The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Altitude and Pitch Control of a Tethered Multi-Rotor Autogyro Using a Reduced Order Model, Tasnia Noboni
Acausal Dynamic Modeling and Validation of a 15MW Wind Turbine with Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) Robust Control Design, Mohammad Odeh
Development of an Objective Battery for PTSD, Kathryn O'Dell
Advanced Analysis of Mode Veering Variations in Academic Blisks, Nicolas Olore
External Boundary Conditions for Solidification Process Modeling of Equiaxed Investment Castings, Weston Olson
The Boyfriend Dungeon Controversy: Fan Labor and Toxic Fan Practices in Progressive Fandom, Angela Orozco
Nonprofit Compliance: Perceptions of Small Nonprofit Leaders to be Compliant, Andrea C. Ortega
Scalable Transactions in Decentralized Networks, Zachary M. Painter
Analyzing the Role of Transportation Network Companies (TNC) within the Transportation Ecosystem, Dewan Ashraful Parvez
Effect of Acetate and Cell Density on External Proton Supply for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Biohydrogen Production, Keval V. Patel
A Critical Discursive Analysis of the Effects of Confidence Chats on the Positioning of Students with Disabilities During Mathematics Discourse, Kelly R. Penny
Development of Novel Multi-nutrient Nanoparticle Systems for Crop Health management, Jorge Pereira
Semiconductor Mode-locked Lasers for Applications in Multi-photon Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Srinivas Varma Pericherla
Integrated Econometric Models to Bridge Across Resolutions: Application to Crash Frequency and Severity Analysis, Shahrior Pervaz
A Study of the Effects of Microgravity Through Porous Media in Microfluidic Devices, Taylor A. Peterson
A CHAT Analysis of the Use of Educational Video Games to Teach Physical Science to Middle School Girls, Stephen G. Petit
Lesson Study As A Catalyst For Including Concepts And Procedures In Planning And Implementing Fraction-Based Mathematics Lessons: An Elementary School Case Study, Nisha A. Phillip Malahoo
An Ethnographic Study on How Mandated Curriculum Influences Mathematics Instruction at a State-Supervised School, Laura T. Pimentel
Mesmerizing Moon Mysteries: Unraveling the Compositions of Irregular Mare Patches (IMPs) Using Remote Observations, Nicholas G. Piskurich
Do Generalist-Pollinated Plants Exhibit Pollination Syndromes? Examination of Floral Size, Shape, Color, and Scent on Pollinator Services to Wild Sunflowers (Helianthus), Charles A. Pitsenberger II
Impacts of Professional Development on Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Implementation of Cognitively Demanding Tasks, Maria Porras Monroy
Theatrical Tools to Support the Community Agreement, Bethany E. Post
Fundamental Chemical Kinetic Experiments of Combustion Products inside a Shock Tube, Alex-Abraham Pothen
Empathy in Digital Healthcare, Michael R. Powell
We Ga LinkL Utilizing Indigenous Methodology to Explore Mental Health with Bahamian Immigrants, Zonovia Proctor
Exercise Induced Hypoalgesia Following Low-Load Resistance Exercise With Blood Flow Restriction, Christopher E. Proppe
Capable Rhetoric: Embodied Rhetorical Listening and Midwives' Arguments for the Maternal Body on Instagram, Aminta C. Quintero-Jackson
Modelling of the Viscoelastic Relaxation of a Stowed Telescope Starshade, Rahul Raghu
Hierarchical Heterogeneous Catalysts for Hydrogenation Reactions, Azina Rahmani
Improving Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured High-Temperature Gas Turbine Component, Nandhini Raju
The Use of Graphic Organizers on the Reading Comprehension of High School Students, Beckylee Ramos Lorenzo
Towards Energy-Efficient In-Memory Computing Systems Using Electronic Design Automation, Muhammad Rashedul Haq Rashed
Typography and English as a Second Language (ESL) Reading: Impact of Variable Font Width, Letter Spacing, and Line Spacing on Reading Performance and Experience, Md Mamunur Rashid
Acquiring, Appraising, and Applying Evidence to Facilitate Evidence-Based Medical Education, Meredith Ratliff
Optimizing Communication, Control, And Network Structure For Mass Platoons Of Connected And Automated Vehicles, Mahdi Razzaghpour
The Role of School Culture and Autonomous Motivation in Supporting Academic Achievement and Teacher Retention in a Public Charter School: An Ethnographic Case Study, Amanda W. Reschke
Changing Lines, Spencer L. Reynolds
Analysis and Design of Multiport Converters for Photovoltaic and Electrical Vehicle Applications, Reza Rezaii
The Militancy Cycle: Exploring Violent Extremism Through The Italian Red Brigades, Erika Ricci
An Atomistic Approach to Large Scale Transport: An Investigation of the Resistivity-size Effect in Thin Films with Realistic Disorder, William E. Richardson
The Chronic Effects of Low-Load Blood Flow Restriction and Creatine Supplementation in Women, Paola Rivera
Henry VIII & Rulership: A Contemporary Perspective of His Reign, 1509-1537, Jeremy M. Rodriguez
Assessing the Manifestations of Marginalization in Early Bronze Age Western Anatolia: Nonspecific Stress Indicators at Karataş-Semayük, Chelsea N. Rose
Does Assessment of Distress Disclosure Enhance Prediction of Suicidal Ideation in the Three-Step Theory of Suicide?, Jessica A. Ruiz
Examining Secondary Trauma, Vicarious Trauma, and Posttraumatic Growth Among Caregivers of Children with Chronic Medical Illnesses, James Rujimora
Multi-Scale Assessment of Oceanic Sargassum habitat for the Sea Turtle 'Lost Years', Alexander E. Sacco
Giving Voice to The Voiceless: Health Communication and Female Fieldworkers in Central Florida, Sofia Salazar
Feedback-Related Negativity, Reward-Based Learning, and ADHD Symptoms: Preliminary Findings in a Pediatric Sample with Prominent Mood Symptoms, Giulia C. Salgari
A Scaffolded Corequisite Curriculum for College Algebra Students: Effects on Achievement and Motivation, Patrick R. Sandefur
The Capsule of The Caterpillar: A Hybrid Collection From An Invisible Disorder, Jessa M. Santiago
Bending Mechanics of Bio-mimetic Stiff Scale-Covered Plate, Pranta Rahman Sarkar
Acausal Modeling and Validation of Platform Hydrodynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine, Doyal Kumar Sarker
Lotería: Hybrid Narrative of a Transracial Adoptee, Dani F. Sarta
Constructive Voice Feedback Loops Within and Across Jobs, Ann Schlotzhauer
Enhancing NFL Game Insights: Leveraging XGBoost For Advanced Football Data Analytics To Quantify Multifaceted Aspects Of Gameplay, Christopher P. Schoborg
Exploring the Benefits of the Integration of XR and BIM for Retrofitting Projects, John Sermarini
The Influence Of Natural And Anthropogenic Drivers On Estuarine Food Webs At Various Spatio-Temporal Scales And Levels Of Complexity, Michelle Shaffer
Tailoring the Internal Architectures of Hollow Nanoparticles for Enhanced Plasmonic Properties, Shikuan Shao
Decentralized Optimization Algorithms for Coordination of Power Grid and Other Critical Infrastructures, Santosh Sharma
Comparison of bearing capacity estimates to the barcelona basic model implemented through finite element modeling in PLAXIS2D, Carlee M. Shaw
Using LiDAR Data and GIS Analyses to Understand Looting Patterns in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Chloe E. Sherwood
Adapting Models for Florida’s Public Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Collegiate Writing Centers, Erin M. Shorthill
A CFD Framework to Study Complex Effects Relating to Airborne Viral-pathogen Transmission, Rajendra Shrestha Mr.
Mitigation of Reliability Risks Associated with Accelerated Thermal Cycling and High Current Density Electromigration in Ball Grid Array Solder Joints, Vishnu R. Shukla
Adaptation to Hypoxia and Nitrate/Nitrite Assimilation Require Species-Specific Regulation by DosR and NnaR in Mycobacterium abscessus, Breven S. Simcox
Social Cognition, Anhedonia, and Support in Relation to Depression Severity in Individuals with Breast Cancer, Samantha D. Simpson
Monolithic Continuous Wave Single Mode Ytterbium Fiber Laser Emitting at 1064 Nanometers, Melissa K. Siver
Gone Phishing: How Task Interruptions Impact Email Classification Ability, Elisabeth Slifkin
Enhancing Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with Automation and Machine Learning, Darian Smalley
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training: Exploring Implementation Factors of Delivering Training in Florida Schools, Lakaysia Smith
Teacher agency in dual language programs: Examining constraining and facilitating factors through an ecological lens, Marcio R. Soares Gomes
Dual Coalitions or Dueling Coalitions?: A Comparison of Single-issue and Dual-issue Statewide Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions in the U.S., Shannon Sokolowski
Examining the Impact of a Video Review Guide on Robotic Surgical Skill Improvement, Mary Mansour Soliman
Film As Ritual: Healing From Complex Trauma and Transmuting Pain Through Film, Lorraine I. Sovern
The Lived Experiences of Diverse Caregivers of Children With Disabilities Participating In Out-Of-School Time Activities, Vanessa Spero
It Matters: The Pedagogical Impact of Civics Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs on Democratic Education Practices, Christopher D. Spinale
A Pandemic in the Educational Sphere: Collecting and Understanding Students' Responses to University Communication on COVID-19, Matthew R. Stapleton
Assessing the Connection Between Social Media and Ideological Polarization, Joshua Stiekman
The Drought, Nicholas Stovel
Developing a Course Enrollment Simulation Model to Improve College Graduation Outcomes, Rachel Straney
Climate Change and Coastal Development Impacts on Oyster Abundances in Mosquito Lagoon, FL, Emily Suchonic
An Exploration of mHealth Applications Usage Among Older Adults: A Mixed Methods Study, Francine N. Sutton
Architectural and Training Regime Modifications to Transformer Models for low data Applications, Azwad Tamir
Identification of the Role of Protein Kinases in VLDL Trafficking, Fahim Rejanur Tasin
A Causal-Comparative Study of the Relationship Between School Shooter Typologies, Warning Signs, and Targeted School Violence, German R. Taveras
Predicting Personality from LinkedIn Profiles Using Natural Language Processing, Saba Tavoosi
Supporting Online Student Success via Online Instructor Best Practices, Tori Jayne Taylor
A Monte Carlo Study on the Applicability of Alignment-Within-CFA Versus MG-CFA for Moderate Group Sizes, Yacine Tazi
Spatial Variability of Hydrodynamics within Crassostrea virginica (Eastern oyster) Reefs: Investigating the Effect of Canopy Density on Flow and Turbulence., Manisha Thenuwara