This collection includes Honors in the Major (undergraduate) Theses completed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Records for print-only, retrospectively scanned, and electronic works are included—digital copies are included where available.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2001
A study of the changes in electromagnetic radiation from a microprocessor due to changes in clock cycles and data programs, Randall Wade Smith
Study of a high-performance micropump : numerical analysis of flow and structural elements, Jose Enrique Solomon
FDTD analysis of passive structures in RF IC'S, David Jeremiah Spivey
Using advanced computing techniques to implement a distance education system, Michael N. Wallick
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Implementation and validation of physical control interfaces in a virtual environment, Christian M. Buhl
Decomposing Large Markov Chains for Statistical Usage Testing, Chirag Pandya
Texture Segmentation Using Fractal Features, Nattorn Pongratananukul
Efficient data structures for discovery in high level architecture (HLA), Hibah Rahmani
A comparative analysis of regression and neural networks in simulation metamodeling, Eyitope St. Matthew Daniel
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Measured and predicted energy consumption in entry level homes, Brian Fuehrlein
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Visualization of electromagnetic fields using MATLAB, Mary Joset Burke
Square Spiral Conformal Microstrip Antennas for Space Vehicles, Nahid Dehestani
Detection of clustered and occluded oranges from a color image of an orange tree, Anthony Gallagher
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Predicting software effort for a new project using data from a casebase of previously completed projects, Wai Lun Chan
Substrate noise coupling in a complex mixed signal integrated circuit, Kelly Lawrence Davis
Finite Element Analysis and Active Vibration Control of a Cantilevered Beam, Daniel Negvesky
Controller synthesis for performance stabilization of unstable, uncertain plants, John D. N. Palmos
Predictive modeling of a management information system, Leah M. Reeves
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Design and implementation of a high efficiency power supply for use with a high power audio amplifier, Roy Harris
Overcoming language communication barriers in the emergency room using erca-emergency room communications aid, Meredith Harper Moody
The design and construction of an anechoic chamber for automated antenna measurements, Sean Christopher Ortiz
Definition of operating guidelines for nitrification from historical operations records, Stephen Romano
Spectral interferometry for measuring dispersion in femtosecond diode lasers optics, Aubier Augusto Torres
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Modeling of cod and bod at full-scale conventional and leachate recirculating landfills, Deema Addasi
Design and implementationa of a stereo graphic equalizer using real time digital signal processing, Sean David Erickson
Design of the tripod polishing machine, Mohamad Brimo Haek
Investigation of losses in pulse width modulation converters, Danny S. Tawil
Design, fabrication, and analysis of a BJT common emitter amplifier on a silicon substrate, John D. Whitney
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Simulation of a family of DC-to-DC power supplies, Debra Ann Kemnitz Beatty
Acquisition and analysis of human brainwaves, Thomas Ray Burns
Development of a methodology to validate large expert systems: structured based validation versus input-output validation, Cesar R. Penafiel
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Design, implementation, testing, and documentation of employee processing/tracking system, Justin Edward Cardell
An AI performance benchmark for the ncube 2, Kirk Carter
Analysis and design of a flexible structure for benchmaking robust controllers, Diana C. Castellanos
Noise analysis for analog amplifiers, Anthony G. Klele
Steady state analysis of resonant converters, Henry Q. Nguyen
Theoretical Analysis of Avalanche Breakdown in Heterojunction Light Amplifying Optical Switches, Brian Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
A monolithic bipolar junction transistor amplifier in the common emitter configuration, Jeanne M.B. Gallagher
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
The analysis and design of a costas phase locked loop for the acquisition of carrier phase of suppressed carrier communication systems, William J. Burmeister