Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Implementing Path Control, English Motion Commands and Off Line Programming on Minimover-5 Robot, Mark S. Chen
The Creation of an Expert System for Teaching Piano Lessons, Carol Chew
Experimental Verification of Laser Speckle Power Spectral Density, Christopher T. Chiles
Influence of Bromide Upon Trihalomethane Formation and Speciation, Thomas J. Christ
The Design of a Processing Element for the Systolic Array Implementation of a Kalman Filter, John P. Condorodis
A 24-Hour Rainfall Distribution and Peak Rate Factors for Use in Southwest Florida, Geoffrey S. Dendy
Use of a Liquid Crystal Television for Spatial Frequency Analysis of Incoherent Scenes, Michael A. Deschenes
Study of a Terrain Avoidance Algorithm to be used in Conjunction with the Lantirn Terrain Following System, Glenda C. Frazier
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Military Training Simulation, Igor V. Golovcsenko
Edge Direction Confidence Estimation for Improvement of Hough Accumulation, Eric J. Grajales
Operations Research in the High Tech Military Environment: A Survey, C. Steven Griffin
Computerized Flow Process Charting System and Applications, George H. Griffin
Ada Tools for the Description and Simulation of Digital Signal Processing Systems, Mark D. Happel
Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Performance with Related Cracking and/or Voids Under I-10 Concrete Pavement, Cecil R. Henderson
Interactive Video Based Training Systems, Roy H. Hightower
The Implementation of Quality Control Circle Concepts Into American Industry, John R. Hunt
Design of a Lens System for a Structured Light Projector, Rick Joe Johnson
Analysis of Flexible Pavement on the Basis of Deflection Basins, Dinesh M. Kamath
Speech Signal Representation Through Digital Signal Processing Techniques, Debbie A. Kravchuk
Implementation of a Parallel Ynet Architecture, Julie Nadeau LeBlanc
Integration of Computer Generated Images with NTSC Video, Keith E. Lorenz
Effect of Non-Ideal Sampling on the Discrete Fourier Transforms of an Object Function, Karen Marie MacDougall
A New Relative Entropy Based Method for Probability Mass Function Estimation, William A. Marinelli
Two Point Resolution of a Defocused Multi-Aperture System Eyelet, Steven A. Marlow
Applications of Simulation and Animation in Facilities Planning and Design, William Joseph Mattingly
Spectral Shaping for the Hearing Impaired, Brian D. McLean
Intelligent Robots, Abol H. Moulavi
Single Element Controlled Oscillator, Miguel A. Muniz
Frequency to Voltage Signal Conditioner Circuit Design, Pamela Ann Nelson
Amplification of Video Signal Conditioner Circuit Design, Phuoc K. Nguyen
Tessellation for Computer Image Generation, Michael J. Panzitta
Direct sequence spread spectrum communication simulation system, Mark D. Patz
Extending the Power Bandwidth of a Piezoelectric Bender Actuator, Jerrold Pavlinko
New Excitation Signal for High Quality Linear Predictive Coding Speech Synthesis, William Andrew Pearson
Feasibility of Pulsed Air Operation in a Fixed Film Biological Reactor, Harry C. Pepper III
The Design and Implementation of an Interdigitated Directional Coupler for Use in Microwave Mixers, Golnaz Pourparviz
A Rapid Acquisition Technique for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems by a PN Phase Multiplexed Correlator, Greg S. Rawlins
Bias Optimization for Noise Reduction in Focal Plane Arrays, Kirk B. Reiff
Diffraction Modelling for SAW Devices on Anisotropic Substrates, Melanie A. Roberts
Continuous Statistical Distribution Curve Fitting and Analysis Tool, Gerald Robie
A PC-Based Simulation for Convolutional Codes Using Viterbi Decoding, Mark W. Rossman
Design for Conversion of UCF's Supersonic Wind Tunnel to a Wind Tunnel with Hypersonic Capability, Huseyin S. Sivasligil
Computer Simulation of Dynamic Systems, Charles G. Smith
Versatile Gasdynamics Computer Program for One-Dimensional Isentropic Rayleigh and Fanno Flows, Robert Kenneth Smith
A Simulation Study of a Limited Sensing Random Access Algorithm for a Local Area Network with Voice Users, Robert M. Spillers
Investigation of Electrical Properties of Earth Materials by Ground Penetrating Radar, Bishar S. Tannous
Human Factors Compatibility Concerns in the Selection of Display Technologies for Computer and Data Terminals, Francis C. Westerfield
The Use of a Portable Microcomputer as a Data Collection Tool to Support Integrated Simulation Support Environments: A Concept, James E. Wilkinson
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Apodization of Surface Acoustic Wave Three Phase Unidirectional Transducers, Benjamin P. Abbott
Non-linear Plane Stress Analysis Using the Finite Element Method, Habib Amirzadeh
A Study of the Dynamic Control of the Inverted Pendulum System, Koon T. Ang
Automated Q-Factor Measurement Via a Network Analyzer, Fadi E. Ayoub
A Peripheral Subsystem Optimized for Computer Image Generation Applications, John J. Bloomer
The Hydrology and Solids Removal Efficiency of a Detention Pond with Groundwater Inflow, Cameron A. Boss
The Effect of Detention Period on the Clarification Efficiency of Nitrified Activated Sludge, James C. Boyd
Companding Flash Analog-To-Digital Converters, Michael P. Brig
Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform Image Compression Applied to Visual Flight Simulators, Nancy A. Burrell
Direct Digital Control of a Liquid Level/Temperature Control Unit, Pedro J. Claudio
Simulation of a Parallel Manufacturing Operations, Charles P. Cochran
Design of a Two-Layer, Capacitively Coupled, Microstrip Patch Antenna Element for Broadband Applications, Robert T. Cock
Development and Testing of a Heuristic Line Balancing Program for a Microcomputer, Dean B. Creech
Root Locus Plotter for a Dual Tank System Under Feedback Control, John M. Decatrel
A One Step collision Detection Method for Computer Graphics Programs, Gregory T. Eichner
The Effect of Thickness on Neuber's Rule for Estimation of Fatigue Life, Shahram Elmi
Switched-Capacitor Programmable Sallen and Key Lowpass Filters, Karl P. Eriksson
Editor Design in the Context of Control System Simulation, Leon Fadden
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Acquisition Design, John C. Fakatselis
A Microsequenced Prolog Inference Engine, Jeffrey J. Ferguson
Fate of Phosphorus from Residential Stormwater Runoff in a Southern Hardwood Wetland, Benjamin M. Fries
Interactive Micro-Computer Software for the Production of Engineering Drawings, Brian R. Garvey
Numerical Simulation of Air-Conditioning Heat Recovery Water Heating Systems, Amir H. Gorji
An Experimental Study of a Single-Phase Natural Convection in a Cylindrical, Vertical Channel, S. Ali A. Hashemi
Setting Time Standards in a Service Environment: A Case Study, Nael H. Hasweh
SNAP, a Contract Pricing Tool for the Micro-computer, Kris Luella Hoffman
Design Considerations in the Development of an Automated Cartographic System, Robert L. Holden
A Shuttle Bus for the University of Central Florida, Maryam Hosseini-Kargar
Cost Effective Design of the Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment System, Robert P. Huguenard
A Task Manager for a Multiprocessor Computer System, Peter J. Ingraham
Data Structure Implementation and Investigation for a Prolog Language Interpreter, Hector Iurcovich
Simulating the Thermal Behavior an Earth-Stationed Satellite Terminal, Anthony M. Jacobi
The Gate Array Implementation of an Area Calculation Pipeline, Edward J. Janssen
Phase-Locked Loop Based Oscillator Phase Noise Measurement Technique, Luis M. Jimenez
A Colpitts Oscillator Design Technique Using S-Parameters, Timothy K. Johnson
Electromagnetic Scattering from Stacked Gratings, Pok K. Kwan
A Zero Extraction and Separation Technique for Surface Acoustic Wave and Digital Signal Processing Fir Filter Implementation, Keith V. Lindsay
Graphics Package for Portable Alphanumerical/Graphics Terminal, Elsie S. Loh
On-Line Microprocessor Control of Optical Disc Recorders and Players, Howard Luebcke
The Application of Systolic Architectures in VLSI Design, Steven V. Manno
A Performance Comparison of Solar Radiation Predictive Models for Both Fixed and Tracking Surfaces, William F. Marion
Utilization of Expert Systems in the Work Place: Performing Project Software Cost Estimation on Training Systems, Henry A. Marshall
The Application of Expert Systems to Automated Storage and Retrieval, Robert E. McDonald
The Secant-Corrector Spectral Iterative Method for Analyzing Scattering from Planar Periodic Surfaces, Robert Middelveen
Pulse Width Modulated Adaptive Delta Modem Design and Analysis, Gregory L. Milne
High Speed Latchup-Free CMOS Using TiSi2, N-Well, Technology, Faheem Mohamedi
The Effect of Winglet Twist and Toe Angle on the Drag of a High Aspect Ratio Wing, Thomas T. Moore
Multiplexing Phototransistor Arrays Using Transistor Capacitance, Gary E. Morrissette
An Inexpensive, Portable Data-Acquisition System, Ali I. Navvab
Control of a Nonlinear System by Linearization, Drew D. Nelson
Design of a Laboratory course in Embedded Computer Systems, Alexander Nikoloff
A Pool Boiling Map: Water on a Horizontal Surface at Atmospheric Pressure, O. Burr. Osborn