Graduate theses were first published at Florida Technological University (later UCF) in 1972. The first thesis was defended in March of that year, titled Computer Method for Airport Noise Exposure Forecast, and was written by John M. Bateman.


Theses/Dissertations from 1991

Some correlates of death anxiety, David Eric Bogert

Synchronization Primitives for Parallel Processing, Glenn Andrew Boyer

Influences of attachment style and gender on themes of intimacy, Linda Brant

Synthesis of 2,3,4-trisubstituted pyrroles from 2,3-disubstituted-3-chloropropeniminium salts : a search for biologically active compounds from zigadenus densus and rhizophora apiculata, Marc A. Bruce

Numerically Controlled Oscillator Based Digital Phase Locked Loop Design and Simulatiohn for Carrier Recovery Application, Thomas James Bryan, Jr.

Small mammals of a riverine marsh and their response to a late spring wildfire, Jean M. Buhler

In-process inspection and quality control for manufacturing systems, Bing Cai

Speech acceptability in mentally handicapped and non-mentally handicapped adolescents as rated by naive listeners, Christina Ann Captain

Adaptive Wormhole Routing in Mesh-connected Bidirectional K-ary 2-Cubes, John Austin Carey

Mass Flow Measurement of Gaseous Breathing Air Through the Liquid Air Pack Respirator, Carol Weber Carlson

Implementation of a Human Operator Math Model to Investigate the Feasibility of Minimum Throughput Analysis of Man-in-the-Loop Control System Simulation, Susan B. Carlton

The US "Human Capital Crisis" : is Florida a state at risk?, Regina Cassady

Determination of radiative properties in a radially symmetric plasma colum from remote spectral scanning by spectroscopy and photodetection, James Robert Cassata

Surface acoustic wave resonator parameter extraction and oscillator design, Mark Stephen Cavin

Work group norms and their relationship to absenteeism, Arantzazu Ceberio

Texture segmentation and classification using fractal and energy measures, Qing Chen

Power amplifier design with GaAs mesfet, Sophia Chen

RS170 image processing interface, Charlotte Christou

Application of a six-state passive track filter within a weapon-delivery system for a lock-on-after-launch missile, Lynda Jeanne Ciaponi

The effect of vocal dynamism on information processing, Tara I. Clifton

The analysis of motivation of community college students through the application of commercially produced audio cassette tapes, Linda Nix Combs

Perception of males as a function of alcoholic beverage preference, Lisa A. Curtin

Recognition of facial expressions : / a treatment protocol for right hemisphere damaged patients, Angela C. Daley

Representation of Aerospace Cockpit Instrument Using Computer Graphics, Peter J. Drewes

Genetic analysis of posterior bithorax-complex mutants in drosophila melanogaster, Chunni Duan


Surface mapping and automatic tool path generation, Labiche Ferreira

Fate of organic pollutants in bottom sediments of detention ponds receiving highway runoff, June Anne Feuerbacher

Structured cooperative interaction versus unstructured cooperation and individualistic efforts : effects on the acquisition of material presented in a videotaped lecture, Deborah Lynn Flanagan

An analysis of the parameters affecting the stabilization rate of yard waste compost, Patricia G. Fleming

The design of the LM2500 gas turbine engine simuolator/trainer, Pamela Delores Ford

Dehydrobromination of some 1,3-dibromo-1,1- difluoro compounds som (4+2) cycloaddition reactions of 1,1-difluoro-1,3-dienes, Christopher Foti

Error control coding for meteor burst communications, Thomas J. Frederick

The relationship between leadership style listening ability and gender, Karen Marie Frey

Design and performance of exfiltration systems, Marc Joseph Gauthier

A 1 GHz crystal oscillator design, Keith Randall Geib

A medial axis transformation language for recongnizing aircraft silhouettes using a genetic search technique, Jill Laura Giles

A general object oriented environment for the development of artificial neural network models on a hypercube multiprocessor network, Randall Knox Gillis

Regulatory investigation and cost analysis of concentrate disposal from membrane plants, Jacqueline Faith Goigel

The image of the soviet union in three elite western newspapers 1960-1990, William Gombash

Intelligent learning in a game-based simulation environment, David L. Gross

Transportation synthetic modeling for new villages in northeast Florida using fsutms, Yazan Kamal Haddad

Job-shop scheduling : Tabu list analysis, LeVoy Golden Haight

ANNview: a case tool for development and evaluation of artificial neural networks, Gary W. Hall

Design curves for the reuse of stormwater, Gregory Miller Harper

Itasq : an ada-based interactive tool for assessing software quality, Ruby Marie Heintze

Analytical and experimental investigation of laser processing of space-shuttle tile, Mingli He

Ocoee and its pioneers : an account of the settlement and growth of Ocoee, Florida 1857-1928, Paul L. Hershaw

The enhancemnt of n-heptane vapor incineration using ozone and hydrogen peroxide, Michael William Hewett

Chemical vapor deposition of diamond films on a silicon substrate in a microwave plasma, Alan M. Horner

Immunochemical characterization of the antigenic and allergenic components of the plant pollens of paspalum notatum. callistemon citrinis and melaleuca leucadendron, Saeed S. Hosseiny


College students' perceptions of parental sexuality, Nancy L. Janisz

Combined photolasticity and elastostatic boundary element method in solid mechanics applications, Troy Duane Jensen

Reactive ion etching investigation for quartz and lithium niobate, Jennifer Kaye Johnson

Employer-supported child care: a cost benefit analysis of the child care assurance plan (CCAP), Gretchen Jarand Jones

The application of response surface and robust design methods to semiconductor process and device simulation, Kenneth L. Jones

The removal of disinfection by-product precursors by nanofiltration at Daytona Beach, Florida, Patricia S. Jones

The relationship between racial attitudes and perceived physical attractiveness, Laurie Ann Woods Kemper

The development of the thai political economy : can it match the nics success, Greta Khaisaeng

Optical waveguide measurements of reactive low voltage ion plated thin films, Thomas C. Kimble

A descriptive review and survey of risk factors that effect children in suburban elementary schools, Sharon J. Kronschnabl


Photorefractive Materials for Optical Signal Processing, William B. Lawler

Solid state UV laser for medical applications, Chun Ju Lee

A moving map cockpit display for computer graphics-based flight simulator, Likun Li

Precipitation and inter-event dry periods for selected areas of Florida, Teresa Rae Lineback

An event-driven hierarchical structural level simulator, Wen Ya Lin

The organizational structure and operational system of civilian national science and technological policy and management in the peoples republic of china, Xinming Liu


Newspaper endorsements : how editorial writers view their influence, Lisa Ferguson Lochridge

An evaluation of a prototype osi-based communications architecture for the distributed interactive simulation application utilizing the isode, Margaret Lucas Loper

Using an advanced continuous simulation language to analyze the avionics situational awareness trainer's F-16A flight equations, Michael Leonard Lusnia

Hydrogen sulfide chlorination and turbidity control, Troy L. Lyn

I hope and wait : the journal of louisa minor charlottesville, Virginia, 1855-1866, Edith Louise Macdonald

The effect of race on perceptions of attractiveness and interracial couples, Debora Y. Maciol

The change nature of sportswriting, David Lee Maier

Ultraviolet radiation catalyzed ozone oxidation of disinfection-by-products and selected toxic compounds, Thomas A. Mamott

A survey of the affect (sic) of noise on several selected artificial neural networks, Yousef C. H. Ma

VHDL implementation of the inmos transputer link, Peter J. McCarthy

A novel algorithm for detecting erroneous contral points in geometric correction of imagery, Kathleen Anne Meade

The failure of socialism in the U.S. labor movement : education and american exceptionalism, Garth A. Molander

Use of structured analysis/structured design to locate reusable design components, Carl A. Morris

Radiative theory and measurement of inhomogeneous absorption in the ssme plume, Kevin Michael Morrison

Analysis of coherent interference suppression by an adaptive linear array anatenna, Michelle M. Morrison

Correlation between job satisfaction and perceived communication openness, with emphasis on the gender effects of the superior-subordinate relationship and the effects of professional-nonprofessional status: a field study, Mary Theresa Mullally

The relative importance of the six dimensions of credibility of a co-workers, Mary Margaret Parker

Non-linear filtering techniques for narrow-band interference rejection in direct sequence spread-spectrum systems, Edward Allen Payne

Investigation and analysis of a comprehensive set of software design metrics, Albert Pena

Implementation of a comprehensive automated design evaluator (comrade), Lanphuong Pena

Predicting management styles and preferences from birth order, need for achievement and work orientation, JoAnn Marie Perrotta

Public opinion on the management and protection of the wekiva river basin, Susan Marie Phillips

Comparative survey of male-female salaries of university of chairs of graduate programs in communicative disorders and nursing, Marshall Pauline Pitter

A slope stability study of two sand mines in central Florida, Michael V. Powley

Development of computerized data acquisition system and data analysis for the bridge expansion joint on test track, Ricardo Arturo Quintero

Analysis of unbalanced striplines, Georgeanne M. Radloff

A knowledge-based system for automated adaptive instruction in simulation training, Lorie Denise Ramos

Effects of differing evaluation levels on speech performance, Carl F. Reichenbach

Personal relevance, number of message sources, and attitude change, Warren Kirk Roller

Use of error correction feedback to correct gain stage distortions, Hong ThamT Rosson

Electronic quenching rates for the A1E+ state of sodium hydride, Sherry L. Savrda

Characterisation and measurement of the modulation transfer function of the scophony infrared scene projector, Eric Schildwachter

The generation effect in cued recall, Mary K. Schrenker

Validation of a video-based selection test in terms of performance, expectations, and turnover, Deonda Rector Scott