This collection includes Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, and other similar projects, completed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Records for print-only, retrospectively scanned, and electronic works are included—digital copies are included where available.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Neuro-Symbolic Distillation of Reinforcement Learning Agents, Farhan Fuad Abir
Comprehensive Analysis of the Intersection Between Cryptocurrency and Infrastructure Security, Ayodeji Adeniran
Machine Learning Algorithms to Study Multi-Modal Data for Computational Biology, Khandakar Tanvir Ahmed
Characterizing The Material Response Of The Passive Myocardium, Mehlil Ahmed
A Multimodal Framework for Automated Content Moderation of Children's Videos, Syed Hammad Ahmed
Serial and Parallel Elastic Cable Driven Actuator (SPECA) to Achieve Efficient and Safe Human Robot Physical Interaction, Al-Muthanna Al-Ani
Investigating The Effect of Technological Innovation on Countries' Green Production Capabilities Evolution and Spillover, Hanin Alhaddad
Efficient Processing of Convolutional Neural Networks on the Edge: A Hybrid Approach Using Hardware Acceleration and Dual-Teacher Compression, Azzam Alhussain
A Comprehensive and Comparative Examination of Healthcare Data Breaches: Assessing Security, Privacy, and Performance, Mohammed Al Kinoon
Demystifying The Hosting Infrastructure of The Free Content Web: A Security Perspective, Mohammed Alqadhi
GitHub Uncovered: Revealing the Social Fabric of Software Development Communities, Abduljaleel Al Rubaye
Exploring Service Quality Among US Hajj Pilgrims in Compliance with Vision 2030 Objectives, Majid Abdulmalik Alshaibi
Eavesdropping-Driven Profiling Attacks on Encrypted WiFi Networks: Unveiling Vulnerabilities in IoT Device Security, Ibrahim A. Alwhbi
Internet-of-Things Privacy in WiFi Networks: Side-Channel Leakage and Mitigations, Mnassar Alyami
Privacy and Security of the Windows Registry, Edward L. Amoruso
Resilient Cooperative Control of Cyber-Physical Systems: Enhancing Robustness Against Significant Time Delays and Denial-of-Service Attacks, Deepalakshmi Babu Venkateswaran
Developing a Multi-Level Model of Integrated-Organizational Resilience, Reza Bahari
Fundamental Experimental Tests and Modeling of LOx/CH4 Engines at High Pressures, Jessica Baker
NeuroGaze in Virtual Reality: Assessing an EEG and Eye Tracking Interface against Traditional Virtual Reality Input Devices, Wanyea Barbel
Deep Learning Informed Assistive Technologies for Biomedical and Human Activity Applications, Nasrin Bayat
A Multiscale Meshless Method for Simulating Cardiovascular Flows, Kyle Beggs
Design of Near-Zero Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity Films Demonstrated Using Atomic Layer Deposition, Sasha Novia Berriel
Advancing Policy Insights: Opinion Data Analysis and Discourse Structuring Using LLMs, Aaditya Bhatia
Analytical and Experimental Verification of Bistable Composite Laminates for Aerospace Applications, Maxwell J. Booth
Productivity Assessment of a Nanofiltration Membrane Process Treating Unaerated or Aerated Groundwater, Gabriele A. Brummer
Novel Phase Shifters Using Reconfigurable Filters, Georgiy Brussenskiy
The Impact Of Experience Replay Buffers On Catastrophic Forgetting Within Proximal Policy Optimization, Cynthia Burke
MOSafely: Building an Open-Innovation Community to Promote Adolescent Online Safety through Multi-Disciplinary Collaborations and Teen-Centered Risk Detection, Xavier V. Caddle
On Vulnerabilities of Building Automation Systems, Michael Cash
Exploring The Removal Potential of Multi-pollutants from Water Matrices with Innovative Speciality Adsorbents in A Field-scale Filtration System, Jinxiang Cheng
Bactesign Biosystems Technologies for In Vitro Bacterial Models, Andre Childs
Associations Between Fall Risk and Physical Activity in Older Adults and A Cable-Driven Ankle Perturbation System to Induce Slip and Trip Perturbations, Renoa Choudhury
Understanding and Enhancing Performance and Microarchitecture Security in Modern and Emerging Computer Systems, Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy
Statistical Analysis of the Cellular Structure in Normal and Oblique Detonation Waves, Robyn Cideme
Multi Species Time Histories of Ammonia Hydrogen Blended Mixtures Inside a Shock Tube, Christopher W. Dennis
Models of Information Diffusion and The Role of Influence, Chathura JJ Don Dimungu Arachchige
Design and Perception of Diverse Virtual Avatars in Immersive Environments, Tiffany D. Do
Enhanced Neural Networks based Flight Parameter Predictions for UAVs with Distributed Flow Sensors, Elliott Eggers
On The Characterization and Modeling Of Unsteady Aerodynamic Systems In Extraterrestrial Environments, Wayne Williamtine Farrell
Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Clay-Zwitterion Hybrid Material, Suvash Ghimire
Advanced optical diagnostic techniques for heat transfer measurments in supercritical CO2 flows, Ritesh Ghorpade
Objective-Driven Strategies for HPC Job Scheduling, Alexander V. Goponenko
The Crash Consistency, Performance, and Security of Persistent Memory Objects, Derrick Alex Greenspan
Analysis, Design and Optimization of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Energy System, Sahin Gullu
High Temperature Shock Tube and Laser Diagnostics Measurements of Fuel Combustion for Solid Fuel Ramjets, Jacklyn P. Higgs
Towards Sparse IMU Sensor-Based Estimation of Walking Kinematics, Joint Moments, and Ground Reaction Forces in Multiple Locomotion Modes via Deep Learning, Md Sanzid Bin Hossain
Adaptive Beyond Von-Neumann Computing Devices and Reconfigurable Architectures for Edge Computing Applications, Mousam Hossain
Adoption of Electric Vehicle and Its Impact on Residential Sector Energy Demand, Md Istiak Jahan
Millimeter-Wave Software-Defined Radios with Programmable Directionality, Marc H. jean
Advanced Algorithms for Cancer Cell Detection and Tracking, Qibing Jiang
Toward Robust Class-Agnostic Object Counting, Md Jibanul Haque Jiban
Dexterous Manual Actions: Motor Learning, Visuomotor Control, and Effect of Aging, Kimia Kiani
Enhancing oil-in-water Emulsified Bildgwater Treatment Using Electric Field Forward Osmosis (EFFO), Nareg Krikorian
Advances in High Performance Computing Through Concurrent Data Structures and Predictive Scheduling, Kenneth M. Lamar
Development and Evaluation of DNS of Aluminum Droplet Combustion Using the VOF Approach, Soomin Lim
Understanding Process-Structure-Property Relationships in Additive Manufacturing via Experimentation and Machine Learning, Qingyang Liu
Convolutional Neural Network Vision System Prototype for Strawberry Plant Nutrient Deficiency Diagnosis, Salem Long
High Pressure Measurement of Soot Formation Applicable to Energetic Materials Fireballs, Timothy D. Loye
Investigating Emerging Technologies In Civil Structural Health Monitoring: Generative Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality, Furkan Luleci
From Intent Detection to Recommendations: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models for Enhanced User Experiences, Muhammad Hasan Maqbool
Safety Testing for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Natural Gas Mixtures for Decarbonizing Electric Power Plants, Garrett T. Mastantuono
Development and Applications of a Corridor-Level Approach to Traffic Safety, John M. McCombs
Efficient and Effective Deep Learning Methods for Computer Vision in Centralized and Distributed Applications, Matias Mendieta
Design and Fabrication of Quantum Cascade Laser Tree Arrays, Luke Milbocker
Semi-Supervised Gait Recognition, Sirshapan Mitra
Shock Tube Ignition Studies of Renewable Diesel Fuels for Medium and Heavy-Duty Transportation, Zuhayr Pasha Mohammed
Compound Flooding Potential along the U.S. Coastline: from Continental to Local Scale, Ahmed A. Nasr
Numerical Modeling of Cavitation During Shock Droplet Interaction, Khanh Chi Nguyen
Altitude and Pitch Control of a Tethered Multi-Rotor Autogyro Using a Reduced Order Model, Tasnia Noboni
Acausal Dynamic Modeling and Validation of a 15MW Wind Turbine with Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) Robust Control Design, Mohammad Odeh
Scalable Transactions in Decentralized Networks, Zachary M. Painter
Analyzing the Role of Transportation Network Companies (TNC) within the Transportation Ecosystem, Dewan Ashraful Parvez
Semiconductor Mode-locked Lasers for Applications in Multi-photon Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Srinivas Varma Pericherla
Integrated Econometric Models to Bridge Across Resolutions: Application to Crash Frequency and Severity Analysis, Shahrior Pervaz
A Study of the Effects of Microgravity Through Porous Media in Microfluidic Devices, Taylor A. Peterson
Fundamental Chemical Kinetic Experiments of Combustion Products inside a Shock Tube, Alex-Abraham Pothen
Modelling of the Viscoelastic Relaxation of a Stowed Telescope Starshade, Rahul Raghu
Improving Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured High-Temperature Gas Turbine Component, Nandhini Raju
Towards Energy-Efficient In-Memory Computing Systems Using Electronic Design Automation, Muhammad Rashedul Haq Rashed
Optimizing Communication, Control, And Network Structure For Mass Platoons Of Connected And Automated Vehicles, Mahdi Razzaghpour
Analysis and Design of Multiport Converters for Photovoltaic and Electrical Vehicle Applications, Reza Rezaii
Bending Mechanics of Bio-mimetic Stiff Scale-Covered Plate, Pranta Rahman Sarkar
Acausal Modeling and Validation of Platform Hydrodynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine, Doyal Kumar Sarker
Exploring the Benefits of the Integration of XR and BIM for Retrofitting Projects, John Sermarini
Decentralized Optimization Algorithms for Coordination of Power Grid and Other Critical Infrastructures, Santosh Sharma
A CFD Framework to Study Complex Effects Relating to Airborne Viral-pathogen Transmission, Rajendra Shrestha Mr.
Mitigation of Reliability Risks Associated with Accelerated Thermal Cycling and High Current Density Electromigration in Ball Grid Array Solder Joints, Vishnu R. Shukla
Developing a Course Enrollment Simulation Model to Improve College Graduation Outcomes, Rachel Straney
Spatial Variability of Hydrodynamics within Crassostrea virginica (Eastern oyster) Reefs: Investigating the Effect of Canopy Density on Flow and Turbulence., Manisha Thenuwara
Design Automation for Next-Generation In-Memory Computing Systems, Sven Thijssen
Video Action Understanding: Action Classification, Temporal Localization, And Detection, Praveen Tirupattur
Hydrogen Enrichment of Methane-Air Mixtures for the Reacting Jet in Crossflow in a High Pressure, Axially Staged Combustor, Michael Tonarely
Effects of Arm-Leg Interactive Coupling Exosuit (ALICE) on Walking Biomechanics and Energetics, Amellia T. Tran
Exploiting Dynamic Magnetic Fields for New Magnetorheological Fluid Damping Capability, Christian Vazquez
Data-Centric AI: Taming AI-ready Feature Space from Decision-Making to Generative-AI Perspectives, Dongjie Wang
Cooperative Driving Using an Integrated Co-Simulation and Digital-Twin Platform, Zijin Wang
Operation D.A.R.T. (Designing Augmented Reality for Transfer) Improving Preparedness for Basic Combat Training Candidates, Christopher Webb
Informing a Comprehensive Player Profile Model Through the Development of a Video Game Experience Measure to Support Theory of Mind in Artificial Social Intelligence, Jessica L. Williams