The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
An Exploratory Study of Eye-Tracking on Elementary Children With and Without Reading Disabilities, Monica Berns-Conner
Children's Knowledge of Intravenous Needle Insertion and Distress: The Indirect Effects of Cognitive Appraisals of Threat and Coping, Emily Bernstein
Ruffled: Examining Feminism & Femininity Through Animation, Savannah Berry
Statistical Analysis of Detonation Stability, Joshua Berson
Design Considerations and Imaging Setup for Liquid Fuel Droplet Detonation Wave Experiments, Nicolas Berube
Investigation of Endothelial Mechanics on Primary Cell Functions: Endothelium Permeability and Wound Healing, Sean Beverung
Responses of a Pine Flatwoods Specialist Treefrog to Prescribed Fire, Ian Biazzo
Two essays on ESG, Natalya Bikmetova
The Perfect Storm: Motherhood, Intimate Partner Violence, and COVID-19, Kelly Blauschild
Repurposing of Human Protein Kinase Inhibitors Identifies Dual Stage Active Antimalarials, Monica J. Bohmer
Dormant Propagules in Demographic Studies: a Recurrent Bias and Potential Solutions, Federico Borghesi
Electrochemical Sensors For Sub-ppb Level Water Contaminant Detection Using Eco-friendly Materials, Pouya Borjian
Identification and Influence of Species-Informative 16S Ribosomal RNA Sequences and Evaluation of Ocean Biofilms, Nikhil Bose
Boys to Men, Brandon Bradley
The Relationship Among Identity Development, Dark Personality, and Risk-Taking Behaviors, Reilly Branch
An Evaluation of Thermocouple Reconstruction Techniques, Derek Brauneis
Middle School Space Science Education: An Investigation of Self-Efficacy, Content Knowledge, and STEM Career Interests, Kristina Brendel Otero
The Comparison of Water Droplet Breakup in a Shock or Detonation Medium, Sydney Briggs
Employee Volunteering: Integrating the Volunteering and Helping Literatures Using a Latent Profile Approach, Emily Broksch
The Successful Characteristics That Contribute to Black Male Students Matriculating into Medical School, Cedric Brown
Taste of Grief & Other Stories, Madison Brown
Exploring the Experiences of Black Male Residence Life Professionals Working at Predominantly White Institutions: A Phenomenological Study of 2020, Arian Lemoyne Bryant
Rapid Fabrication of Nanoparticles on Carbonaceous Nanofibers, Alex Burnstine-Townley
The Distribution of Entrepreneurship Within and Across Generations of Enterprising Families, Sarah Burrows
Understanding the Interactions Between Conservation Agencies and Rangers: A Mixed-Methods Approach, Christina M. Burton
XPS Study of Calcium Lanthanum Sulfide Ceramics, Brian E. Butkus
Exploring Risk Factors Associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology in Police, Lori Camacho
Examining Domestic Violence: The Relationship Between Socio-Demographic Factors and Case Dispositions, Alesha Cameron
Bench- and Pilot-Scale Corrosion Control Inhibitor Effectiveness Studies for a Community's Blended Surficial and Brackish Groundwater Supply, Paula Campesino
Racial Discrimination, Social Support and Psychological Distress among Black Pregnant Women, Camilla Carey
The Design and Implimentation of a Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter Testbed, Maximilian Carroll
Gendered and Racialized Bodies in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Saphronia Carson
Gait Strategies While Walking with Discrete Perturbations on a Self-Paced Treadmill, Cesar Castano
Navigating with Sharks: How the Marketing Practices Help to Create Successful Phishing Emails, Erica Castilho
The Development of Computational Models for Melting-Solidification Applications Using the Volume-Of-Fluid Method, Brendon Cavainolo
Save the Drowning Child: Stories, Kayla Cayasso
Optimal Sequencing and Scheduling Algorithm for Traffic Flows Based on Extracted Control Actions Near the Airport, Sharmistha Chakrabarti
A Study on Robustness and Semantic Understanding of Visual Models, Madeline Chantry
Examining the Relationship between phiETA Susceptibility & Temperate Phage Diversity in Staphylococcus aureus, Atrayee Chatterjee
Smoothing Spline Analysis of Variance Models On Accelerometer Data, Lulu Chen
A Thermal, Mechanical, and Materials Framework for a Shape Memory Alloy Heat Engine for Thermal Management and Energy Recovery, Maria Chikhareva
VTubers vs FaceCam: How the Visual Representations of Live Streamers Affects Audience Experience, Paola Chinchilla
Fabrication of Alkaline-Earth Fluoride Ceramics for High-Power Lasers via Fusion Casting and Hot Forging, Adrian Cintron
A Holistic Work System Approach to Creating Flow During Transactional Work, Steven Clapp
Flow Independent Fuel Injection for More Consistent Liquid Combustion Using Pintile Injectors, Charles Clark
Quarrying and Social Status: GIS Analysis of Lidar Data In the El Mirador Region, Jessica L. Clark
Studying Memes During Covid Lockdown as a Lens Through Which to Understand Video-Mediated Communication Interactions, Tatyana Claytor
Development of New Microelectromechanical Chip-Based Systems and Their Application for Cardiac Therapeutic Evaluation, Elizabeth Coln
Inkling: An Exploration of Visual Effects as a Character, Joshua Cooper
Multi-Kilowatt Fiber Laser Amplifiers and Hollow-Core Delivery Fibers, Matthew Cooper
Study on the Methodology of Florida Sinkhole Identification, Monitoring, and Mitigation, Timothy Copeland
Numerical Insights Into the Effect of Spacing on Axial Resistance of Auger Cast Piles, Edgar Camilo Correa Prada
A Spatiotemporal Examination of Crime Site Selection for Commercial Burglary and Street Robbery, Devin Cowan
"Do You Want to Build with Snowman?": Positioning Twine Story Formats Through Critical Code Study, Daniel Cox
Narrating the Fragmenting Brain: Alzheimer's Disease Neuronarratives, Bonnie Cross
A Phenomenological Inquiry on How Social Markers Inform Preservice Elementary Teachers Science Teacher Identity Through the Lens of Positionality, Katherine Cruz-Deiter
Magic Show: Themed Experiences Utilizing Animation, Emma Cuitino
Eternity Road, Shahrzad Dadgar
Modeling Behavior and Vaccine Hesitancy for Predicting Daily Vaccination Inoculations Using Trends, Case, Death, and Twitter Sentiment Data, Talal Daghriri
Optical Design Study of a High-Resolution Spectrograph Utilizing Photonic Lanterns for a Large Fiber Array Telescope, Richard D'Alo
Utilizing Technologies to Investigate Structural Performance of Bridges at Local and Global Levels, Marwan Debees
The Associations Among Racial Discrimination, Perceived Stress and Birth Satisfaction Among Black Women, Amanda de la Serna
Integrated Healthcare in the U.S. Safety-Net System: Meeting the Needs of Patients through Comprehensive Medical and Social Care, Jacqueline Devaney
Capturing and Scaffolding the Complexities of Self-Regulation During Game-Based Learning, Daryn Dever
Digital Disconnect: The Relationship Between In-game and Real-world Issues in World of Warcraft, Taylor Devereaux
Clay as a Control Technique for Karenia brevis: Water Chemistry Dynamics and Physiological Impacts on Benthic Invertebrates, Victoria Devillier
Deep Learning Approaches for Automatic Colorization, Super-resolution, and Representation of Volumetric Data, Sudarshan Devkota
Two Essays on the Airbnb Market, Debanjana Dey
A Unique Method of Using Information Entropy to Evaluate the Reliability of Deep Neural Network Predictions on Intracranial Electroencephalogram, Elakkat Dharmaraj Gireesh
Study of Seismocardiographic Signal Variability, Denoising and Application in Cardiac Monitoring, Rajkumar Dhar
Exploring Mindfulness in Simulation-Based Learning: Promoting Self Care in Nursing Education, Marci Dial
Disclosure Experiences and Well-Being Among Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Bisexual Women Sexual Violence Survivors, Madelyn Diaz
Representation Learning in Deep Neural Networks, Yifan Ding
Exotic Ground States in Novel Quantum Magnets, Charuni Dissanayake
The Daughters of Sycorax, Wendy Dye
Deep Learning-Based Microscopy, Vahid Ebrahimi
The Development and Validation of the Intolerance of Uncertainty in Social Interactions Scale, Anne Eible
An Analysis of Differences in the Professional Characteristics of Prekindergarten Disabilities Teachers in Florida School Districts, Suzanne Ekelund
Electroanalytical Investigations of MicroRNA-conjugated Cerium Oxide based Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications, Chaimae El Ghzaoui
A Phenomenological Exploration of Transfer Students' Experiences with Coaching and Advising at a Large Metropolitan Research University, Mirvate El Jerdi
Understanding Changes In Land Use Patterns At A Parcel Level In Central Florida Counties (Orange, Seminole, Osceola), Youssef Mohamed Abdelaziz Elsebaie
Distributed Optimization with Limited Communication in Networks with Adversaries, Iyanuoluwa Emiola
Detecting Team Conflict From Multiparty Dialogue, Ayesha Enayet
Social Equity Through Vaccinations During COVID-19: A Study of Equitable Utilization of Resources During Emergencies and Crises, Rebecca Entress
Understanding, Modeling, and Simulating the Discrepancy Between Intended and Perceived Image Appearance on Optical See-Through Augmented Reality Displays, Austin Erickson
Determination of Damage Initiation Mechanisms in Aerospace Alloys Due to Stress Corrosion Cracking via In-Situ Microscale Characterization Techniques, Remelisa Esteves
Temperature and H2O Species Measurements Via a Laser Spectroscopic Sensor in Harsh Reacting Environments, Marc B. Etienne
Transforming Costuming Design: Costuming for the Actor's Comfort, Lisa Evenson
Investigating the Role of Loss in Refugee Mental Health: Exploration through the Lens of Ambiguous Loss Theory, Dania Fakhro
Robust and Adaptive Neuromodulation Algorithms for Closed-Loop Control of Brain States, Hao Fang