
Theses/Dissertations from 1989

A descriptive study of marketing strategies used by the nine Florida State Universities, Patricia A. Carcoran

A study of peer supervision and its relationship to job satisfaction and school climate for selected elementary school teachers, Christopher James Colwell

Perspectives on becoming an elementary teacher: reflections of early experience, Carol A. Corcoaran

Mobility patterns and personal characteristics of outstanding teachers in Florida, Deana Voncile Woolfolk Costner

An investigation of the relationships among targeted selection results, supervisors' assessments and self-assessments in the selection of school administrators, Marion Giannini Dailey

An analysis of Florida's dropout prevention programs, Anthoula Karantinos

A study of faculty and administrator attitudes toward, and involvement with, educational marketing and student recruiting in Florida public and private community/junior colleges, R. Jerry Smith

A study of the effectiveness of preventative interventions for children at risk in a Florida school district, Catharine Harrell Thornhill

Theses/Dissertations from 1988


The Development of non-credit programming within Florida's community college system : the first thirty years, 1957-1987, Ann Sherry Herring


The impact on competency acquisition, development, and performance of intern principals in two Florida school districts using the preparing new principals program, Paul Van Mitchell


Operational analysis of duties of Florida elementary school secretary as perceived by secretaries, principals and teachers, James Lynwood Mosley


Self-esteem Level, Workload Factors and Selected Demographic Variables in Nurse Faculty, E. Marie Visscher

Theses/Dissertations from 1987


An assessment of Florida Community College Presidents' acceptance of quality indicators, George Cameron Barcus


The identification and comparison of effective merit pay factors by Central Florida public school educators, Richard K. Bommelje


The nonpromotion message's affective impact on parents, Sandra Kaye Daves


The relationship between the individual's educational and professional backgrounds and the 1985 Florida merit program, James Roger Dearing


A study of self-perceived current and desired career stages of federal government engineers and public school educators in the central florida area, Dennis Stephan Duke


The beginning teacher program: how administrative or peer teacher attitude and peer teacher assignment affect its success, Elaine C. Henris


The Effects of a Freshman Orientation Course on Academic Achievement and Retention, Daniel J. Kelly

Theses/Dissertations from 1986


A study of merit pay factors as perceived by members of the Florida Teaching Profession-National Education Association, Susan Crowe Burns


Student characteristics affecting student attitudes to the evaluation of instructors, John P. Callahan


The relationship between class activity levels and stated attitudes toward physical activity, Edwin Warner Kinney


An investigation of career development by Community College and University women : importance of contributors to advancement into higher education administration, Lynda A. Kuyper


A survey and analysis of the beginning teacher program in Florida and its relationship to effective education, Joanne Mullins Olson


A study of job satisfaction as perceived by the certified staff in Florida public elementary schools, George A. Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 1985


The Design of an Internal Resource Allocation Model for Use in Higher Education, Ann Clark