The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.

If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.


Theses/Dissertations from 2000

Teaching technical writing across the curriculum, Erin Dawn O'Brien

Population estimate and demography of the southeastern beach mouse (peromyscus polionotus niveiventris) on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, Donna Marie Oddy


Efficient Techniques for Management and Delivery of Video Data, Junghwan Oh

Isomorphic vertex colorings of trees with two degree two vertices and maximum degree three, Georgie L. M. O'Leary

Whatever you say, I'll believe and other stories, Rebecca Orr

The secular school: the secularization of values in American public education, Jack R. Owen

System design of an ATM over satellite interconnect device, Kongfan Pan

Modification and characterization of self-assembly systems: limposomes, lipid tubules and bolaamphiphile, Su Pan

Authorizing the sovereign: notion of language, reason, science and method in Hobbes' Leviathan, Piotr R. Paradowski

Nothing wrong with being yourself, Kathelyn Prebor Patria

Optimization of rare-earth-doped fluorides for infrared lasers, Rita Dedomenica Peterson

Song variation in the Eastern Towhee of central Florida, Michael Allen Petrovich

The use of humor and effective leadership styles by elementary principals in central Florida, Kathy A. Philips

Oxidation and hot corrosion behavior of gas turbine superalloys in steam, Vinod M. Philip

A study of the relationship between hypergender ideologies and attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help, Andy L. Phillips

Adhesional strength and surface analysis at Cell/EVA and EVA/Glass interfaces of a solar module, Nachiket R. Raravikar

Transportation sensitivity analysis in Development of Regional Impact (DRI), Abdelhak Remadna

Two-photon photo-initiated free radical polymerization, Xiaobin Ren

Pool boiling and spray cooling with FC-72, Daniel Porter Rini

Influence of web joint rigidity on behavior of metal plate connected wood trusses at attic openings, Kathleen Anne Wills Rittenburg

Statistical evaluation of critical design storms : short duration storms, Maria Rizou

Involvement of CDC6, a cell cycle regulatory protein, in prostate cancer, Liza D. Robles

The tumor suppressor protein, Schwannomin/merlin interacts directly with paxillin in Schwann cells, Ruano Alma Rodenas

Finite difference time domain analysis of cavity backed circular patch antennas, Melian Douglas Rodriguez

Fabrication of acceleration insensitive bulk acoustic wave resonators, Sara N. Rogers

Cloning, sequencing, and characterization of a potential immunogenetic marker of mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis for the diagnosis of Crohn's disease, Claudia Romero

The effects of delayed auditory feedback on speech rate and intelligibility in speakers with Parkinson's desease, Bernard Rousseau

Evaluation of radar derived surface rainfall estimates for improvement of TRMM ground validation products, Biswadev Roy

A simulation analysis of the effect of autonomy on warehouse cycle time, Lobna Okashah Rubin

The interaction of technology and technical writing pedagogy : developing ethos in the online classroom, Krantz Nancy Sadusky

The relationship between student personality types and traits and instructor corrective feedback in dance education, Suzanne R. Salapa

Trade relationships, regional integration, and economic development : the case of the Southern African Development Community, Harry Mikael Sandberg

Use of pressure transducers to measure landfill head on liner, Sandeep Dilip Saraf

Nonlinear filtering of color images, Lloyd J. Sartor

The relationship between personality and demographic variables and satisfaction with electronic meeting support, Neil Schierolz

Microbiological evaluation of Crohn's disease : fulfillment of Koch's postulates I and II, Deidre Schwartz

Influence of film critic quotes in motion picture advertising on audience attitudes, Trenton C. Seltzer

Graphics & animation enhancements in a web-based software engineering course, Jatin V. Shah

An investigation of transmission electron microscopy specimen artifacts resulting from focused ion beam and conventional preparation techniques, Carrie Urbanik Shannon

The design and analysis of the photon microsatellite structure and an extension to nanosatellite structures, Derek Shannon

Structural design analysis of modular nanosatellites, Badrinarayan S. Shirgur


View-centric Reasoning About Parallel and Distributed Computation, Marc L. Smith

Perceived instructional methodology, formative assessment, summative assessment, school size, and class size employed in United States charter schools: which factors attribute to student achievement?, Eric Laurence Smitt


Field evaluation of ultrasound enhancement of permeable treatment walls, Aamod Sudhakar Sonawane


Signal integrity in deep submicron CMOS chip design, Jignesh Suresh Sonchhatra

Electronic design techniques to enhance NASA's payload ground support transfer operations, Felix Alberto Soto Toro

Syphilis : the specter of sex and death in english Renaissance drama, William H. Spates

A comparison of a computer-mediated graduate course in measurement and evaluation with a similar traditionally taught course, Donald F. Spencer

A generalized boundary integral method for transient heat diffusion in isotropic heterogeneous media, Adrian Stefanescu

Medieval crusading: the origins and inspiration of the First Crusade, Jace Stuckey

A methodology for testing web-based applications using Markov chains and McCabe complexitiy measures, Fahmida Sultana

Fiber-optic beam control systems using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn

Parrallel processing for Kalman filter in aerospace vehicle parameter estimation, Lei Sun

An algorithm for measuring rain over oceans using the quikscat radiometer, Mladen Susanj

Benchmarking distributed real-time applications, Shenchao Su

New, efficient, room temperature mid-infrared laser at 3.9 uM IN HO BAY2F8 and visible PR:LIYF4 laser for holography, Anna M. Tabirian

Electrochemical aspects of metal CMP, Dnyanesh Tamboli

A software emulator of a distributed automated manufacturing plant, Chunyan Tang

Handwritten signature verification using backpropagation neural network, Yubo Tang

Conduction modeling and laser beam propagation through plasma in sheet metal laser welding, Ugur Tanriver

Image compression using recursive merge filtering based embedded zerotree and adaptive block-wise methods, Tao Tao

Electro-optic deflection applied to pulsed laser systems, Jesse Tawney

The GTP binding protein RHO, is not required for the formation of a B1, integrin multi-molecular complex in primary Schwann cells, Anna Ree Taylor

An examination of the Mirage-Net web-community from a uses and gratifications perspective, Carey L. Thaldorf


Optical performance of grazing incidence x-ray / EUV telescopes for space science applications, Patrick Louis Thompson

A study of central Florida elementary teachers' attitudes toward inclusion and the factors which affect those attitudes, Lance J. Tomei

Soak time distribution for air quality computer modeling applications, Patricia Tom

The last days of Don Juan, Maritza Torres

High performance termination detection techniques supporting multithreaded execution, Yili Tseng

Something in the water, Tara Valdez

Short-term Ethernet traffic prediction using a Kalman filter, Marisin C. Vanderbilt

Seismic behavior and rehabilitation of a four-storey steel building, Gerardino Aixa Vazquez

Physiologic and financial outcomes of neonates when birth occurs at 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 gestational weeks, Jenny Yvonne Villa

Evaluating a computerized aid for conducting a cognitive task analysis, Jeffrey R. Voigt

Clinical nutrition managers' perceptions of nutrition teams in acute care institutions: roles and responsibilities, characteristics, benefits, and barriers, Karen Marie Volante

Influence of turbulence intensity and length scales on the evaporation of single suspended liquid droplets, Eckartsberg Alexandra Von

Collaboration and co-teaching among interns at a professional development school, Knight Donna Walker

Effect of linguistic experience on listener perception on nasality in cleft palate speech in monolingual and bilingual listeners, Caroline A. Walters

RNN based wafer surface reconstruction from scanning electron microscopy images, Ron Wang

An acoustic analysis of changes in children's initial consonant clusters during treatment, Jamie Warszynski

A study of the effect of a web based computer game on national certification examinations for dental hygiene students at Valencia Community College, Dennis F. Weeks

Energy efficient design of the delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits, Ning Weng

Integrative research review of today's approach to endotracheal suctioning: closed system suctioning, Amy M. Wesley

Differentiation of Xylella fastidiosa pathovars using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole-cell proteins and dna pulsed-field gel electrophoresis procedures, Rebecca Lynn Wichman

The impact of computerized language games for impaired bilingual students' language performance: a case study, Elaine W. Wiepking

A general-purpose model for heterogeneous computation, Tiffani L. Williams

The synthesis and characterization of environmentally degradable milimeter wave screeing materials, Yi Xiong

Optimization of passive optical limiters, Sidney S. Yang

Three-dimensional spatial variation in tropical forest structure, Carrie L. Yoder

Integrative research review: effect of music therapy on anxiety in patients with acute myocardial infarction in intensive care unit, Anna Mee Ting Yue

A testbed for experiments with levels of detail in complex outdoor environments, Qingyi Yu


A hierarchical channel selection scheme for macro/micro cellular networks, Ayesha Zaheer

MPEG client software for set-top boxes of VoD systems, Xianhong Zeng

Stress corrosion cracking of high strength steel under cyclic environmental exposure, Hanlin Zhang

Segmented min-min : a static mapping algorithm for meta-tasks on heterogeneous computing systems, Hong Zhang

Design and evaluation of an internet-based circuit design package used in an undergraduate engineering circuit course, Qiong Zhang

Towards defining metrics of 2D morphing quality, Jack Q. Zhao

Decentralized control schemes for coordinating distributed processing activities of mobile software agents, Yong Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 1999

Education for health promotores in Honduras, Wanda Morgan Abar

The effect of the teacher's reading aloud on the reading comprehension of adult, multinational, ESL students : a case study, Sandra S. Abouda