The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Response surface optimization techniques for multiple objective and randomly valued independent variable problems, Todd M. Dvorak
Management of Patients with Congestive Heart Failure: Evaluation of Asherence to Practice Guidelines Based on Level of Care, Wanda Gerson Edington
CONFRONTING CONSTITUTIONAL CONTRADICTIONS : A Study of the War on Drugs in America, W. Steven Edmonds
Demonstration of the levi-civita connection on the 2-sphere, Cory Alan Edwards
Design of a phase locked loop clock recovery and data re-timing circuit for 50 to 800 mbps NRZ-L data, Nancy L. Eisenhauer
Transport control protocols for the success of the Internet, Hala A. Elaarag
Statistical estimation of the locations of lightning events, Aicha Elhor
A comparison between neural networks and multiple regression approaches for developing freight trip generation and modal split models with specific applications to Florida's deep seaports, Ashraf A. El Maghraby
Teacher and Principal Leadership: Florida Teachers of the Year and Their Principals, Tina Bickelhaupt Erwin
Impacts of ozonation and membrane filtration on drinking water biostability and the effects of sample strorage on the assimilable organic carbon (AOC) bioassay, Isabel Cristina Escobar
Second order cascading effect in LiNbO3 waveguide devices and applications, Hui Fang
An examination of halo error in supervisor and self-ratings of co-op job performance, April L. Farson
Crash Quality- An Approach For Evaluating Spending on Quality Improvement Initiatives, Labiche Ferreira
Design, analysis, fabrication and testing of a mesoscale centrifugal compressor, Alexandra Francois Saint Cyr
Parties and party manifestos : German party transitions 1949-1998, Stewart L. French
Modeling platform behaviors under degraded states using context-based reasoning, Anthony Gallagher
El nucleo familiar cidiano : su funcion dentro del medievo espanol en el "Cantar de mio Cid", Martha Garcia
Automatic generation of natural language documentation from statecharts, Ivan Ibarguen Garibay
High power ultra short external cavity modelocked semiconductor lasers, Sangyoun Gee
What's in a Name? Exploring the Effects of Maternal Similarity of Last Name, Socioeconomic Status, Behavior, and Child's Sex on Attitudes Toward Children, Teresa Napolitano Gerber
The meaning of family as perceived by lesbian couples, Caroline Gertz
A Multivariate Approach to the Dynamic of Violence within Intimate Relationships: An Application of Theory of Coercive Power in Exchange, Giovanna Gianesini
Beam spreading of higher order gaussian modes propagating through the earth's atmosphere, Yadira Vellon Gilchrest
An impact assessment of the 1992 change of the Florida domestic violence law, Joyce Ann Glaser
Bolaamphiphile nanotubes : from gene delivery to nano-electronics, Bogdan Gologan
Rf propagation model for direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems in the 5.8 GHz ISM band, Brendan Wade Goode
Adapting to the distinct learning strategies of Russian students, Ekaterina V. Goussakova
Constructing visual literacy through technology, Nicole Monica Griffin
At-risk students and educational software: are we on target?, Karen Michele Grimm
Automated testing of web-based software, Qingcai Guan
Assessment of time stress effects on decision accuracy at multiple phases of skill acquisition, Mike Guest
Microstructural design of mechanical properties for laser-fabricated stainless steel parts, Wen Guo
The dynamics of cross-dressing in Margaret Cavendish's Assaulted and pursued chastity, Kristen Elizabeth Gurri
Testing of the delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits, Aleksandar Hadzibabic
Wavelet thresholding algorithms for terrain data compression, Fan Hai
Power scaling of diode-pumped Nd3+ AND Yb3+ -DOPED YCa4 O(BO3)3 (YCOB): a new self-frequency doubling laser, Dennis Allen Hammons
Design, analysis and simulation of a microcompressor driven by a vertical comb-drive actuator, Zhili Hao
Design of a dual polarized inverted microstrip antenna for radiometric applications, Md Mahfuzul Haque
A technique for identifying high maintenance legacy software based on complexity and usage, Matthew S. Harrison
Design and fabrication of a meso-scale variable capacitance motor, Anm Quamrul Hasan
Simulation of poly-depletion effects on poly-silicon gate of mosfet, Shahed Hasan
Applications of random walks, Perry L. Heard
Neural network based movement models to improve the predictive utility of entity state synchronization methods for distributed simulations, Amy Elizabeth Henninger
Expression of the native cholera toxin B subunit gene as oligomers in transgenic tobacco chloroplasts, Lucinda Henriques
Effect of membrane properties on fouling in RO/NF membrane filtration of high organic groundwater, Colin Michael Hobbs
Simulation and characterization of electrostatic discharge (ESD) in MOSFET, MD. Anamul Hoque
Thermal management of diode laser arrays, Jennifer J. Huddle
The clinical utility of the use of rapid assessment instruments for general distress and consumer satisfaction in a private psychotherapy practice, Herschel Hughes
Model-based automation of statistical testing of software, Xiaomei Hu
Application of Lyapunov based sensor fault detection in a reverse water gas shift reactor, Curtis M. Ihlefeld
Kinetic modeling of the hydrogen peroxide enhancement of the oxidation of nitric oxide in a pilot scale reactor at NASA-KSC, Deborah Ann Ingersoll
Mossbauer spectroscopic studies of La1-xCaxMnO3, Clay W. Inman
An environmental assessment of community college faculty satisfaction, Sonja Peters Jackson
Design of a controller for an FPGA-based reconfigurable computing architecture, Piyush S. Jamkhandi
A system to demonstrate applications of OpenGL using visual C++, Juming Jiao
Robust control design and simulation of flexible system, Weiwei Jin
Robust ECG waveform detector using the wavelet transform, Anders Johansson
Analysis of bodies of revolution using the finite difference time domain method with application to corrugated horns, Christopher P. Johnson
Automatic construction and occlusion sensitive selection of level-of-detail models for procedurally modeled plants, Jaren Johnston
The effect of developmental advising on community college students' retention rates, Sonya Joseph
Behavior of flat panel display glass subjected to dynamic loads during material handling and transportation, Tanmoy Joshi
A method for numerical conformal mapping, Aerim Jung
A study of the impact of long reactive behavior patterns on grade nine placement and achievement in mathematics, Nicolene R. Junkins
Plasma and mechanical properties and process parameter selection criteria for laser rapid manufacturing, Franz Josef Kahlen
Remote misuse detection system using mobile agents and relational database query techniques, Bharat Kapoor
An autonomous intelligent agent action selection mechanism for a virtual battlefield environment, Paul Kelly
Design and operational issues for improvements in MSW landfill leachate collection systems, Makarand Gajanan Khare
Evaluation of scintillation behavior in LSO and LYSO crystals, Thomas C. Kimble
Leadership orientations of chief executives of nonprofit organizations in Cental Florida : a frame analysis, Christie K. Knudsen
An operational model for finite state machine replanning in modsaf, John S. Kolasheski
Flexible pavement performance prediction model on the basis of pavement condition data, Fanzhen Kong
Cross validation in fuzzy artmap for large databases, Anna Koufakou
Modeling the combined behavior of zero-valent iron and methanogenic archea for the anaerobic dechlorination of TCE, Ashish S. Kulkarni
Process optimization and characterization of CuIn1-xGaxS2 (CIGS2) polycrystalline thin films, Shashank R. Kulkarni
The effects of motion on performance, presence, and sickness in a virtual environment, D. Susan Lanham
Native Americans and homicide : a county-level analysis utilizing social disorganization theory, Christina Lanier
Raman gain spectrum in the all-wave fiber, Corey F. LaPine
Science learning and literacy performance of typically developing, at-risk, and disabled, non-English language background students, Patria M. Larrinaga McGee
Effects of aging on pilot performance measured in response time during emergency situation, Jae Woong Lee
A study of academic characteristics of successful and unsuccessful community college statistics students, Maryke L. Lee
Frequency planning and channel interference in a DSSS wireless local area network(WLAN), Dejan Leskaroski
Sources of bias in textbooks for children of francophone guadeloupe, Marie A. Leticee
Development of a web-based drug intelligence database system, Jianghong Liao
Seismic response of deep foundations using dynamic poroelastic Bem, Chun Li
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles, Fe3O4, with new surfactant, Haiming Li
Chemical-mechanical wear mechanism in polyurethane polishing pad materials, Irene Li
Detecting stepwise moving objects from spatiotemporal projections, Nan Li
On design and implementation of parallel video servers, Chow Sing Lin
Integrative research review: perinatal management and outcomes of clients with oligohydramnios, Chiyo Gabriella Lombard
Estimating fugitive process emissions at Kennedy Space Center, Esteban R. Lopez
Correlation and modeling of laboratory and field scale integrated membrane system productivity and water quality, William Al Lovins
Application of lessons learned into legacy software systems, Jennifer Lynne Luce
Mobile agent protocols for distributed detection of network intrusions, Jie Lu