
Theses/Dissertations from 1996

A frame analysis of principals' leadership orientations, Peggy G. Rivers

An analysis health risk behaviors of university students, Lawrence P. Rumbough

Principals' leadership and creativity in selected florida schools, Ines M. L. Schmook

Student mobility: perceptions of teachers and implications for decision-making, Beth E. Sharpe

The contributing factors of persistence and attrition of first-year students in the college of education, Helen Stewart

Active and personal : a year-long study of seventh-graders as readers, writhers, and evaluators, Charyl G. Tabscott

Faculty Perceptions of Institutional Environment, Janice Dossey Terrell

A study to determine the effect of changes in resolution and color depth on performance of a computer-based visual search task, Thomas F. Terrell

Job satisfaction and the assistant principalship in central Florida school districts, Cathy L. Thornton

At-risk student and teacher attitudes towards computers, Robert Louis Tonsetic

The impact of mentoring on the career advancement of district-level female administrators, Paula McKinster Whittier

Theses/Dissertations from 1995

The effects of an inservice program using cooperative learning on changing knowledge and attitudes of general education teachers regarding inclusion of students with learning disabilities in general education classrooms, Jittinun Boonsathirakul

Infusing technology into the preservice teacher education curriculum: four case studies in mentoring of university faculty by practitioner graduate students, Sarah M. Brewer

A study of the relationship between summer school courses and SAT-mathematics scores, Marie J. Causey

A description of reactive behavior patterns in gifted adolescents, Diane Harper Cioffi

A survey of the knowledge, support, and training needs of educators on the topic of inclusion, Sheri Lynn Di Prima

Cross-training of respiratory care personnel for multicompetent practice in Florida acute care hospitals, Oliver J. Drumheller

An analysis of factors that determine the level of job/life satisfaction for principals in the department of defense dependent schools, Terry R. Emerson

Persistence in telecourses : exploring a motivation orientation/attributional link, Claudia G. Follet

Navigating the mine fields: mentoring as a pathway for career development for non-tenured female faculty on tenure track, Jane M. Fuller

Assessment of trustee education and training methods used in the Florida community college system, Jared Scott Graber

A study in the use of cooperative learning to teach the writing process to students with learning disabilities, Witty Katheryn Hammer

Perceptions of the position of building level technology coordinator within the state of Florida, Ann P. Kohler

A study of the motivation for the results from business partnerships with public schools in Orange, County, Florida, Ann F. Manley

Job satisfaction among certified athletic trainers working in educational settings, Lisa L. Marsh

A scaling study of the university health risk behavior survey, Patsy D. Moskal

Study of the southern association's school renewal method of regional accreditation in Florida secondary schools, Shaune Mcginn Storch

Theses/Dissertations from 1994

An Analysis of the Policies and Practices that Govern the Selection and Acquisition of Information Technology at Selected Mid-sized Public Universities, Linda M. Barrow


An analysis of the early retirement programs offered during the 1992-1993 school year by the public school districts in the state of Florida, Peter B. Berry

Metaphor-the language we write by : a study of metaphor in the writings of advanced placement english literature and composition students, Robert Bruce Boehm

Identifying factors in the diffusion and implementation of the Florida information resource network, Zella Moore Boulware

Total quality management in higher education : implementation and barriers, Timothy W. Carroll

Hospitality administration program administrators' perceptions of core areas of knowledge, Jerald W. Chesser

An analysis of the implementation and impact of the professional development portfolio : an alternative teacher assessment model, Joyce Clark

The effect of participation in consultation training on regular education teachers' perceptions of serving learning disabled students in middle schools, Natalie Ann Eager

An investigation of the role of a home school association in the lives of its members, William Eckenwiler

The relationship between teacher esol inservice training and implementation in the classroom, Betty Neilsen Green

A study of teachers' shared decision making staff development needs, Susan L. Helberg

Perceptions of multicultural education amoung teachers, high school students and their parents, Jose E. Hernandez

The relationship between adult health/fitness membership, health promotion program participation and individual healhtcare cost, Dennis Merrill Hunt

Teachers' perceptions of ninth grade students, Sandra Boyd Whittaker Huxley

An investigation of adolescent orientations to learning : pedagogy versus andragogy, Barbara D. Johnson

A descriptive study of a secondary school's lep program : identification of the effective elements for student success, Alice Lincoln Joossens

An analysis of the perceived value of the Florida principal competencies, Carol Anne Kelley

An analysis and comparison of school improvement planning models, Mary Patt Kennedy

An exploratory study of african-american principals in north and east central Florida : issues, challenges and motivators, Neva Wilson Kinsler

A police school liaison program and moral development at the adolescence level within public schools, Dennis R. Lynch

An analysis of a teacher evaluation goal-setting model, Kenneth Meyers

The relationship between rhythmic competency and academic performance in first grade children, Debby L. Mitchell

An investigation of parental needs assessments in selected central Florida schools, Barbara Anne Nixon

Attrition and lifespan-related factors for non-traditional-aged beginning teachers, Margaret G. Osteen

School-within-a-school: a dropout prevention program case study, David M. Painter

Cross-cultural experiential learning practices for training teachers in multicultural education, Yasmeen Qadri

Analysis of selected instructional supervisory practices of elementary principals in Orange County, Florida, Barbara Moorefield Skorija

A study of the effects of a community college mentoring program on student academic performance and retention, Jinkun Wei

Theses/Dissertations from 1993

Hyper-linear instructional design : the effectiveness of combining hypertext and linear designs in tutorials for adult learners, Mary L. Bird

Application of multicultural and global concepts in senior elementary interns' classrooms, Susan C. Brown

Analysis of the relationship between principal leadership styles, school size and disciplinary suspensions in Central Florida high schools, Quentin P. Ciolfi

A review of selected planning methods and a case study of the breakthrough thinking model, Tace Taylor Crouse

Determination of select teachers' attitudes toward inclusion/, Ann P. Daunic

Personal, educational, and career success demographics of instructional technology graduates : a survey of instructional technology gradutes from selected graduate programs across the United States, Cheryl Marie Donahey

An analysis of selected black male achievers and non-achievers of the 1992 graduating class of Jones High School Orlando, Florida, Thelma V. Jackson Dudley

A study of the relationship between teacher hardiness and job satisfaction at selected elementary schools, Barbara A. Jarvis

Policy implications for school districts relating to the americans with disabilities act, Mary Ann Kaesberg

Hotel management education : an evaluation of the benefit of operating captive training facilities, Stephen Michael LeBruto

College students' behavior, attitude and knowledge on aids-related issues, Angela M. Londono

Relationship Between the Proficiency of Oral and Written English of Four Non-native College Bound Students, Tamas GK Marius

Study of the perceived degree of implementation of a strategic planning model and teacher satisfaction, Cathy L. Pope

A tri-dimensional description of collaboration : effecting change for school improvement, Kathleen M. Roberts

An analysis of state school reform legislation and related litigation, Robin R. Roberts

Determination of rural parent's concerns toward mainstreaming trainable mentally handicapped students, Harrison Marilyn Stone

New schools and teacher selection : principal perceptions regarding hiring practices, Sonia Belen Warner

Implementing the NCTM standards for school mathematics : the effectiveness of site-based teacher inservice at Winter Haven High School, Florida, Janet D. Williams

Critical factors in preparation and progression in the principalship : a descriptive study, Ann Winn


A design for implementing a simulation for training school principals in decision-making utilizing videodisc technology, Robert Henry Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 1992

Factors affecting choice of and satisfaction with nontraditional programs by females : a qualitative study, Rex C. Cain

The relationship between pupil control ideology and student suspensions in the Osceola County school system, William Forlow

Evaluation of the Florida Model Technology Program on Teachers and Students in High School A: A Qualitative Study, Peter C. Gorman

Creative abilities of students in grade five, Rosella McCall Jarvis

Longitudinal application of desegregation indices to Florida school districts, Thomas O. Peeples

Adult children of alcoholics and childhood emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, Kay Politano

A program evaluation for academically at-risk students : identificatiohn of the critical elements, Jennifer Esler Reeves

Study of administrators', counselors' team teachers', parents' and students' perceptions toward a comprehensive developmental guidance program in Orange County Public Schools and perceived benefits, Beverly A. Snyder


Assessing the Effects of a Program to Improve Questioning Skills of Nurse Educators in Clinical Post-conferences: An Initial Study, Diane M. Wink

Theses/Dissertations from 1991

The effectiveness of digital audio in computer-based training, Ann Elizabeth Barron

The relationship between perceptions of school factors and early teacher attrition and retention, Kathryn A. Blackburn

Integrating the nctm curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics and calculus reform recommendations into an applied calculus course, Gloria A. Child

The development of a magnet school : a case study of the attitudes of parents, students, teachers and administrators, Joanna F. Cocchiarella

The effectiveness of a staff development component in changing teacher attitudes and classroom teaching practices in the arts for at-risk pre-kindergarten children, Steven L. Darr

Help-line for at-risk teachers : a case study of an innovative model for personalized staff development, Marilyn B. Fenner

Burnout of regular and special education elementary teachers and relationships to teacher personality typologies and perceptions of organizational climate, Elaine Kohlman

The effects of mentoring on at-risk students : a qualitative study, Lynne G. Nasrallah

Creative abilities of at risk students in kindergarten through grade five, Mary Timpe Robsman

Implementation of cooperative learning training : a tri-dimensional description, Patricia L. Shelton

The quasi-mastery learning instructional system for community college chemistry, Silvia Zapico

Theses/Dissertations from 1990

A comparative study of retention, dropouts, achievement, attendance, discipline, participation and teacher and student satisfaction of 9th grade students in ninth-grade centers and high schools, John Edwards

An Investigation to Determine the Influence of Motivational Orientation and Selected Demographic Characteristics of Radiographers on Their Participation In and Application of Continuing Professional Education, Thomas J. Edwards

The effect of problem solving instruction upon computational skills, algebra readiness and problem solving ability of middle school students/, William Randolph Glover


Declines in student achievement in science-- implications for public education, Robert P. Hogan

Assessment of the extent of agreement on counseling and non-counseling tasks of the elementary school guidance counselor among teachers, counselors, and principals, Eve Alice Homburger