Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Reliability and Failure Analysis of GaN-on-Si Power Devices, Wen Yang
Reliable and Efficient Cognitive Radio Communications Using Directional Antennas, Hassan Yazdani
Robust and Scalable Data Representation and Analysis Leveraging Isometric Transformations and Sparsity, Alireza Zaeemzadeh
Robust Acceleration of Data-Centric Applications using Resistive Computing Systems, Baogang Zhang
FPGA-Augmented Secure Crash-Consistent Non-Volatile Memory, Yu Zou
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
2 Micron Fiber Laser Machining Transparent Conductive Glasses and Transparent Polymers, Ali Abdulfattah
Provably Trustworthy and Secure Hardware Design with Low Overhead, Qutaiba Alasad
Control Strategies for Multi-Controller Multi-Objective Systems, Raaed Al-Azzawi
Deep Hashing for Image Similarity Search, Ali Al Kobaisi
Integrated Microinverter and Storage for Portable Photovoltaic systems, Khalil Alluhaybi
High Performance and Secure Execution Environments for Emerging Architectures, Mazen Alwadi
Passive Scene Reconstruction in Non-line-of-sight Scenarios, Andre Beckus
Selective Subtraction: An Extension of Background Subtraction, Adeel Bhutta
Statistical and Stochastic Learning Algorithms for Distributed and Intelligent Systems, Jiang Bian
Scalable Communication Frameworks for Multi-Agency Data Sharing, Shafaq Chaudhry
Detecting Small Moving Targets in Infrared Imagery, Adam Cuellar
Extracting Data-Level Parallelism in High-Level Synthesis for Reconfigurable Architectures, Juan Andres Escobedo Contreras
Indium Phosphide Based Quantum Cascade Lasers Grown on Silicon Substrate, Rowel Go
Data-Driven Nonlinear Control Designs for Constrained Systems, Roland Harvey
Thin-fIlm Lithium Niobate Integrated Photonics on Silicon for Electro- and Nonlinear-optic Applications, Amirmahdi Honardoost
Multi-Element Multi-Datastream Visible Light Communication Networks, Sifat Ibne Mushfique
Improving Usability of Genetic Algorithms through Self Adaptation on Static and Dynamic Environments, Reamonn Norat
Pervasive Spectrum Sharing for Improved Wireless Experience, Mostafizur Rahman
Distributed Multi-agent Optimization and Control with Applications in Smart Grid, Towfiq Rahman
Energy-Efficient Signal Conversion and In-Memory Computing using Emerging Spin-based Devices, Soheil Salehi Mobarakeh
Increasing Accuracy Performance through Optimal Feature Extraction Algorithms, Genevieve Sapijaszko
In Pursuit of Low-dimensional Manifold Structures in High-dimensional Data, Mahlagha Sedghi
Target Acquisition Performance Improvement with Boost and Restoration Filtering Using Deep-Electron-Well Infrared Detectors, Robert Short
Wind Turbine Generator Overheating Solution, Gopal Singh
Characterization of Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction in Patients with a Left Ventricular Assist Device, Viswajith Siruvallur Vasudevan
Investigations on the Use of Hyperthermia for Breast Cancer Treatment, Sreekala Suseela
MFPA: Mixed-Signal Field Programmable Array for Energy-Aware Compressive Signal Processing, Adrian Tatulian
Monolithic Thin-film Lithium Niobate Scanning Micromirror: Design and Simulation, Abimanyu Veerappan
Enabling Recovery of Secure Non-Volatile Memories, Mao Ye