Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Bridging the Gap Between Hospital and School: Addressing the Academic and Social-Emotional Needs of Students with Chronic Illness, Nicole Eggert
The Relationship of Computer Science Immersion in Elementary Schools to Achievement of High Poverty Students, Keith Erickson
Preservice Teachers and Perceived Stress: A Comparative Study, Kelsey Evans
Examining High School Teachers' Technology Acceptation of A Learning Management System in A Large Public School District, Shari Foster-Hennighan
Predictors of Hospital Quality and Efficiency, Hoda Fotovvat
Factors Contributing to Victim Employment, Victim Income Status, and Intimate Partner Violence in Jamaica, Marsha Fraser
Teacher Candidates' Civic Attitudes and Civic Knowledge: A Comparative Study, Brian Furgione
The Impact of Youths' Digital Citizenship Levels on Their Self-efficacy, Madison Gannon
An Examination of a College and Career Preparation Program for Low Socioeconomic and First-Generation Students in an Urban School District, Lucille Gillam
The Mathematics Achievement Gap in Virtual Education, Sara Glover
A Narrative Research Study of Self-Selected Tracking on Motivation in 10th Grade English Language Arts Classes, Audra Greuel
Discovering Latent Gender Bias in Children's STEM Literature, Christine Herlihy
Partnering with Paraprofessionals: Expanding Preschool Children's Responses Through Dialogic Reading, Juliana Hirn
An Exploration of the Relationship between Work Climate, the Utilization of Support Resources, and Compassion Fatigue Level in Child Protective Investigators, Shannon Holliker
Developing and Validating the Secondary Literacy Professionals Needs Assessment Matrix, Analexis Kennedy
Health Literacy Intervention to Influence Choices Made by Students in a Title I School Who Receive Free Lunch, Melissa Kent
Factors Influencing Unmet Medical Need among U.S. Adults: Disparities in Access to Health Services, Ahmad Khanijahani
The AfterMath: A Culturally Responsive Mathematical Intervention to Aid Students Affected by Natural Disasters, Brianna Kurtz
Science Occupational Images and Aspirations of African American/ Black Elementary Students, Saron LaMothe
Selecting Methods to Teach Controversial Topics: A Grounded Theory Study, Sean Loomis
A Comparative Study of Two Models of Presenting Phrasal Verbs, Nagham Majeed
Pooling Correlation Matrices Corrected for Selection Bias: Implications for Meta-analysis, Kenneth Matthews
Defining Effective Teacher Practices among Students with Emotional Behavioral Disabilities, Zerek Mayes
An Ethnographic Study Examining the Effect of Teachers' Socio-Political Bias on Latinx Students and School Culture, Jessica McMaster
The Sustained Impact of Prekindergarten Participation on Third Grade Academic Performance, Marissa Melin
Investigating a Mental Health Literacy Intervention Among Economically Disadvantaged Youth, Jayna Mumbauer
An Exploration of Florida Public School Districts' Language Development Programs For Children Before They Enter Kindergarten, Sharon Ochotorena
How Do After-school Staff Use Social Networks to Support At-risk Youth? A Social Capital Analysis, Katherine Philp
The Push Out: A Disproportionality Study on Discipline in the State of Florida, Manouchka Pierre
Reconceptualizing Responsiveness for Network Governance: Insights from Cross-Sector Efforts to Assist the Displaced Population From Puerto Rico in Central Florida, Safiya Prysmakova
Teaching Online and Cyberbullying: Examining Higher Education Cyberbullying Policies In The Florida State University System, Joseph Raditch
Cultural Responsiveness and K-12 English Learners: Exploring Policy and Implementation Fidelity, Lauren Raubaugh
An Investigation of the Appropriateness of the English Language Learner Accountability Mark Established by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, Francisco Rivera
A Case Study of High School Administrators' Self-Perceived Readiness to be Digital Instructional Leaders, Brian Sanchez Corona
Evaluating Pedagogical Methods that Influence Homework Assignment Completion, Kirk Sawyer
The Life Experiences of Women with an Intellectual Disability who were Sexually Assaulted, Jillian Schreffler
The Relationship of English Language Scores on International Students' Academic Success, Rebekah Shbeeb
A Survey of Investing and Retirement Knowledge and Preferences of Florida Preservice Teachers, Richard Thripp
A Phenomenological Study of High School Assistant Principals who Supervise Special Education, Erin Vacchio
An Examination of the Florida Linking Individuals Needing Care Coordination Program for Racial and Ethnic Minority Females, Michelle Vance
Effects of Rest Position on Ultrasound-Derived Morphological Characteristics of the Vastus Lateralis and Lower-Body Force Production, Alyssa Varanoske
Digital Education: The Impact of Change, Acceleration, and Student Achievement Improvement, Sarah Walsh
Phenomenological Study of Urban Elementary Teachers with Proficient English Language learners, Tracy Webley
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Study of the Influence of the Restorative Justice Model on Out-of-School Suspensions in a Large School District, Brian Agard
An Analysis of the Preparedness of Educational Institutions to Ensure the Security of Their Institutional Information, Vikram Ahmed
International Saudi Female Students' Experiences of Acculturation During Their Study at an American Public University in The South (APUS), Hnan Alzahrani
Academic Advisors' Attitudes Toward Students Experiencing Mental Health Issues, Danielle Aming
An Exploration of the Perceived Change in Administrators' Skill in Giving Targeted Feedback, Kathryn Anderson
A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender + Student Support Group Within A Central Florida State College: A Qualitative Study, Remy Ansiello
Interaction Between Income, Health Insurance, and Self-rated Health: A Path Analysis., Atalie Ashley West
An Examination of Perceptions and Intentions of Preservice Educators in Title I Settings, Annemarie Bazzo Kaczmarczyk
The Impact of a Neurofeedback Training Intervention on College Students' Levels of Anxiety, Stress, Depression, and Cortisol, Caitlyn Bennett
Transformative Learning: Improving Teachers' Cultural Competencies Through Knowledge and Practice of Ubuntu Pedagogy, Alecia Blackwood
The Impact of 21st Century Community Learning Centers on Middle Schools in Seminole County, Ashley Buxton
A Single Case Study on the Influence of Feedback on the Instructional Quality of a Preservice Elementary Teacher in Mathematics: The Instructional Quality Assessment Toolkit as a Resource, Makini Campbell Sutherland
International Students' Expectations of and Satisfaction with Academic Advising at a Community College, Marieta Chemishanova
Designing a Virtual Embedded Scenario-Based Military Simulation Training Program using Educational and Design Instructional Strategies, Christina Cook
Transitioning from a Monolingual to a Dual Language Program: A Case Study of an Elementary School, Alex Davies
Help Me Be Healthy: Perceptions of Social Support in an Online Weight Loss Program, Brittany Davies
Boots on the Ground: A Participant-Oriented Approach to Program Evaluation, Nikki Djak
A Qualitative Analysis of Key Concepts in Islam From the Perspective of Imams, Chandler Dobiyanski
An Examination of Movement between Preschool and Kindergarten Classrooms for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities, Faith Ezekiel-Wilder
An Examination of the Insights and Support of Self-Advocacy by Academic Advisors when Working with Students with Disabilities in Higher Education, Jennifer Farran
Exploring Stress for Novice Teachers' in Low Socio-Economic Elementary Schools Through Breathing Biofeedback, Angelica Fulchini
Lexico-grammatical Complexity in EAP Student Writing: A Learner Corpus Analysis, Ekaterina Goussakova
A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Successful Women in Science Fields, Jonathan Hall
Public Speaking Instructors' Perceptions of College Students Who Stutter, Charlotte Harvey
The Use of Crisis Communication Strategies to Build Community Resilience: Evidence from Emergency Managers, Brittany Haupt
Quality Indicators for Classrooms Serving Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Construct Validation Study, Rebecca Hopkins
STEM Academic Engagement in Young Children with Autism: A Single Case Design Study, Yixuan Ji
Black Males In Programs For High Achievers At A Community College: Exploring The Qualitative Nature Of Academic Success, Gerald Jones
The Unheard Voices of Nontraditional Students in Higher Education: Learning to Become a Student, Marcelo Julio Maturana
Business Closure in the North American Theme Park Industry: An Analysis of Causes, Kelly Kaak
A Comparison of Student Achievement in Florida Charter Schools with For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Management Models, Maurice Kaprow
An Exploratory Analysis of a Five Minute Speech Sample of Mothers of Children with Selective Mutism, Lisa Kovac
Examining Work-To-Rest Ratios To Optimize Upper Body Sprint Interval Training, Michael La Monica
An Analysis of the Representation of Hispanic Students in Gifted Programs in Florida's K-12 Public Schools, Dalena Luis
Passive Voice Usage in Undergraduate STEM Textbooks, Huiyuan Luo
Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Misconceptions About Educational Psychology Among Pre-Service Teachers, Morgan McAfee
Community College Leadership: The Pathways, Competencies, and Preparation of Presidents and Chief Academic Officers, Richard Minton
The Development and Validation of the Multicultural Competency Assessment© (MCA©), Michelle Mitchell