The Honors Undergraduate Thesis Program provides students from all disciplines the opportunity to engage in original and independent research as principal investigators. Over the course of two to four semesters, students work closely with a faculty committee to research, write, defend and publish an Honors thesis that serves as the capstone product of their undergraduate career. This thesis is published through the university library and is available to researchers worldwide through electronic databases. Please visit the Honors Undergraduate Thesis website for compete information.

This collection contains records for Honors theses completed at UCF. Links to electronic versions are included when available. If your Honors thesis is only in print, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world by downloading and filling out the distribution consent form here.

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Theses from 2023


The Effect of Exercise on Insulin Resistance in Women with PCOS, Castrangie Rodney


Reconstructing Oral Health in Pre-Hispanic Peru: Antemortem Tooth Loss and Caries as Possible Evidence of Dental Care in Túcume, Peru, Amy Rodriguez


The Impact of Countries' Leaders' Responses on COVID-19 Deaths, Kate Rumisek


Characterization of Multiphase Complex Coacervate Droplets, Lindsey Rush


Utilizing Bloodless Medicine to Decrease Infection Rates in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Literature Review, Samantha Saint Fort


The Role of Mental Health Evaluations in the Prevention and Intervention of School Shootings, Livine Saint-Louis


Development and Initial Validation of the Safe Cannabis Consumption Identity Measure (SCCIM), Luke Salomone


Measuring Brain Activity Using fNIRS During Discomfort Mitigation with VR Meditation, Jordan Sammarco


Engineering of Metal Nanoparticle/Polymer-Coated PPEs for Antimicrobial Applications, Andrew Sanford


Knowledge and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screenings in People Experiencing Homelessness in Central Florida, Harini Sankar


Assessing Mycorrhizal Growth Rate Across Wild Helianthus Species, Alexa D. Santoni


Propaganda, Criticism, and War: A Study of Regime Criticism by Propagandists in War, Jack C. Seay


The Relationship Between Evening Screen Time Use and Objectively Measured Sleep Outcomes in U.S. College Students, Donya Sedaghat


Pepper Pot and Callaloo: Caribbean Cuisine as Embodiment of "Otherness" and Resistance, Sheina Senat


Effect of Molecular Crowders on the Activation of Cholera Toxin by Protein Disulfide Isomerase, Niral Shah


Investigating the Effects of Paraquat on Kidney Disease Biomarkers in HEK293 Cells, Zounaira Shahzad


Whole Genome Bisulfuite Sequencing Methylation Analysis of Wnt7a In Embryonic Mouse Hearts Following Maternal Ethanol Binge, Richard Shao


Diet Change Over Time in the Ais Community of Cape Canaveral, Florida, Allyson Shenkman


The Psychological Impact of an Intensive Care Admission on Survivors of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and COVID-19 ARDS, Leah K. Shinn


Predation and Harvesting in Spatial Population Models, Connor R. Shrader


The Effects of Kangaroo Care on The Stress Levels of Parents in The NICU, Niyati Sishodia


Study on Droplet Behavior in the Upper Airway Using a Cough Emulator, Bhavani Sivakumaar


Observation of Gapless Nodal-Lines in a Rare-Earth-Based Compound, Robert Smith


Post, Share, Like: The Role of Facebook in the Russo-Ukrainian War, Hannah Michelle Snyder


Examining Sex Differences in Experimental Pain Sensitivity and Response to a Stretching Intervention, Arthur C. Soncini