Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Computer Simulation of Cross Correlators for Correlated Inputs, Linda J. Coulter
Digital Hearing Aids, Somsak Deawsurintr
Processing of Thin Film Devices, Ramzi Delpak
An Integrated Test Plan for an Advanced Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design Group, William S. Didden
A Robotic Vision System, Murat Draman
Wastewater Characterization and Treatability for anEastern Coal Slurry, Mark J. Flint
A Comparative Study of Computer Interfacing Techniques for Military Training Devices, Gary R. Fraas
The Use of Computers in Construction Management, Joella S. Francois
Display to Camera Calibration Techniques, Philip Gatt
The Design of a QPSK Modem and the Probability of Error Analysis for an SCA Based Digital Communication System, Fouad Guediri
Millimeter Wave Scattering from a Rough Surface, Charles H. Hargraves
Finite Impulse Response Filter Implementation via Windowing Technique, Thomas J. Horrigan
The Combination of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for a Mobile Robot Application, Leslie D. Interrante
Geotechnical Investigation of In-Lake Sediment Treatment for Megginnis Arm of Lake Jackson, Tallahassee, Florida, Richard L. Johnson
A Model for Scattering in Dense Clouds, Richard A. Leblanc
A Single Fault-Tolerant Dual Channel Controller, Thomas J. Lowery
Filter Settle Time for Signal Processing Applications, Michael T. McCord
A Comparison of Two Techniques for Estimating the Travel Time of an Acoustic Wavefront Between Two Receiving Sensors, Frank J. Montalbano
Gain Control of a Time-Varying Signal Using a Multiplaying DAC, Yassin Movassaghi
Design of an Evaluation System for the Electro-Oculometer, Chrysanthos A. Panayiotou
Transformation of Phosphorus in Highway Runoff Management Systems, David B. Pearce
A Microcomputer Controlled Contouring Machine, Kripaker K. Punja
An Application of Speech Synthesis, Edward J. Purvis
Highway Runoff and Sediment Control, Susanna H. Rehmann-Koo
Digital Image Processing Using NTEC Facilities, James F. Roesch
Investigation and Evaluation of Random Number Generators for Digital Implementation, Ylberto V. Ruiz
Analog Flight Simulators to Computer Interface, William J. Selph
A Non-Contact Technique for Direct Strain Measurement Using Laser Speckle Spectral Density, Reza M. Sheikhrezai
The Frequency Response Computation of H(z) Models that Include Digital Error Effects, Carol R. Smith
Estimating Methods for Production Test Labor, Garry K. Stonebraker
Transformation of Nitrogen in Highway Runoff Management Systems, Robert D. Tolbert
Stormwater Detention Systems with Effluent Filtration, Linda M. Van de Graaff
Effects of Finite Length Registers on a Modified Directform Realization of a High Order H(z) Transfer Function, Angel Vanrell
A 'User-Friendly' Robot Operator Training Aid, Donald A. Washburn
Surface Acoustic Wave Bidirectional Filter Synthesis and Analysis, Raymond L. Yap
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Spacially Sampled Multi-Aperture Optical System for Robot Vision, Ali R. Baradar
Testing of Active Feedback Applied to Piezoelectric Devices, William H. Barrow
Pressure Drop Across a Tube Support Plate of Trefoil Geometry Used in Steam Generator, Raad H. Bashar
Considerations Involved in Implementing Material Requirements Planning in a Government Contractor Firm, Susan B. Biberman
Digital Filtering with the iAPX 86/20, Robert E. Canright
Data Transfers Among the HP-75, HP-86, and HP-9845 Microcomputers, Daniel P. Connor
Forced Convective Critical Heat Flux Modeling for Tubes and Rod Bundles, Joseph E. Dahlquist
Modal Analysis by State Space Approach in Frequency Domain, Feliciano Feijo
Analysis of Scheduling for Low Cost Part Task Trainers, William Fellows
On the Theory and Experimental Results of a Sensitive Fiber Optic Laser Accelerometer, Steven C. Furlong
Application of Computer Modeling to Estimate Air Pollution Concentrations in Central Florida Research Park, Lutfallah Gari
The Design of a Deep Ocean Hydrophone, Michael F. Hackathorn
A Mini Apple Network for Apple II Plus Computers, Michael E. Harnage
The Fundamental Hardware Elements and Options of Digital Signal Processing, Mark A. Hemmerlein
Granular Activated Carbon Pilot Plant for the Removal of Color, Toc, and THMFP, Jeffrey L. Herr
The Technical and Economic Feasibility of Producing Methane from Biomass Using a Leaching-Bed/Packed-Bed Conversion Process, Steven W. Hinton
Diode Terminators for Reducing Line Mismatch and Crosstalk Transients on Pulsed Lines, Kieway Hwang
The Use of Computer Vision to Close the Control Loop of a Robot Arm, Randall S. Janka
The Use of Companding in Conferencing Voice Communications Systems, Jon P. Klages
VLSI Multiple Microcomputer Technology Applied to Real-Time Simulators, David M. Kotick
Application of Ground Penetrating Radar to the Detection of Subsurface Cavities, Gary L. Kuhns
The Performance of the 8089 Integrated I/O Processor in iAPX 86 Microcomputer Systems, Jeffrey A. Lohman
Dynamic Analysis of Plane Frames, Zohreh Malekamdani
An Extension to the Best Numerical Integration Formula Development, Jorge Medina
Low Cost Neutron Detector, Sebastian K. Namukolo
Laminar Film Condensation Heat Transfer of Water Vapor-Air Mixture on a Vertical Flat Plate and Cylindrical Surface, Chick-Hong Ng
Design Methodology of Very Large Scale Integration, Ankush D. Oberai
Convective Heat Transfer from a Cylinder Rotating in Air, O. Kemal Pasamehmetoglu
Interactive Computer Aided Design and Animation of Spatial Mechanisms, Emmet B. Peter
Mathematical Model for Estimating Transient Pressure Surges in Cryogenic Liquid-Vapor Systems, Philippe Pfister
Three-Phase Unidirectional Surface Acoustic Wave Transducer Model and Computer Aided Design Implementation, Samuel M. Richie
The Development of a Computer Aided Design Program for Constant Group Delay Monolithic Crystal Filters, Michael A. Robitaille
Models for Economic Evaluation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Daniel P. Salomon
Simulation of Naval Student Flow Using Pipeline Management Model, Mary L. Sankey
An Evaluation of the 8051 Microcontroller, George C. Schafner
Feasibility of Graywater Systems for the Florida Environment, Joseph L. Tessitore
The Simulation and Water Quality Characterization of a Coal Slurry Involving Eastern Coal, Michael R. Todd
An Analysis of Modal Noise in Multi-Mode Optical Fibers, Arthur R. Weeks
Design of a Single User Deconcentrator for a Conferenced Voice Communication Circuit Switching System, Ming-Yung Wen
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Simulation of a Solar-Driven Thermoelectric Generator, Iraj Andampour
Evaluation of Swale Design, David E. Anderson
Microsoftware for Facility Layout, James D. Anderson
Simulation of Traffic at a T-Intersection Using Slam, Karen M. Anderson
Development of a 64 to 1 Monolithic Analog Multiplexer, Vincent H. Angleton
Examination of the Feasibility of an Earth Coolant Tube to Provide Residential Space Cooling, W. Jerry Bowman
Micro-Scale Hydropower for the Eighties, E. Beatriz Caicedo-Maddison
Applied Steady-State and Transient Modeling of Mixing Zone Requirements in Streams, Alvin Castro
Microprocessor-Based Closed-Loop Control, Man T. Chan
Hospital Short Term Planning Through Patient Census Forecast, Wenhao Chiu
Study of Virtual Memory, Shridhar S. Dixit
A Computer Method to Evaluate the Vibration Response of Stiffened Floor Systems to Impact Load, Michael E. Donahue
The Effects of TOC on Settling Velocity and Floc Formation Using Alum and Lime as Coagulants, Michael T. Dunn
Determining Solar Water Heating System Performance by Simulation, Muhammad Erami
A Real Time Microprocessor Based Digital Lead-Lag Compensation, Vicente C. Garcia
IMERS: An Interactive Medical Records System, Mary A. Garner
Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop Across Thick Restrictions of Annular Geometries, Saeed Ghandeharioun
A Dynamic Analysis of an Explosion Driven Hydrodynamic Conical Distributed Breach Shock Tube, Lee E. Griesemer
Development of a Graphics Display Controller, David R. Hudnall
A Calorimeter for Solar Collector Testing Facilities, James C. Huggins
On-Site Excreta Treatment and Disposal in West Africa, Godfrey E. Igbokwe
Theoretical Modeling for Detectivity and Resolution Comparison of Single Aperture and Multiple Aperture Optical Imaging Systems, Steven C. Kellogg
Personal Computer Simulation Program for Step Motor Drive Systems, William M. Koos
Optimizing Growth Options for the Wewahootee Pump and Transport System, Joseph O. Lung
An Expandable Architecture for a Conferencing Digital Communications Switch, Timothy A. Mitchell