The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Fire safety and emergency evacuation training for occupants of building using 3D virtual simulation, Sayli Bhide
Analysis of Pedestrian Crash Characteristics and Contributing Causes in Central Florida, Zainb Bianco
The Contribution of Educators' Levels of Inspiration and Compassion for Others to Their Degree of Burnout, Samuel Bierbrauer
Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Metallic Composite with Focus on Processing and the Resultant Properties, Md Muktadir Billah
Online Neuro-Adaptive Learning For Power System Dynamic State Estimation, Rahul Birari
The Sleepless Ouroboros, Grant Bohl
Light Trapping in Thin Film Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, Javaneh Boroumand Azad
An Investigation of State College to University Transfer Students' Sense of Belonging, Claire Brady
A Framework for Measuring Return on Investment for Healthcare Simulation-Based Training, Hatim Bukhari
Reducing Side-sweep Accidents with Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, Gamini Bulumulle
The Communicative Value of EMR Education: Medical Students' Perceptions of Introductions to EMRs, Justiss Burry
The Effectiveness of Child Restraint and Bicycle Helmet Policies to Improve Road Safety, Claudia Bustamante
Design and Production of an Episodic Online Animation: Cairns of Apeiron, Andrew Cadieux
Integrating the macroscopic and microscopic traffic safety analysis using hierarchical models, Qing Cai
Effects of Surfactant Concentrations on Perovskite Emitters Embedded in Polystyrene, Eric Calkins
The Effectiveness of Using Florida Virtual High School Course Data during the College Admission Process as a Predictor of Degree Completion Within Six Years., Michael Callahan
A Process Evaluation of a Family Involvement Program at a Title I Elementary School, Maria Camacho Moody
Chaperonin Containing TCP1 (CCT) as a Target for Cancer Therapy, Ana Carr
The Effect of Speech Elicitation Method on Second Language Phonemic Accuracy, Nicole Carrasquel
Mechanism of Actin Bundle Assembly, Mechanics and Structure by Ion Interaction, Nicholas Castaneda
Scientific transformations: a philosophical and historical analysis of cosmology from Copernicus to Newton, Manuel-Albert Castillo
Playing with Usability: Why Technical Communicators Should Examine Mobile Games, Alexandra Cata
Load Estimation, Structural Identification and Human Comfort Assessment of Flexible Structures, Ozan Celik
Using Biomarkers to Assess the Migratory Ecology and Reproduction of the Florida Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), Ryan Chabot
Against the Flow: A Nineteenth Century Watermill in Central Florida, Elizabeth Chance Campbell
Sampling and Reconstruction of Spatial Signals, Cheng Cheng
Advanced liquid crystal displays with supreme image qualities, Haiwei Chen
Towards High-Efficiency Data Management In the Next-Generation Persistent Memory System, Xunchao Chen
Ice Hockey Coaches' Beliefs and Perceptions of Coach Education, Alexander Chriest
Dimensions of State Fragility: Determinants of Violent Group Grievance, Political Legitimacy, and Economic Capacity, Jason Christensen
Jail Mental Health Innovations: Factors Influencing Mental Health Services Innovations for Jails, Orville Clayton
Natural Disasters, Rebecca Cobb
Determinants of continuance intention and word of mouth for hotel branded mobile app users., Liza Cobos
Intrinsic Factors Affecting Decomposition Changes in Archaeological Head Hair from Kellis 2 Cemetery, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Kathleen Cole
Photothermal Lensing in Mid-Infrared Materials, Justin Cook
Optimizing Laboratory Pyrolysis Methods to Compliment Real World Fire Debris, Richard Coulson
The Coping Assessment for Bereavement and Loss Experiences (CABLE): Development and Validation, Anne Crunk
Improving the Performance of Data-intensive Computing on Cloud Platforms, Wei Dai
Effect of Load Path and Failure Modes on Seismic Response of Regular Bridges., Haider Darwash
Design and Modeling of a Heat Exchanger for Porous Combustor Powered Steam Generators in Automotive Industry, Apratim Dasgupta
The Effect of Parental Population Density on Offspring Immune Function, Dana Davis
An Anthropological Study of Eating Perspectives, Meal Composition, and Food Choices Among Diverse Student Populations, Chelsea Daws
How Does Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work? Potential Mechanisms of Action for Veterans with Physical and Psychological Comorbidities, Frances Deavers
Rhetoric of Imagery: Gendering and Consumption Throughout Interwar American Advertisment, Natalie Delgado
Polyelectrolyte and hydrogel stabilized liquid crystal droplets for the detection of bile acids, Jinan Deng
Computational Approach to Electrocatalysis, Nagendra Dhakal
From Tunnel Vision to Bird's-Eye View: The Development of a Broad Harassment Construct, Lindsay Dhanani
Creating a Digital Exhibit on the Colonial Fur Trade in Florida: A Public History / Digital History Project, Benjamin DiBiase
Images of Nostalgia: An Exploration of the Creation of Recollection Through Visual Media, Allyson Dickerson
Pioneer of Self: An Intimate Retrospective, Juliet Diienno
Use of Performance Information by Local Government Administrators: Evidence from Florida, Tamara Dimitrijevska-Markoski
An Analysis of Robot-Assisted Social-Communication Instruction for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Claire Donehower
Three Studies Examining Accountability in Auditing, Amy Donnelly
Everyday Monsters: Stories, Brian Druckenmiller
An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study of Student Awareness in Expressing Emotions and Identifying the Emotions of Others: Through the Mirror Looking Glass, Christine K. Duff
The Effects of Social Support and Working Alliance on Latino-American Male Combat Veterans, Lloyd Duran
Beyond Panels Interactive Storytelling: Developing a Framework for Highly Emotive Narrative Experiences on Mobile Devices, Michael Joseph Eakins
Ichetucknee Springs: Measuring the Effects of Visitors on Water Quality Parameters through Continuous Monitoring., Sarah Faraji
Wrong-Way Driving: A Regional Approach To A Regional Problem, Md. Omar Faruk
Crafting Craft Beer Brands: An Examination of identity, Community, and Growth in Orlando Area Craft Breweries, Dylan Fehribach
Application of Multiaxial Cyclic Loading for Constitutive Model and Parameter Determination of Steels, Bassem Felemban
Statistical Analysis of Multi-Row Film Cooling Flowfields, Craig Fernandes
Keep Your Thoughts Off My Body: Social Attitudes Toward Rape-Related Abortions, Ketty Fernandez
Using Molecular Genetic and Demographic Tools to Improve Management of Ex Situ Avian Populations, Gina Ferrie
Cross-Continental Insights into Jaguar (Panthera onca) Ecology and Conservation, Joe Figel
The Consequences of a Reduced Superlattice Thickness on Quantum Cascade LASER Performance, Pedro Figueiredo
Student Conduct Administrators' Perceptions of Effective Sanctions That Reduce Recidivism of Alcohol Violations Among College Students, Andel Fils-Aime
A Formative Process Evaluation Study of Teacher Usage of a Learning Management System in a K-12 Public School, Victoria Franzese
Examining Energetic and Structural Components of Knowledge of Result Using a Vigilance Paradigm, Nicholas Fraulini
Applied Problem Solving in Children with ADHD: The Mediating Roles of Working Memory and Mathematical Calculation, Lauren Friedman
Targeted Therapy Development for Neurofibromatosis Type 2, Marisa Fuse
Spatial and Temporal Compressive Sensing for Vibration-based Monitoring: Fundamental Studies with Beam Vibrations, Vaahini Ganesan
Chaotification as a Means of Broadband Vibration Energy Harvesting with Piezoelectric Materials, Daniel Geiyer
Socialization of Engineering Doctoral Students in the U.S: A Phenomenological Study, Sona Gholizadeh
Novel Cytokine Signaling and Molecular Therapeutic Strategy in Pancreatic Cancer, Sarah Gitto
Development of an Adaptive Restoration Tool For a Self-Healing Smart Grid, Amir Golshani
Filtering Problems in Stochastic Tomography, Tyler Gomez
A Training Effectiveness Evaluation of UH-60A/L Simulated Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Martin Goodwin
Effects of an Acute High-Volume Isokinetic Intervention on Inflammatory and Strength Changes: Influence of Age, Joseph Gordon
Career Preparation for Interdisciplinary Science PhD Students: A Case Study, Sabrina Gordon
The Behavior of Humans and Wildlife with Respect to Roads: Insights for Mitigation and Management, Molly Grace
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or Combat Experience? A Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study of Trauma-related Auditory and Olfactory Cues, Michael Gramlich
Rebirth of the Renaissance Man: Creating Actor Agency through Ensemble Theatre, Kody Grassett
The Ability to Critically Evaluate Research Literature in Speech-Language Pathology, David Gregorio
Driven to Dishonesty: The Effects of Commuting on Self-Regulatory Depletion and Unethical Behavior, Matthew Griffith
Abortion Attitudes and Subjective Religiosity: Examining a Fourfold Typology, Christopher Guido
Can We Improve Student Achievement through Multiple Interventions? A Test of Theory, Joshua Guillemette
Redox-Active Solid State Materials and its Biomedical and Biosensing Applications, Ankur Gupta
Implementation of Refining Statements in OpenJML and Verification of Higher Order Methods with Model Program Specifications, Sai Chandesh Gurramkonda
GIS Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts distribution at Holtun from the Preclassic through the Classic Periods., Melvin Guzman Piedrasanta
Learning Dynamic Network Models for Complex Social Systems, Alireza Hajibagheri
83 Orange Peels, Klara Hammoud
An Exploration of the Feasibility of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Neurofeedback Cueing System for the Mitigation of the Vigilance Decrement, Gabriella Hancock