This collection includes Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, and other similar projects, completed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Records for print-only, retrospectively scanned, and electronic works are included—digital copies are included where available.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Analysis of Hydrodynamic and Bathymetric Gradients in Canaveral National Seashore Following Living Shoreline and Oyster Restorations, David Spiering
Study of GaN HEMT Behavior Subjected to TLP and VFTLP ESD Measurements, Nicholas Stoll
Investigation of Coastal Vegetation Dynamics and Persistence in Response to Hydrologic and Climatic Events Using Remote Sensing, Subrina Tahsin
Synergistic Visualization And Quantitative Analysis Of Volumetric Medical Images, Neslisah Torosdagli
Investigation of the Flow Field and Associated Heat Transfer within an Asymmetrical Leading Edge Jet Impingement Array, Jorge Torres
Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antennas with Bandwidth Enhancement for High Gain, Beam-Steering Applications, Michael Trampler
Investigation of Flow Field Structures in a Rectangular Channel with a Pin Fin Array, Patrick Tran
Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Agency Interoperability Capabilities and Cyber Vulnerabilities, Tyrone Trapnell
Automated Synthesis of Unconventional Computing Systems, Amad Ul Hassen
Optimal Recipe Screening and Applications of Iron-Filings Based Green Environmental Media (IFGEM) For Stormwater Treatment, Andrea Valencia
Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Power System Sate Estimation, Lei Wang
Multi-Modal Interfaces for Sensemaking of Graph-Connected Datasets, Anthony Wehrer
Learning Internal State Memory Representations from Observation, Josiah Wong
Numerical Simulation of Non-Premixed and Premixed Axial Stage Combustor at High Pressure, Tyler Worbington
Decision-making for Vehicle Path Planning, Jun Xu
A Study of Nonlinear Dynamics of EEG Responses to Simulated Unmanned Vehicle Tasks, Ziqing Xu
Multi-Scale Modeling of Viscoelastic Thin-Ply Composites, Milinda Madhusanka Yapa Yapa Hamillage
Arterial-level Real-time Safety Evaluation in the Context of Proactive Traffic Management, Jinghui Yuan
Multi-level Optimization with Pricing Strategy under Boundedly Rationality User Equilibrium, Guanxiang Yun
Simulation Analysis of a Ventilated Building Integrated Photovoltaic Air-Gap Duct System For Natural Ventilation of a Building, Arash Zarmehr
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Applied Software Tools for Supporting Children with Intellectual Disabilities, Ahmad Abualsamid
Seismic Response of Moment Resisting Frames Coupled with Rocking Walls, Mehrdad Aghagholizadeh
Detailed Understanding of Flow, Heat Transfer, and Pressure Drop Behavior in a Square Channel With 45 Deg Ribs, Lumaya Ahmed
Dynamic Hotspot Identification for Limited Access Facilities using Temporal Traffic Data, Samer Al Amili
Cost and Environmental Impacts of Leachate Nitrogen/Phosphorus Management Approaches, Alaa Alanezi
Hierarchical Corridor Safety Analysis Using Multiple Approaches, Saif Alarifi
A Framework for Prioritizing Opportunities of Improvement in the Context of Business Excellence Model in Healthcare Organization, Alia Aldarmaki
Design and Implementation of PV-Firming and Optimization Algorithms For Three-Port Microinverters, Mahmood Alharbi
A Study of EEG Signature Associated with Emotional and Stress Responses Due to Cyberbullying, Ashraf Alhujailli
Safety Investigation of Traffic Crashes Incorporating Spatial Correlation Effects, Khalid Alkahtani
Seepage and Stability Analysis of the Earth Dams under Drawdown Conditions by using the Finite Element Method, Salama Al-Labban
Experimental Investigation of Advanced Ignition Systems for High Efficiency Combustion, Bader Almansour
Different Facial Recognition Techniques in Transform Domains, Taif Al Obaidi
Relating First-person and Third-person Vision, Shervin Ardeshir Behrostaghi
Assessing the Impact of Radionuclides Released into the Floridan Aquifer by a Massive Sinkhole on Local Municipal Water Supplies, Maria Arenas Daza
Influence of Chitosan-Alginate Scaffold Stiffness on Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Differentiation, Isabel Arias Ponce
Energy Efficient and Secure Wireless Sensor Networks Design, Afraa Attiah
Brain Stethoscope: A Non-invasive Method for Monitoring Intracranial Pressure, Md Khurshidul Azad
Excellent Surface Passivation for High Efficiency C_Si Solar Cells, Sara Bakhshi
Ignition Studies of Oxy-Syngas/CO2 Mixtures Using Shock Tube for Cleaner Combustion Engines, Samuel Barak
Effect of Nonclassical Optical Turbulence on a Propagating Laser Beam, Melissa Beason
The Relationship between Agile Project Management and Project Success Outcomes, Thomas Bergmann
A Joint Econometric Approach for Modeling Crash Counts by Collision Type, Tanmoy Bhowmik
Probing the Effects of Substrate Stiffness on Astrocytes Mechanics, Ariege Bizanti
Design and Engineering Criteria for Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifier Systems, Nathan Bodnar
Investigation into the Feasibility of Adding Turbulators to Rocket Combustion Chamber Cooling Channels Using a Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis, Tyler Buchanan
Thermodynamic Modeling and Transient Simulation of a Low-Pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator Using Siemens T3000, Andres Caesar
Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness of a Transpiration-Cooled Leading Edge Fabricated by Laser Additive Manufacturing, Luisana Calderon
Psychomotor Skill Measurement of Video Game Players, Thomas Carbone
Modeling the Standard and Poor's 500 Index via Wave Analytics: Harnessing Lag for Intraday Utilizations, John Cardenas
Electrospray and Superlens Effect of Microdroplets for Laser-Assisted Nanomanufacturing, Eduardo Castillo Orozco
Explore Contributing Geometric Factors and Built-Environment on Bicycle Activity and Safety at Intersections, Scott Castro
Characterization of Fast Flames for Turbulence-Induced Deflagration to Detonation Transition, Jessica Chambers
An Engineering Analytics Based Framework for Computational Advertising Systems, Mengmeng Chen
Creating a Consistent Oceanic Multi-decadal Intercalibrated TMI-GMI Constellation Data Record, Ruiyao Chen
Electrochemical Microsensors for In Situ Monitoring of Chemical Compounds in Engineered and Natural Aquatic Systems, Jared Church
Evaluating the Integration of Chlorine Dioxide into a Coagulation, Sedimentation, and Filtration Process Treating Surface Water, Martin Coleman
Comparison of a modified and traditional rapid infiltration basin for treatment and control of nutrients in wastewater effluent, Jessica Cormier
Trust-Based Rating Prediction and Malicious Profile Detection in Online Social Recommender Systems, Anahita Davoudi
Bio-Inspired Visual Servo Control of a Picking Mechanism in an Agricultural Ground Robot, Sinem Gozde Defterli
Simultaneous Use of Physiological Sensors for a Neuromarketing Task, Charles Descheneaux
Energy-optimal Guidance of an AUV Under Flow Uncertainty and Fluid-Particle Interaction, Demuni Singith De Zoysa Abeysiriwardena
Design of Low-Capacitance Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection Devices in Advanced Silicon Technologies., Aihua Dong
Security of Autonomous Systems under Physical Attacks: With application to Self-Driving Cars, Raj Gautam Dutta
Analysis of Heat Transfer on Turbulence Generating Ribs using Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Michael Elmore
Harmful Algal Bloom Mitigating using Recycled Concrete Aggregate coated with Fixed-Quat., Ikenna Ezeodurukwe
Investigating and Facilitating the Transferability of Safety Performance Functions, Ahmed Tarek Ahmed Farid
A Psychophysical Approach to Standardizing Texture Compression for Virtual Environments, Jeremy Flynn
Navigation of an Autonomous Differential Drive Robot for Field Scouting in Semi-structured Environments, Douglas Freese
Turbulent Flame-Vortex Dynamics of Bluff-Body Premixed Flames, Marissa Geikie
A Value Sensitive Design Approach to Adolescent Mobile Online Safety, Arup Kumar Ghosh
Assessment of Information Security Culture in Higher Education, Henry Glaspie
Evaluation and Augmentation of Traffic Data from Private Sector and Bluetooth Detection System on Arterials, Yaobang Gong
Regolith-Based Construction Materials for Lunar and Martian Colonies, Kevin Grossman
Real-time SIL Emulation Architecture for Cooperative Automated Vehicles, Nitish Gupta
A Review and Selective Analysis of 3D Display Technologies for Anatomical Education, Matthew Hackett
Numerical Study of Interfacial Flow using Algebraic Coupled Level Set-Volume of Fluid (A-CLSVOF) Method, Majid Haghshenas
Methods to Calculate Cut Volumes for Fault Trees with Dependencies Induced by Spatial Locations, Phillip Hanes
A Localized Blended RBF Collocation Method for Effective Shock Capturing, Michael Harris
Analyzing Destination Choices of Tourists and Residents from Location Based Social Media Data, Md Mehedi Hasnat
Design of High Efficiency Brushless Permanent Magnet Machines and Driver System, Chengyuan He
Managing IO Resource for Co-running Data Intensive Applications in Virtual Clusters, Dan Huang
Learning Algorithms for Fat Quantification and Tumor Characterization, Sarfaraz Hussein
Joint Optimization of Illumination and Communication for a Multi-Element VLC Architecture, Sifat Ibne Mushfique
Sampling and Subspace Methods for Learning Sparse Group Structures in Computer Vision, Maryam Jaberi
Analysis of Driver Behavior Modeling in Connected Vehicle Safety Systems Through High Fidelity Simulation, Ahura Jami
Identifying Type of Expertise as a Means to Measure CRM Knowledge Structures, Camilo Jimenez
Personalized Digital Body: Enhancing Body Ownership and Spatial Presence in Virtual Reality, Sungchul Jung