The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Survey of local area networks for low end systems, Wipawadee P. Sonprasit
Finite element analysis of a glass fiber inclusion, Jeffery R. Southland
Utilizing object-oriented design to reduce the effort expended on the maintenance phase of a software project, Susan Muriel Storma
A multivariate study on the emotions and self-esteem of pregnant women, Patricia K. Teal
An overview of machine vision, Juan C. Telchi
The feasibility analysis of cooling a residential space using an underground air pipe coupled with an air chimney, Nam Ky Trinh
Gatekeeping and coorientation, do they mix?: / a three-way analysis of a business journal, Sheryl Anne Tumlin
Adolescent Clients' Understanding of and Demands for Confidentiality, Teresa F. Turner
Discrete mathematics in the secondary curriculum a delphi study of topics and trends, Ann C. Vining
Self-esteem Level, Workload Factors and Selected Demographic Variables in Nurse Faculty, E. Marie Visscher
An adaptive multi-scene correlation algorithm, Paul E. Vogt
Economic Design of Lot-By-Lot Acceptance Sampling by Attributes, Michael S. Wall
Personality Characteristics of Individuals Seeking to Adopt a Companion Animal, Laura Anne Weber-Andersen
Anorexia nervosa: starvation by choice a review of etiology and treatment, Joseph A. Weckerie
Numerical Analysis of the Resonant States of Quantum Wells and Superlattice Devices, Alan Gilbert Whittaker
Ethical decisions: willingness to apply understood ethical principles, Margaret A. Wilkins
Evaluation of a Support Group for Parents Who Have a Sexually Abused Child, Mark A. Winton
Evaluation Perception of Training Effectiveness of U.S. Marines as Influenced by Experience and Demographic Variables, Sharon K. Wolford
Comparison of graphical design methodologies, Pamela Stark Woodard
An examination and analysis of the records of the chancery court of Orange County, Florida, from inception in 1873 to 1883, Thomas Michael Woods
High Resolution Monopulse Tracking, Larry Alan Young
Learning Curve Model for Interrupted Production, Behzad Zarkoob
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Implementation of a 35 GHz Microstrip Antenna System, Rachel S. Albritton
Influence of Stellate Ganglion Stimulation on Morphology of Alveolar Type II Cells, Lori Ann Alexander
Capacity Planning in a Discrete Item Manufacturing Environment, Ali M. Alsebaiee
Implementation of Inversion Algorithms in Reconfigurable Systolic Arrays, Haritini E. Andre
A Reconfigurable Orthogonal Systolic Array Implementation of a Kalman Filter, Mark V. Bapst
An assessment of Florida Community College Presidents' acceptance of quality indicators, George Cameron Barcus
T cell subset analysis in the C57BL/6J mouse, Bonny Bass
Selling the Stereotype: Sexist, Ageist, and Racist Typecasting in Network Television Advertising in 1986, Helen S. Becker
Value of Group Study Participation for Undergraduate Students, Sara Bennett-Loudermilk
Image Reconstruction After Transform Coding Using Relative Entropy and Maximum Entropy, John S. Bodenschatz
The identification and comparison of effective merit pay factors by Central Florida public school educators, Richard K. Bommelje
Effect of Manufacturing Tolerances on the Number of Load Carrying Fasteners in a Joint Subjected to a Shear Load: A Statistical Approach, Larry John Borkowski
Real Time Signal Processing Using Systolic Arrays, Jack Boulay
Changes Towards Internal Locus of Control as a Function of Improving Time Management Skills, Linda Brockmeyer
The Synthesis of 2-Aryl-3-Fluoroalkoxy-1-Propenes and Some Potentially Useful Reaction of These Systems, Joan E. Brown
Forced, Non-Linear Vibration of Integral Shroud Turbine Blades, Michael K. Brown
Utility Analysis: Estimating the SDy Parameter for Accounting Supervisors, Terry P. Brownson
Evaluation of the Reduction of the Nonadiabatic Hyperspherical Radial Equation to the First Order, Steven L. Carbon
Implementing Path Control, English Motion Commands and Off Line Programming on Minimover-5 Robot, Mark S. Chen
The Creation of an Expert System for Teaching Piano Lessons, Carol Chew
Experimental Verification of Laser Speckle Power Spectral Density, Christopher T. Chiles
Influence of Bromide Upon Trihalomethane Formation and Speciation, Thomas J. Christ
The Design of a Processing Element for the Systolic Array Implementation of a Kalman Filter, John P. Condorodis
Dairy Calcium Advertising Awareness, Attitudes, and Behavior: A Survey of 13-17 Year Old Females, Michele Cooper
Arachnid Fauna in Three Central Florida Plant Communities, David T. Corey
Job Characteristics Model: Test of a Modified Four-Trait Model at the University of Central Florida, Gena L. Cox-Jones
Effects of Volunteer Activity on Psychosocial Adjustment Among the Elderly, William R. Criss
Marksmanship Performance with the M16A1 Rifle as a Function of Physical Fitness, Heart Rate, and Exercise Intensity, Jeffrey B. Cuddeback
The Effects of Locus Control Upon Pay Satisfaction, Richard A. Curle
The nonpromotion message's affective impact on parents, Sandra Kaye Daves
The relationship between the individual's educational and professional backgrounds and the 1985 Florida merit program, James Roger Dearing
A 24-Hour Rainfall Distribution and Peak Rate Factors for Use in Southwest Florida, Geoffrey S. Dendy
Use of a Liquid Crystal Television for Spatial Frequency Analysis of Incoherent Scenes, Michael A. Deschenes
An Evaluation of a Parent Sex Education Program, Janice Devlin
Hydration of Propylene to Isopropanol, Nehemiah Diala
An Evaluation of the Orientation and Training Programs of a Fast Food Franchise, Cheryl M. Donahey
Development of a Prototype Auditory Training Computer Program for Hearing Impaired Preschoolers, Leslie R. Doster
Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem, John F. Doud
Remote Data Acquisition and Error Analysis of the Scattering Parameters of Quartz Crystal Devices, Sallie Layton Douglas
A study of self-perceived current and desired career stages of federal government engineers and public school educators in the central florida area, Dennis Stephan Duke
The Reaction of 2-Arylprop-1-En-3-Yltrimethylammonium Iodides With Sulfur Nucleophiles and Useful Synthetic Applications of These Adducts, Steven J. Duranceau
Motion and Intrusion Detection Using a Pyroelectric Detector, Randy R. Fields
Communication Training as Perceived by Training Personnel in Orlando, 1986, Kimberly C. Fleming
Study of a Terrain Avoidance Algorithm to be used in Conjunction with the Lantirn Terrain Following System, Glenda C. Frazier
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Military Training Simulation, Igor V. Golovcsenko
Edge Direction Confidence Estimation for Improvement of Hough Accumulation, Eric J. Grajales
Operations Research in the High Tech Military Environment: A Survey, C. Steven Griffin
Computerized Flow Process Charting System and Applications, George H. Griffin
Assessment of the Extent of Agreement on the Implementation of Instructional Design Principles Among Corporate Training and Development Experts, Elba C. Grovdahl
Design and Performance analysis of a relational replicated database systems, Jon Gregory Hanson
Ada Tools for the Description and Simulation of Digital Signal Processing Systems, Mark D. Happel
Selected Client Characteristics and Their Relationship to Successful Outcome in a Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Helen Harmon
Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Performance with Related Cracking and/or Voids Under I-10 Concrete Pavement, Cecil R. Henderson
The beginning teacher program: how administrative or peer teacher attitude and peer teacher assignment affect its success, Elaine C. Henris
Electrical Testing of Piezoelectric Transducers Applied to Accelerometer Design, Patrick L. Heron
Interactive Video Based Training Systems, Roy H. Hightower
Death Anxiety Among Older Adults as a Function of the Christian Faith With Specific Reference to the Experience of Being "Born Again", Wendy E. Holland
Validity of Student Evaluations: A Comparison of Student Ratings to Instructor Self-Evaluations, Rebecca A. Hopson
The Implementation of Quality Control Circle Concepts Into American Industry, John R. Hunt
Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children: A Developmental Approach, Arlene Iasimone
Criteria for Referral of Pre-School Children by Pediatricians and Family Practice Physicians to Audiologists and Otolaryngologists, Janet Celia James
Design of a Lens System for a Structured Light Projector, Rick Joe Johnson
Life Satisfaction and Death Concern in the Elderly, Gary S. Kain
Analysis of Flexible Pavement on the Basis of Deflection Basins, Dinesh M. Kamath
The Effects of a Freshman Orientation Course on Academic Achievement and Retention, Daniel J. Kelly
The Relationship Between Selected Personality Variables and Compulsive Gamblers in Treatment, Kevin E. Kip
Speech Signal Representation Through Digital Signal Processing Techniques, Debbie A. Kravchuk
Preparation of Geminal Diflourodienes, Antonio Landavazo
Implementation of a Parallel Ynet Architecture, Julie Nadeau LeBlanc
Integration of Computer Generated Images with NTSC Video, Keith E. Lorenz
Seasonal Variation in Serum Testosterone of Immature Sea Turtles in Central Florida, Lawrence K. Luepschen
Effect of Non-Ideal Sampling on the Discrete Fourier Transforms of an Object Function, Karen Marie MacDougall
A New Relative Entropy Based Method for Probability Mass Function Estimation, William A. Marinelli
Two Point Resolution of a Defocused Multi-Aperture System Eyelet, Steven A. Marlow
Applications of Simulation and Animation in Facilities Planning and Design, William Joseph Mattingly
Spectral Shaping for the Hearing Impaired, Brian D. McLean
Behavioral Problems Among Sexually Abused and Nonabused Children, Kelli B. Mills
Intelligent Robots, Abol H. Moulavi