This collection includes Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, and other similar projects, completed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Records for print-only, retrospectively scanned, and electronic works are included—digital copies are included where available.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Characterization of the Reacting Jet of a High-Pressure Axially Staged Combustor, Tommy Genova
High Pressure Reacting Characteristics of a Jet in Vitiated Crossflow, Tommy Genova
Engineering the Surface Chemistry and Surface Conditions to Optimize the Heat Removal Rate of Various Surfaces, Thomas Germain
Hybrid Physics-informed Neural Networks for Dynamical Systems, Renato Giorgiani do Nascimento
Viscoelastic Analysis of High Strain Composites for Deployable Structures in Space Applications, Andrew Gomez-Delrio
Improving Traffic Safety and Efficiency by Adaptive Signal Control Systems Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, Yaobang Gong
Indium Phosphide Based Quantum Cascade Lasers Grown on Silicon Substrate, Rowel Go
Diffusion of Fission Products in Nuclear Graphite, Kevin Graydon
Atomic Layer Deposition of Oxide Materials for Passivated Carrier Selective Contact Solar Cells, Geoffrey Gregory
Interactions Between Humans, Virtual Agent Characters and Virtual Avatars, Tamara Griffith
Detailed Study of Flow and Surface Heat Transfer Enhancement Mechanism in the Presence of Dimples and/or Protrusions, Gaurav Gupta
Stochastic Sampling and Machine Learning Techniques for Social Media State Production, Neda Hajiakhoond Bidoki
Data-Driven Nonlinear Control Designs for Constrained Systems, Roland Harvey
Experimentation and Simulation of Pulsed Eddy Current Thermography of Subsurface Aircraft Corrosive Defects, Johnathan Hernandez
An Approach to Modeling Simulated Military Human-agent Teaming, Maartje Hidalgo
Removal of Chemicals of Emerging Concern and Mass Transfer Modeling in a Nanofiltration Membrane Process, Carlyn Higgins
Inertial Orbit Estimation Using Multiple Space Based Observers: A New Measurement Model, James Hippelheuser
Investigating Film Cooling Flows with Advanced Turbulence Modeling, Machine Learning, and Experimental Methods, Justin Hodges
Thin-fIlm Lithium Niobate Integrated Photonics on Silicon for Electro- and Nonlinear-optic Applications, Amirmahdi Honardoost
Efficient String Algorithms with Applications in Bioinformatics, Sahar Hooshmand
Designing Metal Nanocatalysts and Tuning their Microenvironment for Gas-involving Electrocatalysis, Lin Hu
Parametric Investigation and Optimization for Inconel 718 Nickel-Based Superalloy in Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Thinh Huynh
Multi-Element Multi-Datastream Visible Light Communication Networks, Sifat Ibne Mushfique
Computational Methods for Discovery and Analysis of RNA Structural Motifs, Shahidul Islam
Infrastructure for Performance Monitoring and Analysis of Systems and Applications, Ramin Izadpanah
Investigation of Via Extrusion and The Effect of Cap Layer for 3D Integrated Circuits, Golareh Jalilvand
Towards Scalable Network Traffic Measurement With Sketches, Rhongho Jang
Cerium Oxide based Nanocomposites for Supercapacitors, Aadithya Jeyaranjan
Water Reclamation Using Functionalized Forward Osmosis Membrane, Fnu Joshua
Decentralized Adaptable Task Allocation for Ongoing Tasks, Vera Kazakova
Pathological Tremor as a Mechanical System: Modeling and Control of Artificial Muscle-Based Tremor Suppression, Christopher Kelley
Supercritical CO2 Heat Transfer Study Near Critical Point in a Heated Circular Pipe, Akshay Khadse
Mobile Health Technology to Enhance Healthcare Service Delivery in Developing Nations (Saudi Arabia), Nawaf Khan
Experimental Investigation of the Laminar Burning Velocities of High-performance Co-Optima Biofuels, Gihun Kim
Robust Flight Control Design with Parameter Space Method Enhanced by Neural Network Adaptive Control, Sun Kim
Study of Non-Ideal Effects on Shock Wave Propagation, Cory Kinney
Compressibility of Fine-Grained Soil in Central Florida, Andre Kruk
Mechanical Properties of Boron Carbide (B4C), Ruslan Kuliiev
A Shock Tube Chemical Kinetic Study of Ethanol Oxidation at Elevated Pressures, Andrew Laich
Algorithms and Applications of Novel Capsule Networks, Rodney LaLonde
A System and Method to Detect Anxiety Using Detect, Alert, and Distract Anxiety (DADA) Model and Algorithm, Apurva Lanman
Separating Content Selection from Surface Realization in Neural Text Summarization, Logan Lebanoff
A Deep Learning Approach for Real-time Crash Risk Prediction at Urban Arterials, Pei Li
Reconstruction of Bacterial Strain Genomes from Shotgun Metagenomic Reads, Xin Li
Multi-Species Measurements at High Temperatures Using Advanced Mid-Infrared Laser Schemes, Zachary Loparo
The Improvement of Shewhart-Stable Time Series Processes by Applying Jensen-Shannon Complexity Measures to Characterize Emergent Structure, Blaine Lorimer
Efforts in Numerical Modeling of Undulating Propulsion, George Loubimov
Additive Manufacturing of Copper-based Alloy by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Binghao Lu
Deep Recurrent Networks for Gesture Recognition and Synthesis, Mehran Maghoumi
Mechanical Behavior Assessment of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Asif Mahmud
The Impact of Work Environment on Successful Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in Emergency Department, Elaf Makkawi
Design and Visual Servo Control of a Mechanical Gripper for Autonomous Strawberry Harvesting, Jonah Mapes
Video Content Understanding Using Text, Amir Mazaheri
Lean blowout dynamics for premixed bluff-body flames, Anthony Morales
Leveraging Augmented Reality for Real-time Operational Performance Management, Joshua Nelson
High-speed Imaging of Reflected Shockwave-initiated Combustion, Erik Ninnemann
Cell Encapsulation in Microfluidic Channels, Mohammad Nooranidoost
Improving Usability of Genetic Algorithms through Self Adaptation on Static and Dynamic Environments, Reamonn Norat
The Effects of Gesture Presentation in Video Games, Jack Oakley
Assessing the Potential of Implementing Blockchain in Supply Chains using Agent-Based Simulation and Deep Learning, Mohammad Obeidat
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Power Plant Steam Condenser on the Siemens SPPA-T3000 Platform, Mohammad Odeh
Industrial Digitalization: Novel Approaches to System Management & Implementation with Industry 4.0 Framework, Johnson Olaitan
Rotational and Shower Head Cooling Hole Effects on Leading-Edge Jet Impingement Heat Transfer, Weston Olson
Flame and Emissions Characteristics of a High Pressure Reacting Jet in Vitiated Crossflow, Michelle Otero
The Susceptibility of Deep Neural Networks to Natural Perturbations, Mesut Ozdag
The Impacts of Wave Energy Conversion on Coastal Morphodynamics in a Changing Climate, Cigdem Ozkan
Study on Ductile Fracture with Anisotropic and Strain Rate Effects in Manufacturing Processes, Hao Pan
Improving the Security of Critical Infrastructure: Metrics, Measurements, and Analysis, Jeman Park
Optimization Studies for the Gas Atomization and Selective Laser Melting Processes of Al10SiMg alloy, Sharon Park
Experimental, Analytical and Computational Analyses of Linear and Radial Shape Memory Alloy Helical Actuators, Ryan Puchaty
Design of Ternary Operations Utilizing Flow-Based Computing, James Pyrich
Removal of Heavy Metals From Landfill Leachate Using Electrospun Polyelectrolyte Complex Fiber-Laminated Ultrafiltration Membrane, Amirsalar Rabbani Esfahani
Evaluation of Safety and Mobility Benefits of Connected and Automated Vehicles by Considering V2X Technologies, Md Hasibur Rahman
Pervasive Spectrum Sharing for Improved Wireless Experience, Mostafizur Rahman
Distributed Multi-agent Optimization and Control with Applications in Smart Grid, Towfiq Rahman
Towards Robust Artificial Intelligence Systems, Sunny Raj
Climatic and Topologic Controls on the Complexity of River Networks, Sevil Ranjbar Moshfeghi
Application of Reliability Centered Maintenance in Railway Tracks, Sarita Rattanakunuprakarn
Novel Computational Approaches For Multidimensional Brain Image Analysis, Harish Raviprakash
Improving Security of Crypto Wallets in Blockchain Technologies, Hossein Rezaeighaleh
Chemically Stabilized Oil-in-water Emulsion Separation Using a Custom Aquaporin-based Polyethersulfone (PES) Forward Osmosis Membrane System, AnnMarie Ricchino
Bias and Sensitivity of Nonlinear Models for Seismic Response of Ordinary Standard Bridges, Andres Rodriguez Caballero
Ignition of Supersonic Flows Via Pulse Detonator, Daniel Rosato
A Computational Biomechanical Model-Based Optimization of Fulcrum Support in Orthosis Enabled Closed Reduction of Developmental Dysplasia of The Hip, Christopher Rose
Machine Learning based RF Transmitter Characterization in the Presence of Adversaries, Debashri Roy
Understanding the Socio-infrastructure Systems During Disaster from Social Media Data, Kamol Chandra Roy
Analyzing User Behavior in Collaborative Environments, Samaneh Saadat
Action Recognition in Still Images: Confluence of Multilinear Methods and Deep Learning, Marjaneh Safaei
Modal Analysis of Liquid Fuel Jet in Crossflow, Sheikh Salauddin
Design of an Annular Disc-shaped Heat Pipe for Air-cooled Steam Condensers, Ahmad Saleh
Energy-Efficient Signal Conversion and In-Memory Computing using Emerging Spin-based Devices, Soheil Salehi Mobarakeh