Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Ego-involvement as an Alternative Measure of Resistance to Persuasion, William J. Snider
A Diffraction Model for Prediction of Radar Signal Attenuation by a Rocket Exhaust Plume, Douglas Harrison Sphar
Effects of Attitude Toward Women in Management and Applicant Information on a Male and Female Applicant for a Management Position, Arlette Ada Steinberger
A Study of Differences in Vertical Phosphorus Profiles Within the Sediments of Selected Florida Lakes as Related to Trophic Dynamics, Edgar Allen Stewart III
Stormwater Infiltration thru Sewer Lines in Brevard County, Florida, Robert Earl Stubbe
Plotting Frequency Response with the Hybrid Computer, David Kenneth Swartwood
A Psycholinguistic Analysis of the Generative Grammar of Intermediate Grade Blacks in a Central Florida School, Carolyn Jean Tavzel
Techniques for Determination of Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Materials at Microwave Frequencies, Witold J. Trett
The Effect of Sweep Rates on Linear Polarization Resistance Measurements, Ronald S. Tulino
A Comparative Study of Forecasting Techniques for the US Air Force Medical Material Management System, Phillip John Van Ess
A Critical Study of the Stated and Manifest Functions of Noel Holston, Television Critic of the Orlando Sentinel, Allison Van Pelt
An Industrial Wastewater Treatment Review for the Textile and Pulp and Paper Industries of Srilanka, Kolonne A. Wijeratne
Studio Greeting Cards: Where They Came From, and What They Lead To, Richard H. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
A Status Report on Solar Energy Utilization in the State of Florida, Henry Michael Armstrong
An Automated Design of Reinforcement Concrete Building Structures, Mehdi Bahremand
Nonverbal Behavior During Constrained Verbal Communication, Manual Isidor Bolanos
Simulation of a Spring Constrained Hypocyclic Roller Mechanism, Wayne R. Bomstad
Effects of High Speed Dental Drill Noise on Heart Rate in Normal Hearing Adult Males, Thomas T. Bunn
Stormwater Management for Urban Areas, Gerald L. Chancellor
Net Primary Production of Spartina and Species Diversity of Associated Macroinvertebrates of a Semi-Impounded Salt Marsh, Larry Alan Chynoweth
Numerical Taxonomy of Anaerobic Bacteria Isolated from Ground Water of a Sanitary Landfill, Kenneth J. Curry
Septic Tank and Chemical Pumpings Evaluation, George C. Cushnie
Clustering Concepts in Automatic Pattern Recognition, Patricia J. DeFilipps
Observations of Hearing Fluctuations in Cleft Palate Children, Virginia Lynn Demain
Stormwater Runoff from Shopping Centers, Thomas P. Donigan
Developmental Study of the Tumorous-head Strain of Drosophila Melanogaster, Suzanne Frances Dorgan
A Simulation Analysis of Traffic Congestion in Telephone Systems, Raymond Banks Duncan
A Study of Assimilative Capacities for Receiving Streams, Hadi. Elmi
"Storm", a Mathematical Model Applied to the Shingle Creek Basin, Jay G. Foy
Computer Generated Holograms, Jeffrey James Gierloff
Relationship of Speechreading Performance and Facial Hair, Ronald Goluba
The Effects of Opinion Certainty, Counterattitudinal Advocacy, and Salience of Initial Attitude Upon Attitude Change, Jack Alan Haight
A Review and Comparative Study of Management Concepts Used by Department of Defense, William Hanay
Computer Aided Analysis of Flat Plate Solar Collectors, Thomas L. Hartman
A Search for a Computer Graphics System for the Small-scale Computer User, Larry D. Holley
Digital Communication Systems Technical Control, Joel L. Horrell
An Application of a Computerized Mathematical Model for Estimating the Quantity and Quality of Nonpoint Sources of Pollution from Small Urban and Nonurban Watersheds., Charles John Ingraham
An Application of "Storm" Mathematical Modeling for Evaluation of Nonpoint Source Water Pollution for a Nonurban Watershed, John T. Izzo
An Economic Base Study of Brevard County, Florida, Bruce N. Joseph
The Effects of Gap Stability on Entrance Ramp Merging, Lyn Evalyn Lane
Maintainability Analysis of Radio Guidance System Ground Support Equipment, Albert John Malerk
An Analysis of the Progress in Automation of Manned Space-craft Test and Checkout, John E. Malone
Coaching and Performance on a Simulation Exercise, Charles Edward Michaels
A Comparison of Corrosion Rates Determined by Polarization Resistance Measurements for Zinc and Cadmium Metal Immersed in Nonstirred Aqueous Portland Cement Solution, William James Moore
Lake County, Florida Solid Waste Management Plan, Lawrence J. Morey
Nitrogen Transformation in Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plants, Mark Lee Morris
Dogmatism, Persuasion, and Intolerance of Ambiguity: An Analysis of Response Bias, Martha Swann Mozak
An Investigation of Sewage Treatment Automation Techniques, Albert E. Namey
A Network-based Approach to the Repairman Queueing Problem, James A. Newton
Plating Wastewater Management, Earl Kenneth Ossorio
A Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Engineering Computer Software at Florida Technological University, Thomas Oliver Peeples
High-Speed Bipolar Microprocessor Usage for Extracting a Constant Frequency Signal from a Pulse Stream, Lenard Jay Persin
Cyclic Patterns of Central Florida Sooty Mold, Bobby Ray Pohlad
Feasability Analysis of Ramp Control Systems, A Simulation Approach., Henry Allen Popkin
Mixing Effects on Shallow Water Bodies, Kim Robin Powell
Feasibility Study of the Utilization of Solar Energy for Large Scale Power Production in the State of Florida, Michael Propen
Immunological Studies of the Host Parasite Relationship of Dirofilaria Immitis in Domestic Canines, Douglas Felton Qualls
An Empirical Investigation into the Interest Elasticities of the Demand for Money, Thomas Hunter Ratliff
Influence of Irrelevant Cues and Alternate Forms of the Graphic Rating Scale on the Halo Effect, William A. Rizzo
Error Rates in Narrow-band Digital FM Systems Operating in Various Interference Environments, Arthur M. Rodriguez
Development of a UHF Digital Frequency Synthesizer for Distance Measuring Equipment, Claude A. Sharpe
Stabilization System Environmental Disturbance Modeling and Analysis, Lawrence E. Sieb
An Industrial Audiological Approach to Design and Construction of Enclosures for Control of Noise, Dale G. Smart
Suspended Solids and Deep Well Injection Systems, D. Robert Smedley
The Effects of Time-Expanded Speech on Intelligibility for Normals as Compared to the Mentally Retarded, Patricia Hall Smith
The Relationship Between Recruitment and Masking, Charles Solomon
Personal Space as a Function of Sex and Locale, Katherine Valletta Soukup
The Generation of Synthetic Speech Sounds by Digital Coding, Eddy Alan Steinberger
An Application of Operant Conditioning to Absenteeism in a Hospital Setting, Tedd Andrew Stephens
Fear of Success in Females: A Behavioral Test, Marcia D. Stern
Design and Calibration of a Three Component, Single Element, Wind Tunnel Force Balance, Victor W. Tisdel
Test Methods for Evaluating Performance of Solar Units, William Joseph Vitaliano
A Serological Survey of Greater Orlando Human, Canine, and Feline Populations for the Presence of Antibodies to Toxoplasma Gondii, John Louis Weihe
An Immunological Approach to the Study of the Tumorous-head Trait in Drosophila melanogaster, Patricia Neuhaus Weihe
Analysis of Unstable-Resonator and Optical-Train Laser Alignment Systems by the Use of Matrix Methods of Gaussian Optics, Frederick H. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Analysis of a Portable, One Hundred Ampere Pulse Test Current Microhmmeter, John Marshall Allred
A Predictive Model for Manpower Allocation in a Solid Waste System, Robert M. Anthony
A Dynamic Simulation of the Gasoline Distribution System During Periods of Normal and Restricted Availability, Sheriar R. Bamasi
A Simulation Study of Guest Procedures in a Resort Hotel Complex, Bradley Barraclough
Effects of Noise on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Deaf Adults, Albert Ross Bartee
A Solid State Transducer for Monitoring Pipeline Cathodic Protection Voltages, Jon Robert Bartell
Application of Computer War Gaming in the Evaluation of Missile Performance Requirements for Air to Air Engagements, Joy F. Berman
A Military Training System Perspective and Model for Training Program Management, Alvin J. Boudreaux
Editorial Advertising: A Means of Free Expression?, Alan Wayne Brown
Development of a DME Simulator, Robert W. Brown
A System Dynamics Model to Test Urban Transportation Policy Alternatives, John Paul Burtle
Image Analysis and Improvement of a Point Light Source Visual Flight Simulator, Steve K. Butrimas
A Comparison of N-Path and Digital Filters for Band Pass Applications, Stephen Cooperman
A Design Report on a Servo Controlled Inertial Sensor Test Fixture, James B. Dowdle
The Future of Nuclear Energy in Florida, James Wayne Edwards
Development of a Remote Sound Monitoring System, Joseph Owen Ellis
Electromagnetic Fields in Water Treatment, Robert H. Fagan
A GPSS/360 Computer Model for Simulation of Automobile Traffic at Road Intersections, Igor V. Golovcsenko
An Analysis of Factors Influencing Attendance Decisions of Florida Technological University Applicants, Ralph D. Gunter
Cost/Schedule Control Criteria for Selected Government Contracts, Robert McDowell Hammond
A Binary Power Generation and Salt Water Distillation Cycle, Edward H. Hardison
Nest-Building Behavior and Food Habits of the Rice Rat, Oryzomys Palustris Natator from Merritt Island, Brevard County, Florida, Margaret Hart Harrison
The Influence of Prestigious Women on Middle-Class Women's Attitudes Toward Fashion, Nancy Ann Heaton
Requirements for a Remote Access Hybrid Computer Terminal Utilizing Common Grade Telephone Lines, William Myers Hester
Design of the Ultralight Two Place Gyroplane, Martin. Hollmann