The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Deep Time Series Modeling: From Distribution Regularity to Distribution Shift, Wei Fan
Imaging And Computation Using Vector Modes, Alireza Fardoost
War on the Bay: Determining the Existence of Watershed Moments within the Shipyards in Tampa, Florida during World War II, Connor E. Farley
Efficient and Accurate Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Transform Domain Techniques for Biomedical Data, Maedeh Sadat Fasihi
Painting and Fear: The Creation of Death's Visage, Mark A. Felbinger
Due Tomorrow, Do Tomorrow: Measuring and Reducing Procrastination Behavior Among Introductory Physics Students in an Online Environment, Zachary Felker
Analysis of Multi-Drug Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Split Deoxyribozymes, Abryana Fergus
Examining Novel Aspects of T-cell Priming and Lung Resident T-cell Function to Improve Vaccine Induced Protection Against Influenza A Virus, Caroline M. Finn
Defining Sober Harms and Factors that Influence Them: Blame it on the Alcohol?, Jessica Flori
Exploring Population Structure and Diversity Across Time in Population of American Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber), Jessica Folsom
Recurrent Neural Network Modeling of a Developed Multi-Nozzle, Piezoelectric-Based, Spray Cooling Testbed, Andrew Fordon
A Theoretical Study of Elementary Processes in Interstellar Plasma, Joshua Forer
Heat Release And Flame Scale Effects On Turbulence Dynamics In Confined Premixed Flows, Max Fortin
An Investigation of Change Mechanisms Using Psychophysiological Data: Child-Centered Play Therapy with Children Exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences, Caitlin Frawley
The Study of Crisis Narratives Over Time: Mayfield, KY in the Aftermath of the 2021 Tornadoes, Rebecca Freihaut
Modeling and Experimental Validation of Mission-Specific Prognosis of Li-Ion Batteries with Hybrid Physics-Informed Neural Networks, Kajetan Fricke
With Silk, Sage, and Bones: Confronting Death and Dying Through Nature and Ritualistic Healing, Brittney Fucheck
Time-specific Safety Performance Functions for Different Advanced Traffic Management Strategies, Jingwan Fu
Black Female Prospective Teachers' Mathematical Identity: Narratives of Their Experiences, Tandrea Fulton
Wet Chemical Synthesis of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle and Biological Application, Yifei Fu
Experimental Analysis on Effects of Inclination and Direction on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Heat Transfer for Internal Pipe Flow, Emmanuel Gabriel-Ohanu
Erasing the Past for Marketability: The Effects of Selling National Myth in Ybor City's Public Historical Narrative, Janine A. Galindo
Polyamine Blockade Therapy: Modulating Pancreatic Tumor Microenvironment and Role in MDSC Biology, Manav Gandhi
Developing Platinum-Group Metal (PGM) Nanostructures as Peroxidase Mimics for Biosensing Applications, Weiwei Gao
Las Madres Blancas: The Visual Representation and Cultural Production of the Mirabal Sisters, Luisa Garcia
Utilization and Costs of Home Hemodialysis, In-Center Hemodialysis, and Peritoneal Dialysis Among Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in the United States, Andres Mauricio Garcia Sierra
Discovery and Evaluation of Finite State Machines in Hardware Security, James Geist
Design, Analysis and Control of Multi-port Converter for PV and Storage Applications, Sumana Ghosh
"It is in our DNA": Athlete Activism and Social Media Discourse During the 2020 WNBA Season, Kendra Gilbertson
Topological Data Analysis Using the Mapper Algorithm, Jessica Girard
Fostering Empathy in SMS Text Messaging, Tami C. Gitto-Kania
Surface Engineering of Nanoparticles for Efficient Polymerization Inhibition, Catalysis, and Plasmonic Sensing, Pooria Golvari
Acute Effects of Sprint Interval Training and Blood Flow Restriction on Neuromuscular and Muscle Function, David Gonzalez Rojas
Examining Generation Z Perceptions and Preferences for Academic Advising, Vanessa Gonzalez
Refining the Use of Stable Isotope Analysis in Detecting Wildlife Laundering, Kevin Guilfoyle
Student Perceptions of Campus Crime and Victim Services, Tracy Gulliford
Indigenous Writing and Poetry in Magazines Published by Women in the Early 20th Century, Grace Gunther
Low Energy Photon Detection, Tianyi Guo
The Genealogy of Desolate Landscapes, Alexander Gurtis
An Investigation of Grade 10 First Time Geometry Achievement As Predicted By Algebra I and Grade 9 English Language Arts Scores, Heather Haas Kreider
Consequences and Applications of Non-differentiable Angular Dispersion and Space-time Wave Packets, Layton Alec Hall
Roadmap To Successful Implementation Of Digital Transformation In The Defense Industry, Mohamed Hamada
Physical Properties and Chemical Composition of Comets, Olga Harrington
Targeting Inhibitory Receptor TIGIT Signaling in NK Cells to Improve Anti-tumor Immunity, Md Faqrul Hasan
Performance Comparison of Low-Cost Sensors Across Six Cities of Continental United States, Md Hasibul Hasan
Safety Considerations for Setting Variable Speed Limits on Freeways, Md Tarek Hasan
Safety Evaluation of Active Traffic Management Strategies on Freeways by Short-Term Crash Prediction Models, Md Tarek Hasan
Control of the Spar-buoy Based Wind Turbine Floating Platform Through Mooring Line Actuation, Tajnuba Hasan
PrEP Initiation as a Predictor of Alcohol-Related Sexual Risk Among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men, Emma R. Hayden
Music Direction and Piano Accompaniment in Musical Theatre: A Practical Guide, Danielle Hayes
Leadership Efficacy: A Study of the Relationship between Leadership Efficacy, Teacher Perception and Teacher Retention, Rachel Hazel
Writing About Reflecting About Teaching: The Circulation of Writing About Writing with Pedagogical Implications, Emily Hensley
A Novel Multi-Observer Orbit Determination and Estimation Framework for Cislunar Space Domain Awareness, James E. Hippelheuser Jr.
Site, Sight, Swipe, Prada Marfa: A Case Study in Public Art, Cultural Tourism, and Image-Based Social Media Engagement, Ha'ani Joy Hogan
Detonability of a Rotating Detonation Combustor Seeded with Carbon/Hydrocarbon Particles at Fringe Operating Conditions, Matthew Hopwood
Ocean Vector Wind Measurement Potential from the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission using a Combined Active and Passive Algorithm, Alamgir Hossan
System Wide Analysis and Determination of Accuracy, Precision, and Repeatability of a Custom Prism Coupling Refractometry Instrument, Andrew W. Howe
High-Dynamic-Range and High-Efficiency Near-Eye Display Systems, En-Lin Hsiang
Developing A Physics-informed Deep Learning Paradigm for Traffic State Estimation, Jiheng Huang
Modeling Online Social Behavior with a Deep Network Learning Framework, Yifan Huang
Population Differences in Human Mandibular Growth, Madison Hubbart
A Systematic Review of Cryptocurrencies Use in Cybercrimes, Kieran B D Human
Data-Driven Optimal Power System Operation Under Uncertainty, Ren Hu
Exploring the Feasibility of Machine Learning Techniques in Recognizing Complex Human Activities, Shengnan Hu
Methodologies for Evaluating Interaction Cues for Virtual Reality, Xinyu Hu
Assessing the Barriers to Reintegration Among Returnees in Nigeria, Itunu Ilesanmi
Spatial Ensemble Distillation Learning Based Real-Time Crash Prediction and Management Framework, Md Rakibul Islam
Neuromorphic Artificial Visual Systems using 2D Materials, Molla Manjurul Islam
Learning Gains Post COVID-19 Disruption: The Predictive Value of Sense of Belonging, Teacher Efficacy, and School Fit, Deborah Izzo
Mapping the Focal Points of WordPress: A Software and Critical Code Analysis, Bryce Jackson
A Generalized Accelerated Failure Time Model to Predict Restoration Time from Power Outages, Tasnuba Binte Jamal
Defect Engineering of 2D Materials for Nanoelectronics, Optoelectronics, and Energy Devices, Ammon Johnston
A Conceptual Model for Quality 4.0 Deployment in U.S. Based Manufacturing Firms, Thomas Jones
Green Integration of Wafer-scale Two-dimensional MoS2 on Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers Towards Transient Electronics, Md Golam Kaium
Predicting Implementation Citizenship Behavior Rating Discrepancies Between Supervisor-Subordinate Dyads, Alexandra Kandah
Towards the Safety and Robustness of Deep Models, Md Nazmul Karim
Exploring Regional Dynamics: States, International Civil Society, and Regional Interstate Cooperation, Ozgur Kayaalp
Towards Optimization and Robustification of Data-Driven Models, Ehsan Kazemi Foroushani
Host Cell Responses Modulate Oncolytic Viral Treatment of Neuroblastoma Cells, Kritika Kedarinath
It is Time to Change the Way we Change, Thane Keller
Advanced Laser Absorption Spectroscopy For Temperature And Species Measurements In Nitromethane Detonation Afterburn, Nishan Khanal
Development and Testing of an Experimental Apparatus for Evaluation of Aerogel Based Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage, Yakym Khlyapov
Error Rate Determination of Latent Print Chemistry via 1D and 2D Gas Chromatography, Jessica Kindell
Activist-Casual Game Design: Iterating Serious Games Through Research-Creation, Daniel J. King
Flow Theory in the Actor's Process: Can the Pursuit of Optimal Experience Alleviate Anxiety?, Kimberly (Kimber) King
The Effect of Extended Reality on the Science Achievement Gap Between Students With and Without Disabilities, Shalece Kohnke
Roanoke and the Witch, Tamara Komoff
Evolutionary History and Adaptation to Salinity in American Alligators, John Konvalina
Using GIS to Better Understand The Cracker Community of Pat's Island in the Ocala National Forest, Florida, Nicholas Kopp
The Role of Oxygen Impurities in γ-phase Calcium Lanthanum Sulfide for Infrared Applications, Alexandros Kostogiannes
Detonation Realization in a Reacting Mach Stem, Adam R. Kotler