer, 1985., Ivor F. Goodson

Annotation: Presents studies of the histories of several secondary subjects.

Broad Topical Focus: Curriculum Policies and Policy Making,Curriculum Development, Organization, Design
Source Discipline: Curriculum
Mode of Inquiry in the Study: Historical Inquiry
Type of Study: Collection of Studies
Narrow Topic: School Subjects, Secondary School Curriculum, Curriculum History, Comparative Curriculum