This collection includes Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, and other similar projects, completed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Records for print-only, retrospectively scanned, and electronic works are included—digital copies are included where available.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Fluid Flow Characteristics of a Co-Flow Fluidic Slot Jet Thrust Augmentation Propulsion System, Brian Garrett
Factors Affecting Systems Engineering Rigor in Launch Vehicle Organizations, Denton Gibson
Simulation, Analysis, and Optimization of Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems, Christopher Giles
Realtime Editing in Virtual Reality for Room Scale Scans, Charles Greenwood
Data-Driven Modeling and Optimization of Building Energy Consumption, Divas Grover
Evolutionary Model Discovery: Automating Causal Inference for Generative Models of Human Social Behavior, Chathika Gunaratne
A Methodology for Data-Driven Decision-Making in Last Mile Delivery Operations, Edgar Gutierrez Franco
Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of A Novel Hybrid Comprehensive Stage II Operation For Single Ventricle Palliation, Marwan Hameed
Multiphase Flow Modeling of Molten Metal Atomization at High Gas Pressure, Kalpana Hanthanan Arachchilage
Framework For Modeling Attacker Capabilities with Deception, Sharif Hassan
Detection of DDH in Infants and Children Using Audible Acoustics, Tanvir Hassan
On-Chip ESD Protection Design: Optimized Clamps, Linfeng He
Game-Theoretic Frameworks and Strategies for Defense Against Network Jamming and Collocation Attacks, Ahmed Hemida
Multi-touch Detection and Semantic Response on Non-parametric Rear-projection Surfaces, Jason Hochreiter
An Assessment of Biosorption Activated Media for the Removal of Pollutants in Up-Flow Stormwater Treatment Systems, Andrew Hood
Action Recognition, Temporal Localization and Detection in Trimmed and Untrimmed Video, Rui Hou
Leaning Robust Sequence Features via Dynamic Temporal Pattern Discovery, Hao Hu
Improvement of Data-Intensive Applications Running on Cloud Computing Clusters, Ibrahim Adel Ibrahim
Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Large Area 2D MoS2 Layers: Layer Orientation Control, Heterostructure Integration, And Applications for Stretchable Sensors., Md. Ashraful Islam
Probing the Influence of Cx43 and Glucose on Endothelial Biomechanics, Md Mydul Islam
Numerical Investigation and Optimization of Pin Fins in Micro Heat Sinks, Fuad Ismayilov
Autonomous Robotic Grasping in Unstructured Environments, Amirhossein Jabalameli
Theoretical and Experimental Study for Tailoring the Electromagnetic Properties of Conductive Materials, Jeffrey Jennings
Characterization of Florida Landfills with Elevated Temperatures, Ryan Joslyn
Fundamental Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 Combustion, Raghu Veera Manikantachari Kancherla
Enhanced Concrete Bridge Assessment Using Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality, Enes Karaaslan
A Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Study of Trapped Droplet Coalescence and Mixing, Passively and Under Electric Field, Alireza Karbalaei Baba
Towards More Reliable Neural Network Learning Models, Navid Kardan
Parameter Estimation of Stochastic Models Against Probabilistic Temporal Logic Behavioral Specifications, Arfeen Khalid
Controlled Bubble Dynamics Inside Micropillar Arrays, Faraz Khalil Arya
Value-of-Information based Data Collection in Underwater Sensor Networks, Fahad Khan
Mechanical Study on Edge-Oxidized Graphene Oxide (EOGO) Reinforced Concrete, Mohammad Khawaji
Study of Acceleration Sensitivity and Nonlinear Behavior in Silicon-based MEMS Resonators, Beheshteh Khazaeili Najafabadi
Development of Daily, Monthly, Inter-annual, and Mean Annual Hydrological Models Based on a Unified Runoff Generation Framework, Marwan Kheimi
Approximate In-memory computing on RERAMs, Salman Anwar Khokhar
Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Medical Imaging Applications, Naji Khosravan
Probabilistic Spatio-Magnitude Sinkhole Hazard Analysis for East Central Flrodia, Yong Je Kim
Color-Ratio Based Strawberry Plant Localization and Nutrition Deficiency Detection, Xiangling Kong
Mediated Physicality: Inducing Illusory Physicality of Virtual Humans via Their Interactions with Physical Objects, Myungho Lee
Interfacial Behavior in Polymer Derived Ceramics and Salt Water Purification Via 2D MOS2, Hao Li
Vibration Reduction of Mistuned Bladed Disks via Piezoelectric-Based Resonance Frequency Detuning, Garrett Lopp
The Profession of Modeling and Simulations: Unifying the Organization, John Lord
Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization of Left Ventricular Assist Device Outflow Graft Anastomosis Orientation to Minimize Stroke Rate, Blake Lozinski
Detecting Anomalies From Big Data System Logs, Siyang Lu
Describing Images by Semantic Modeling using Attributes and Tags, Mahdi Mahmoudkalayeh
Sparse Signal Recovery Under Sensing and Physical Hardware Constraints, Davood Mardaninajafabadi
Decentralized Consensus-based Control Allocation For Some Dynamical Systems, August Mark
Context-Centric Affect Recognition From Paralinguistic Features of Speech, Andreas Marpaung
Modeling and Transient Simulation of a Fully Integrated Multi-Pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator Using Siemens T3000, Jonathan McConnell
Fundamental Core Effects in Co-Cr-Fe-Ni Based High Entropy Alloys, Abhishek Mehta
Supporting Learning in 3D Virtual Environments: The Impact of Intergenerational Joint Media Engagement, Robert Michlowitz
Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Fabrics for In-circuit Training and Evaluation of Neuromorphic Architectures, Ramtin Mohammadizand
Machine Learning from Casual Conversation, Awrad Mohammed Ali
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Novel Adsorption Bed Design for Cooling Applications, Ramy H. Mohammed
Assessing Pedestrian Safety Conditions on Campus, Morgan Morris
Training Neural Networks Through the Integration of Evolution and Gradient Descent, Gregory Morse
Efficient String Graph Construction Algorithm, S.M. Iqbal Morshed
Optimization Algorithms for Deep Learning Based Medical Image Segmentations, Aliasghar Mortazi
Forward Osmosis for Algae Dewatering and Electrical Field-driven Membrane Fouling Mitigation, Faris Munshi
Cavitation and Heat Transfer Over Micro Pin Fins, Arash Nayebzadeh
Investigation of PS-PVD and EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings Over Lifetime Using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction, Matthew Northam
Reliability and Robustness Enhancement of Cooperative Vehicular Systems: A Bayesian Machine Learning Perspective, Hossein Nourkhiz Mahjoub
Long-term Carbon and Copper Impact on Nutrient Removal via Green Sorption Media in Dynamic Linear Ditch Environments, Diana Ordonez
Frequency-Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch and Cavity-Backed Slot ESPARs, Wei Ouyang
Shape Recovery Behavior of Carbon Nanopaper Shape Memory Polymer Composite, Veli Bugra Ozdemir
A Multi-Species Single-LED Hazardous Gas Sensor for Commercial Space Applications, Akshita Parupalli
Correctness and Progress Verification of Non-Blocking Programs, Christina Peterson
Quality Diversity: Harnessing Evolution to Generate a Diversity of High-Performing Solutions, Justin Pugh
Leveraging the Intrinsic Switching Behaviors of Spintronic Devices for Digital and Neuromorphic Circuits, Steven Pyle
Energy Expenditure and Stability During Self-Paced Walking on Different Slopes, Alanna Raffaelli
Improving Traffic Safety at School Zones by Engineering and Operational Countermeasures, Md Hasibur Rahman
Assessing the Safety and Operational Benefits of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Application on Different Roadways, Weather, and Traffic Conditions, Md Sharikur Rahman
Applications of Deep Learning Models for Traffic Prediction Problems, Rezaur Rahman
Classifying and Predicting Walking Speed From Electroencephalography Data, Allen Rahrooh
Variable Fluid Flow Regimes Alter Endothelial Adherens Junctions and Tight Junctions, Dilshan Ranadewa
Development of a Single Sensor Approach for Capturing Three-Dimensional, Time Resolved Flame and Velocity Information, Jonathan Reyes
Conceptualization and Fabrication of a Bioinspired Mobile Robot Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy Springs, Lietsel Richardson
Characterization of Turbulent Flame-Vortex Interaction for Bluff Body Stabilized Flames, Cal Rising
Assessment of a Surface Water Supply for Source and Treated Distribution System Quality, Angela Rodriguez
Normally-Off Computing Design Methodology Using Spintronics: From Devices to Architectures, Arman Roohi
Analysis of Residual Stress and Damage Mechanisms of Thermal Barrier Coatings Deposited via PS-PVD and EB-PVD, Linda Rossmann
Integration Of Computational Fluid Dynamics And Machine Learning For Modeling Scaffold Pore Structure For Tissue Engineering, Amir Rouhollahi
Safety, Operational, and Design Analyses of Managed Toll and Connected Vehicles' Lanes, Moatz Saad
Linear Systems with Integral Constraints on Transient Step-Response, Bilal Salih
Implications of Groundwater Plume Transport and Analysis of Karst Aquifer Characteristics in Central Florida, Daljit Sandhu
Development of In Vitro Point of Care Diagnostics (IVPCD) Based on Aptamers integrated Biosensors, Nileshi Saraf
Design and Implementation of Silicon-Based MEMS Resonators for Application in Ultra Stable High Frequency Oscillators, Sarah Shahraini
Student Community Detection and Recommendation of Customized Paths to Reinforce Academic Success, Yuan Shao
Visual-Textual Video Synopsis Generation, Aidean Sharghi Karganroodi
On Distributed Estimation for Power Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks, Mojtaba Shirazi
Disinfection By-Product Formation Potential Assessment for Central Florida Groundwater Supplies, Tulsi Shukla
Programmable Low Loss Orthogonal Frequency Coded Surface Acoustic Wave Correlator Filters, Marshall Smith
Compressible Turbulent Reactions for Hypersonic Propulsion Applications, Jonathan Sosa