The UCF Faculty Bibliography is a unified bibliography of scholarship authored by University of Central Florida faculty since 1978. The records included here were taken from Web of Science.


Works from 2005

The stem of the letter

The thinking eye - Pros and cons of second generation CCTV surveillance systems

The top ten excuses for bad service (and how to avoid needing them)

The utilization of total mass to determine the switching points in the symmetric boundary control problem with a linear reaction term

The value of the marginalia as an adjunct to structured questionnaires: Experiences of men after prostate cancer surgery

The widespread effects of Brazilian pepper on its environment

Thinking about crime: Sense and sensibility in American penal culture

Three-photon absorption enhancement in symmetrical charge transfer pull-pull fluorene derivatives

'Tina Turner didn't die'

Town & country modern manners: The thinking person's guide to social graces

Tracking identifications in contemporary Hollywood film music

Transflective Liquid Crystal Displays

Transient non-linear heat conduction solution by a Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method with an effective posteriori error estimator

Transmission electron microscopy of cold sprayed 1100 aluminum coating

Transmission electron microscopy of isothermally oxidized EB-PVD thermal barrier coating on (Ni,Pt)Al bondcoat

Trauma and violence research - Taking stock in the 21st century

Treatment paradigms of sex offenders of children: An analysis of professional journals

Tree-augmented Cox proportional hazards models

Tree call of treefrogs: More than just rain calls

Tunable-focus cylindrical liquid crystal lenses

Tunable-focus microlens arrays using nanosized polymer-dispersed liquid crystal droplets

Turning the other cheek: Reassessing the impact of religion on punitive ideology

Turning the tables: Restaurants from the inside out

Twelve new substellar members in Taurus. Clues for substellar formation models

Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy techniques applied to ion trap tandem mass spectrometric analysis: nitroaromatics

Two-dimensional ordered arrays of aligned lipid tubules on substrates with microfluidic networks

Two-phase equilibrium model of insulator-insulator contact charging with electrostatic potential

Two-photon absorption at telecommunications wavelengths in a dipolar chromophore with a pyrrole auxiliary donor and thiazole auxiliary acceptor

Two Plasmodium falciparum ribonucleotide reductase small subunits, PfR2 and PfR4, interact with each other and are components of the in vivo enzyme complex

Ultra-long single-crystalline alpha-Si3N4 nanowires: Derived from a polymeric precursor

Ultralow-noise mode-locked optical pulse trains from an external cavity laser based on a slab coupled optical waveguide amplifier (SCOWA)

Ultraviolet protection using intensity-dependent spectral shift in bacteriorhodopsin

Ultrawide-band photonic time-stretch A/D converter employing phase diversity

Ultrawide-View Liquid Crystal Displays

Uncertainty analysis for computer model projections of hurricane losses

Uncertainty analysis in the measurement of the spatial responsivity of infrared antennas

Understanding organization-customer links in service settings

Universally optimal structurally balanced row-column designs with some empty nodes



Urban school failure and disproportionality in a post-Brown era - Benign neglect of the constitutional rights of students of color

Use of the bacteriophage phi29 packaging RNA as nanovehicle for targeted delivery of therapeutic RNAs to CD4 T cells

Using crowd-control simulations to predict the behavior of mottle organisms

Using XML/Java to enhance an online learning architecture for engineering education

Vacancy engineered ceria nanostructures for protection from radiation-induced cellular damage

Variability in muscle size and strength gain after unilateral resistance training

Variable coherence scattering microscopy

Variable optical attenuator with a polymer-stabilized dual-frequency liquid crystal

Variational solutions for the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation

Variation in seal consumption by brown hyenas in the Namib desert estimated using stable isotopes

Variations in backwash efficiency during colloidal filtration of hollow-fiber microfiltration membranes

Vascular Adaptations To 12-weeks Of Resistance Training

Vector Error-Correction Models in a consumer packaged goods category forecasting decision support system

Vector quantization based QoS classification for admission control in CDMA systems

Voice handicap index results for older patients with adductor spasmodic dysphonia

Voltage stress-induced hot carrier effects on SiGe HBT VCO

Voltage stress-induced performance degradation in NMOSFET mixer

Wannier basis design and optimization of a photonic crystal waveguide crossing

Water quality profiles during nitrification in a pilot distribution system study

Wave boundary element to study Lamb wave propagation in plates

Wavelength selection for the far-infrared p-Ge laser using etched silicon lamellar gratings

Wavelength-tunable variable fiber-optic attenuator using liquid-crystal-mirror hybrid controls

When I first got it, I wanted to throw it off a cliff": The challenges and benefits of learning AAC technologies as described by adults who use AAC

Where's the example?

Whole genome amplification strategy for forensic genetic analysis using single or few cell equivalents of genomic DNA

Wide beam stabilities and instabilities in one dimensional arrays of Kerr-nonlinear channel waveguides

Widely separated binary systems of very low-mass stars

Wiener's lemma for infinite matrices with polynomial off-diagonal decay

With a burning brilliance of glory

Workflow management and resource discovery for an intelligent grid

X-ray structure of the R69D phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C enzyme: Insight into the role of calcium and surrounding amino acids in active site geometry and catalysis

Young's interference experiment with light of any state of coherence and of polarization


Design, fabrication, and characterization of antenna-coupled metal-oxide-metal diodes for dual-band detection, Mohamed R. Abdel-Rahman, Brian Monacelli, Arthur R. Weeks, Guy Zummo, and Glenn D. Boreman


Wave dynamics in optically modulated waveguide arrays, Mark J. Ablowitz, Keith Julien, Ziad H. Musslimani, and Michael I. Weinstein


Efficient estimation of a semiparametric partially linear varying coefficient model, Ibrahim Ahmad, Sittisak Leelahanon, and Qi Li


Oceanic rain rate estimates from the QuikSCAT Radiometer: A Global Precipitation Mission pathfinder, Khalil A. Ahmad, W. Linwood Jones, Takis Kasparis, Stephen Wiechecki Vergara, Ian S. Adams, and Jun D. Park


Tolerance and conditioning to neuro-muscular electrical stimulation within and between sessions and gender, Gad Alon and Gerald V. Smith


Non-Gaussian statistics of optical near-fields, A. Apostol and A. Dogariu


Precision polarization multiplexed heterodyne acousto-optic interferometric sensor, Muzammil A. Arain and Nabeel A. Riza


Dispersion of nonlinear refraction and two-photon absorption using a white-light continuum Z-scan, Mihaela Balu, Joel Hales, David J. Hagan, and Eric W. Van Stryland


On the relationship of magnetocrystalline anisotropy and stoichiometry in epitaxial L1(0) CoPt (001) and FePt (001) thin films, K. Barmak, J. Kim, L. H. Lewis, K. R. Coffey, M. F. Toney, A. J. Kellock, and J. -U. Thiele


Optoelectronically automated system for carbon nanotubes synthesis via arc-discharge in solution, Debasis Bera, Erik Brinley, Suresh C. Kuiry, Matthew McCutchen, Sudipta Seal, Helge Heinrich, and Bradley Kabes


The magnetic properties of an L dwarf derived from simultaneous radio, X-ray, and H alpha observations, E. Berger, R. E. Rutledge, I. N. Reid, L. Bildsten, J. E. Gizis, J. Liebert, E. Martin, G. Basri, R. Jayawardhana, A. Brandeker, T. A. Fleming, C. M. Johns-Krull, M. S. Giampapa, S. L. Hawley, and J. H. M. M. Schmitt


Review of Technology and teaching English language learners, Kaley Bierman


I prefer to teach: An international comparison of faculty preference for teaching over research, Karen L. Biraimah


Parameter estimates for fractional autoregressive spatial processes, Y. Boissy, B. B. Bhattacharyya, X. Li, and G. D. Richardson


Brownian dynamics of mixed surfactant micelles, Geuorgui K. Bourov and Aniket Bhattacharya


Brownian dynamics simulation study of self-assembly of amphiphiles with large hydrophilic heads, Geuorgui K. Bourov and Aniket Bhattacharya


A possible third component in the L dwarf binary system DENIS-P J020529.0-115925 discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope, H. Bouy, E. L. Martín, W. Brandner, and J. Bouvier


p type doping of zinc oxide by arsenic ion implantation, G. Braunstein, A. Muraviev, H. Saxena, N. Dhere, V. Richter, and R. Kalish


Remarks on topological properties of Boehmians, Józef Burzyk, Piotr Mikusinski, and Dennis Nemzer


Ultrashort, high-power pulse generation from a master oscillator power amplifier based on external cavity mode locking of a quantum-dot two-section diode laser, Myoung-Taek Choi, Wangkuen Lee, Ji-Myung Kim, and Peter J. Delfyett


Focus issue: Discrete solitons in nonlinear optics, Demetrios Christodoulides


Mega three-photon absorption cross-section enhancement in pseudoisocyanine J-aggregates, Ion Cohanoschi, Amel Barbot, Kevin D. Belfield, Sheng Yao, and Florencio E. Hernandez


Retrocyclins: Novel circular peptides active against HIV-1, Alexander M. Cole


Demonstration of phase-regeneration of DPSK signals based on phase-sensitive amplification, Kevin Croussore, Inwoong Kim, Yan Han, Cheolhwan Kim, Guifang Li, and Stojan Radic


Physicians' use of the personal digital assistant (PDA) in clinical decision making, Cheryl R. Dee, Marilyn Teolis, and Andrew D. Todd


Size dependency variation in lattice parameter and valency states in nanocrystalline cerium oxide, Sameer Deshpande, Swanand Patil, Satyanarayana VNT Kuchibhatla, and Sudipta Seal


Terahertz gain on intersubband transitions in multilayer delta-doped p-Ge structures, M. V. Dolguikh, A. V. Muravjov, R. E. Peale, M. Klimov, O. A. Kuznetsov, and E. A. Uskova


Waveguide array-grating compressors, Sotiris Droulias, Kyriakos Hizanidis, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Roberto Morandotti