The UCF Faculty Bibliography is a unified bibliography of scholarship authored by University of Central Florida faculty since 1978. The records included here were taken from Web of Science.
Works from 2006
Edge- and end-pumped slab lasers with both efficient and uniform pumping
Effectiveness of psychoeducational interventions for breast cancer survivors: An interim analysis
Effect of coriolis and centrifugal forces at high rotation and density ratios
Effect of head-tail ratio and the range of the head-head interaction in amphiphilic self-assembly
Effect of inlet swirl on the performance of annular diffusers having the same equivalent cone angle
Effect of Reg FD on information in analysts' rating changes
Effect of varying blends of finished RO, surface and ground waters on solid lead surfaces
Effects of low stereo acuity on performance, presence and sickness within a virtual environment
Effects of trainer reputation and trainees' need for cognition on training outcomes
Efficient adaptive subspace tracking algorithm for automatic target recognition
Elicitation using multiple price list formats
Eliciting subjective beliefs about mortality risk orderings
Emotional distress and urinary incontinence among older women
Empirical generalizations from brand extension research: How sure are we?
Empowerment and participatory evaluation of community interventions
Encouraging best practice in quantitative management research: An incomplete list of opportunities
Energetics of CO on stepped and kinked Cu surfaces: A comparative theoretical study
Energy-aware design for multi-rail encoding using NCL
Enhanced backscattering of vortex waves from volume scattering media
Enhanced tuning mechanism in fibre laser based on multimode interference effects
Enhancing Birefringence by Doping Fluorinated Phenyltolanes
ERP misfit: Country of origin and organizational factors
Estimating and using propensity score analysis with complex samples
Estimating persistence in Canadian unemployment: evidence from a Bayesian ARFIMA
Eternal Iran: Continuity and chaos
Ethical guidelines for study abroad: Can we transform ugly americans into engaged global citizens?
Ethical multiculturalism - An evolutionary concept analysis
Evaluating community collaborations
Evaluation of hurricane ocean vector winds from WindSat
Evaluation of variable speed limits for real-time freeway safety improvement
Evolutionary and anthropological perspectives on optimal foraging in obesogenic environments
Evolution of the scattering coefficients of the Camassa-Holm equation, for general initial data
Exact conditions for existence of homoclinic orbits in the fifth-order KdV model
Examination of multiple mode/route-choice paradigms under ATIS
Excited-state absorption and anisotropy properties of multiphoton absorbing fluorene derivatives
"Excuse me, but I was next ......"
Executive compensation in socially responsible firms
Experimental evidence on alternative environmental valuation methods
Experimental study of interaction of laser radiation with silver nanoparticles in SiO2 matrix
Experimental verification of an optical vortex coronagraph
Experimenting with phenomenology
Explaining recent changes in the partisan identifications of southern whites
Explaining the origins of the Iran hostage crisis: A cognitive perspective
Exploiting geographical and temporal locality to boost search efficiency in peer-to-peer systems
Extended squaraine dyes with large two-photon absorption cross-sections
Extracellular matrix of neurons: Inorganic chemistry with a brain
Extreme chirped pulse oscillator (XCPO) using a theta cavity design
Fabrication and characterization of three-dimensional silver-coated polymeric microstructures
Factorial invariance of Woodcock-Johnson III scores for African Americans and Caucasian Americans
Fast query point movement techniques with relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
Fast-response infrared ferroelectric liquid crystal phase modulators
Fast-response nematic liquid-crystal mixtures
First-principles study of muonium in A- and B-form DNA
FISICA observations of the starburst galaxy, NGC 1569
FISICA: The Florida image slicer for infrared cosmology and astrophysics
Flat polymeric microlens array
Fluid flow over a nonlinearly stretching sheet
Formation of silicon-doped boron nitride bamboo structures via pyrolysis of a polymeric precursor
Formulation of four Katsevich algorithms in native geometry
Free magnetic moments in disordered metals
Free-space terminator and coherent broadband blackbody interferometry
Freshmen adaptation to university life: Depressive symptoms, stress, and coping
From garahge to garidge: The appropriation of garage rock in the Clash"s 'Garageland' (1977)
FUEL 103-An ammonia-borane based hydrogen storage system for portable applications
Fully programmable ring-resonator-based integrated photonic circuit for phase coherent applications
Functional compatibility risk and consumer preference for product bundles
Functional inequalities for incomplete gamma and related functions
Fuzzy simultaneous measurement of two polarization vector components
Gd-III-functionalized fluorescent quantum dots as multimodal imaging probes
Gd(III)-functionalized fluorescent quantum dots for multimodal imaging probes
Gender, ethnicity, and ballot information: Ballot cues in low-information elections
Generalized elliptic-type integrals and their representations
Generalized wavelet product integral for rendering dynamic glossy objects