The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Strategies for Successful Mangrove Living Shoreline Stabilizations in Shallow Water Subtropical Estuaries, Rebecca Fillyaw
Numerical Modeling of Shockwave Initiated Combustion of a Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixture Within a Shock Tube, Reed Forehand
An Examination of Factors Associated with LGBTQ+ College Students' Adoption of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) as an HIV Prevention Method, Shayna Forgetta
Evaluating Carbon Uptake and Storage Potential of Three Pine Species Across Environmental Gradients in Florida, Alicia Formanack
Sunseekers, Rebecca Fox
Micro/nanofabrication Process Development and Device Characterization Towards Tri-Modal (Optical, Electrical, and Microfluidic) 3D Microelectrode Arrays (3D MEAs), Julia Freitas Orrico
Combating Performance Anxiety: Reflections of A Personal Anti-anxiety Plan for Onstage and Filmed Media, Megan Friend
High Risk Environmental Conditions Attenuate Distance, Speed, and Performance Efficiency Index in NCAA D1 Female Soccer Players, Maxine Furtado Mesa
The Consequence of Loss of Expression of AR-targeting MicroRNAs in Prostate Cancer Progression, Kavya Ganapathy
UV-Ozone Oxide Treatments for High-Efficiency Silicon Photovoltaic Devices, Munan Gao
Investigation into Wedge Turbulator Effects in High Aspect Ratio Cooling Channels, Daniel Garcia
The Ogaden War: An Intersection of Local and Global Powers in the Horn of Africa, Luis Garcia
Paradigmatic Change and Its Effect on the Collection and Cataloging of LGBTQAI+ Literature in the Elementary School Library, Linda Garrison
Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications in Fiber Laser Systems, Stefan Gausmann
Assessment of Leadership Styles and Lean Six Sigma Critical Success Factors in the Aerospace and Defense Industry, Corey Gellis
Spectral Dependence of Deep Subwavelength Metallic Apertures in the Mid-wave Infrared, Heath Gemar
Developing GTA Instructional Skills: How does a Mixed Reality Teaching Simulator Impact GTA Instruction?, Ashley Geraets
Topology Optimization of Internal Cooling Channels in Turbulent Flows, Shinjan Ghosh
Understanding Process Controls on Flow Duration Curves Through a Novel Framework, Saba Ghotbi
Chaperonin-containing TCP1 Complex (CCT) Promotes Breast Cancer Uncontrolled Growth, Heba Ghozlan
Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Ordering Problems on Strings, Daniel Gibney
In the Call Center at the Navel of the World, David Gibson
The Ethos of Vaccine-Related Discussions in Online Public Spaces, Carolyn Glasshoff
Mindset & Mattering: A Qualitative Exploration of First-year Undergraduate Students and Their Experience with Academic Coaching, Michelle Goldys
Juveniles Who Commit Sexual Offenses: An Evaluation of Dispositions in Florida's Juvenile Justice System, Katherine Gomez
Understanding Forearm Muscle Coordination in Children, Miguel Gonzalez
Anomaly Detection and Failure Prediction in Gas Turbines, Vipul Goyal
Examining the Experiences of New Manager Coaches, Theresa Greer
Empathy as a Buffer: The Moderating Effect of Trait Empathy on Counterproductive Work Behavior, Amanda Grinley
Computation of Effective Properties of Smart Composite Materials with Generalized Periodicity Using the Two-Scales Asymptotic Homogenization Method, David Guinovart Sanjuan
Exploring the Reasons Why Some Low-income Families of School-aged Children May Choose Zoned Public Schools, Kelly Hales
The Technical World of Warcraft, Derek Hampton
Novel Mechanisms Underlying Drug-resistant Metastasis and Relapse in Breast Cancer, Jie Hao
Directional Link Management using In-Band Full-Duplex Free Space Optical Transceivers for Aerial Nodes, A F M Saniul Haq
Storm: An Exploration of Home Through Painterly Animation, Kirstin Hardin
Captivating Bubbles: Creating Lasting Children's Stories Using Animation, Rhythm and Life Experience, Ronald Hargrove
Coastal Riverine Wetland Biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene: Relationships with Vegetation Transition and Saltwater Intrusion, Sarah Harttung
Interactions between Gold Nanoparticles and Immunoglobulin Isotypes, Rick Hassan
Influence of Geography on the Healthy Gut Microbiome and the Role of the Gut Microbiome in IBD Symptom and Disease Progression, Sayf Al-Deen Hassouneh
Ultraviolet Solar Blind Ga2O3-Based Photodetectors, Isa Hatipoglu
The Consumer Based Brand Equity of a Tourism Giga Project in Saudi Arabia: Citizens Gender Comparisons Perspectives of Qiddiya, Ibrahim Hazazi
Antimicrobial and Cytotoxicity Studies of Nano-Zinc Oxide, Ryan Heetai
An Asset-based Approach to Problem-based Learning in K-12 STEM, Samantha Heller
How Twitter Exposes Daily Whiteness Practices in Mexico and Argentina, Erika Maribel Heredia
Measurement Invariance in the CESD-8 and Assessment of Mood Correlates Between American and Mexican Community Studies on the Multisystemic Geriatric Depression Cycle, Manuel Herrera Legon
Utility of Novel Rotational Load-velocity Profiling Methods in Collegiate Softball Players, Chad Herring
An Examination of the Relationship Between Institutional Financial Aid Programs and Four-Year Graduation Rates, Dawn Herrod
Novel Liquid Crystal Photonic Devices Enabled by Liquid Crystal Alignment Engineering, Ziqian He
Remembering to Resume: Using Simulation-based Education to Teach Nursing Students to Manage Interruptions, Peggy Hill
Examining the Financial Health of K-12 Christian Schools, Sara Hill
Health Literacy, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Opioid Use Behavior Among College Students, Khristen Holmes
Modeling of Crash Risk for Realistic Artificial Data Generation: Application to Naturalistic Driving Study Data, Lauren Hoover
An Illusional Nuclear Taboo: Mechanisms of Domestic Attitudinal Patterns for Extreme Methods of War, Doreen Horschig
One Pint at a Time: Documenting the Black Experience in American Craft Beer, Aaron Hose
Measurement and Mitigation of Optical, Recombination and Resistive Losses in Silicon Photovoltaics, Mohammad Jobayer Hossain
Secondary Teachers' Perceptions of Teacher Authenticity, Robert Hovel
Critical Modding: A Design Framework for Exploring Representation in Games, Kenton Howard
Distributed and Optimal State Estimation for Heterogeneous Dynamic Systems Operating Within a Strongly Connected Network, Matthew Howard
College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Enrolled in STEM Disciplines and Their Experiences with Support Systems: A Qualitative Exploration, Michelle Howell
Switchable Slot-Ring Antennas for Customizable Phased Array Applications, Junyi Huang
Braving the Discomfort: An Examination of Hate Speech and Racially-Motivated Violence Onstage, and How We Should Approach It, Sarah Hubert
An Analysis of Educators' Perceptions of Using Virtual Simulation to Prepare for a Targeted School Attack, Kristen Iannuzzi
A Holistic Approach for Power Systems Using Machine Learning and System Dynamics, Bibi Ibrahim
First Impressions of the Bedside Nurse From the Patient Perspective, Sharon Imes
Econometric Frameworks for Energy Prediction, Naveen Chandra Iraganaboina
Machine Learning Techniques for Topic Detection and Authorship Attribution in Textual Data, Fereshteh Jafariakinabad
Visual Learning Beyond Human Curated Datasets, Muhammad Abdullah Jamal
Documenting Outdoor Simulated Scenes with Photogrammetry: Methods for Improving Dappled Lighting Conditions, Caroline Jasiak
An Analysis of Human Error Management On Aviation Accident Prevention, Jinwook Jeong
An Actor Auditions, Jessica T. Johnson
Representative-based Big Data Processing in Communications and Machine Learning, Mohsen Joneidi
A Mathematical Model for Predicting Animal Population Persistence on Fragmented Landscapes, Allyson Jones
Using Expectation Violation Theory to Evaluate Dialectal Bias in Courtroom Contexts, Christina Joseph
Topology and Megnetism in F-electron Systems, Firoza Kabir
Performance Enhancement of Time Delay and Convolutional Neural Networks Employing Sparse Representation in the Transform Domains, Masoumeh Kalantari Khandani
Sexual Orientation and the Disclosure of Unwanted Sexual Experiences, Rebekah Kanefsky
Investigating Effects of Ribosomal Occupancy on the Production of the Clamp Loader Subunits Tau and Gamma, Akhmetzada Kargazhanov
Nonlinear Light-matter Interactions in Novel Crystals for Broadband Mid-infrared Generation, Taiki Kawamori
The Influences of Generational Membership and Practice Environment on Nurse Manager Job Satisfaction, Angela Keith
Dual Beam Frequency Comb FTIR Spectroscopy, Connor Kelly
Speech Entrainment: A Clinical Approach, Hunter Kelly
Long-Range Laser-Material Interactions with High-Intensity Laser Pulses, Haley Kerrigan
Small Intrusions, Powerful Payoff: Shaping Status Relationships Through Interstate Intrusions and Responses, Logan Kerschner
Bringing Instagram Posts into Being: A Study of FYC Students' Self-Sponsored Posting Practices and Transfer Opportunities, Jessica Kester
Experimental and Chemical Kinetics Investigation of High-Temperature Combustion of Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate., Ramees Khaleel Rahman
Parameter Calibration and Optimization in Smart Grid for Synchronous Generators and Converters, Seyyed Rashid Khazeiynasab
Unsupervised Meta-learning, Siavash Khodadadeh
Stock Shows and Rodeos: The Crossroads of Commodification, Consumption, and Care of Nonhuman Animals, Erin Kidder
Modeling the Relationship between Perceptual and Stimulus Space in Category Learning, Clay Killingsworth
Past, Present, and How to Proceed: Creating My Actor Tool Kit, Joshua Kimball
On the Strategic Relationship between Leadership and Innovation in US Firms, Shabeer Kirmani