The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Advanced Algorithms for Cancer Cell Detection and Tracking, Qibing Jiang
Toward Robust Class-Agnostic Object Counting, Md Jibanul Haque Jiban
Exploring the Physiology of Clostridioides difficile: Selenium-Dependent Catabolism of Host-Derived Nutrients, Michael A. Johnstone
Exploring How Administrative Factors Including Mentoring, Compensation, And Workload Impact The Retention Rates Of Novice Title I Teachers, Danielle Jones
Examining Anxiety and Online Learning Experiences, Charlotte A. Jones-Roberts
High-order Harmonic Generation in Bulk and Thin Film Solids, Troie Journigan
Interaction of Sexual Orientation, Racial, and Gender Discrimination on Mental Health Outcomes, Rebekah Kanefsky
The Trickle-Down Effects of Manager Gratitude Expression, Meghan E. Kane
Critical Discourse Analysis of The Dialogical Demands of Florida's 10th Grade B.E.S.T. English Language Arts Standards, Amanda NB Kaplowitz
Girl Child Marriage and Governing Party Ideology: Evidence From India, Divya Kapoor
Air quality technologies for citizen participation in the state of political trust, Elchin Kazimov
Effective and Efficient Use of Diffusion Models for Editing in Computer Vision, Umar Khalid
Transformer-based Methods for StarCraft Macromanagement And Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, Muhammad Junaid Khan
Dexterous Manual Actions: Motor Learning, Visuomotor Control, and Effect of Aging, Kimia Kiani
Doubly Rotating Coordinates: Wave Functions in Magnetic Resonance Problems, Sunghyun Kim
Identity Beyond Cultural Traditions: An Exploration Through Visual Narratives and Self-Portraiture, Anne njeri Kinuthia ms
The Color of Disease: Race Science, Pandemic Influenza, and the Rise of Epidemiology in the Segregated South, Andrew Kishuni
Spaced Out: Exploring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Through Animation, Alyssa R. Klapka
Industrial Safety: How Complacency at Industrial Facilities has Evolved as a Result of Widespread Corporate Leadership Induced Reductions in Force of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers, Christina Kniffin-Downs
A phenomenological study of the impact of anti-woke legislation on higher education, Brittany Knowles
Dual Frequency Comb Mid-IR – THz Spectroscopy, Dmitrii Konnov
Enhancing oil-in-water Emulsified Bildgwater Treatment Using Electric Field Forward Osmosis (EFFO), Nareg Krikorian
Mathematical Developments for Bubble Dynamics, Kacie Kulenguski
Understanding Health-seeking Decision-making Process and Behavior Among Haitian Immigrants: A Grounded Theory Approach, Shelleta Ladonice
Constructing and Validating the Productivity in Online Course Redesign (POCR) Model for Higher Education, Eric D. Laguardia
Advances in High Performance Computing Through Concurrent Data Structures and Predictive Scheduling, Kenneth M. Lamar
The Impact School Discipline Policies have on Disabled, Minoritized Students’ Drop Out Rates, Christopher B. Langley
Thermal Analysis Of Additively Manufactured Aluminum F357 And Inconel 718 In High-Enthalpy Hypersonic Flows, Andrew La Sorsa
Introducing Mindful Micro-Practices to Reduce Job Stress and Turnover Intention in High-Volume Restaurants, Vicki Lavendol
Creating Connection: Utilizing Dramaturgical Collaboration to Engage Young People in Theatre Making in a Post-Pandemic World, Gabrielle Lawlor
An Examination of the Effect of School District Budget Allocation on Student Achievement in the State of Florida, Matt Lawrence
Empire's Ugly Feelings: Irritation, Anxiety, and Resignation in Wilkie Collins's The Moonstone and Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford, Angela JM Leeds
Influence of Information Cues on Intentions to Visit a Green Restaurant: The Moderating Role of Social Class, Hanjin Lee
Gait Entrainment & Energetics of Young Adults to Discrete Mediolateral Perturbations, Lindsey D. Lee
Sexual Assault Victimization in Virtual Worlds, Narim Lee
An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study On Usable Cybersecurity And The Behaviorial Effects Of Cognitive Load, Corey Leong
Development and Evaluation of DNS of Aluminum Droplet Combustion Using the VOF Approach, Soomin Lim
The Role of Adiponectin in Gustatory Perception of Fat, Fangjun Lin
Understanding Process-Structure-Property Relationships in Additive Manufacturing via Experimentation and Machine Learning, Qingyang Liu
The Impact of Well-designed Graphics and Multimedia on Student Engagement and Learning in Online Classes, Joseph E. Lloyd
Trauma and dynamic needs: Examining the role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on changes in youth needs while in residential placement, Ashley Lockwood
Convolutional Neural Network Vision System Prototype for Strawberry Plant Nutrient Deficiency Diagnosis, Salem Long
Humor as an Instructional Communication Tool: Revisiting Humor and Exploring the New Punchline in Human-Machine Communication, Melissa M. Looney
High Pressure Measurement of Soot Formation Applicable to Energetic Materials Fireballs, Timothy D. Loye
A Social Portal to Online Higher Education: How Students with Disabilities Experience Online Courses, Marisa Lucca
Participation in a Nontraditional Internship and its Impact on Perceived Readiness and Self-Efficacy of Novice Teachers, Stephanie Luke
Investigating Emerging Technologies In Civil Structural Health Monitoring: Generative Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality, Furkan Luleci
A Case Study Examining The Implementation of Multi-tiered System of Supports During Mathematics Intervention in Grades 3-5, Sarah Lumpkin
Aquaporin 4 promotes Drug Tolerance to AMG 510 in KRASG12C mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Nastassja G. Luna
Crusading for Fun and Profit: An Examination of Ludohistorical Mode in the Crusader Kings Community, Kirk M. Lundblade
Development and validation of the nicotine vaping expectancy questionnaire: Item generation, scale construction, reliability and validity, Gabrielle Lynch
Competing Narratives and Converging Perspectives: Analyzing the Dynamics of the Pulse Memorial Crisis, Amy E. Maciel
Design and Optimization of Temperature-Stable MEMS Resonators for Timing Applications Based on Thin-Film Lithium Tantalate, Yasaman Majd
From Intent Detection to Recommendations: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models for Enhanced User Experiences, Muhammad Hasan Maqbool
The Impact Of Bilingualism On Visual Semantic Processing, Ancuta Margondai
Flora and the Cloud Maker: Exploring Burnout Through Animation, Tiffany Marin
An Ultrafast, Mid-Wave Infrared Source for Driving High-Order Harmonics Beyond the Water Window, Zachary A. Marra
Insights Into Nitric Oxide Reactivity With Iron-containing Enzymes, Christopher P. Martin
On immunogenomic evolution and disease in marine turtles, Katherine R. Martin
After A Tragedy: A Mobile Therapeutic Themed Experience, Sarah M. Massarelli
Safety Testing for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Natural Gas Mixtures for Decarbonizing Electric Power Plants, Garrett T. Mastantuono
Exploring Barriers and Pathways to Public Engagement on Climate Change, Monica Mayer
The Role of Medical Cannabis Use in Pain, Sleep, and Mental Health Outcomes Among Older Adults, Madison H. Maynard
Fatal Overdoses and Harm Reduction in Hotels and Motels in Central Florida, Alexandria R. McClarty
Three Good Things to improve dementia caregiver outcomes: Feasibility, Nicole V. McClure
Development and Applications of a Corridor-Level Approach to Traffic Safety, John M. McCombs
Two Studies Examining the Effects of Cash Rewards and Non-Cash Rewards on Employee Perceptions and Motivation, Aaron McCullough
Unveiling Financial Performance as a Mediator in Vacation Rentals' Valuation: Evidence from the Central Florida Market, Marcos Medeiros
An Analysis of Teacher Characteristics and Perceptions of Grading Practices on Student Grade Outcomes, Michael B. Meechin
Psychometric Evaluation of a Brief Measure for Body Image Concerns Related to Breast Appearance, Sivanne Mendelson
Efficient and Effective Deep Learning Methods for Computer Vision in Centralized and Distributed Applications, Matias Mendieta
Probing Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Cellular Biomechanics, Marvin A. Mendoza Jr
Ritual Change and Sociopolitical Transformations at the Maya Center of Pacbitun, Belize: Intra-Polity Interactions between Epicenter and Periphery, George J. Micheletti
The Dyslexic Actor: How Dyslexia Affects the Acting Process, Kate Milazzo
Design and Fabrication of Quantum Cascade Laser Tree Arrays, Luke Milbocker
The False Identity of a Filmmaker, Cheyanne Miller
Every Person a Home Every Home a Person, Emily R. Miller
An Interactional Ethnographic Study on Tensions in Learning Qualitative Research in Doctoral Education, Megan K. Mitchell
Semi-Supervised Gait Recognition, Sirshapan Mitra
Shock Tube Ignition Studies of Renewable Diesel Fuels for Medium and Heavy-Duty Transportation, Zuhayr Pasha Mohammed
Globalizing Tele-Support Coaching: Exploring the Impact of Online Adaptations of Practice-Based Coaching for Special Education Teachers and Related Personnel, Danica Tania Moise
Impact of Social Support on Turnover Intentions and Burnout Among Hispanic Religious Leaders, Sandra Montenegro
Synthesis and Bioevaluation of Piperazine-based Compounds as Anti-cancer Agents in Pancreatic Cancer, Holly E. Moots
A Handheld, Biomimetic, Phase Change Microsystem for Breath Condensate Based Point-of-Use (POU) Diagnostics Assays, Pablo Morales-Cruz
The Essential Caregivers: Examining the Lived Experiences of Black Women Parenting Children Diagnosed with Mental Illnesses, Ashley N. Morris
DNA Nanotechnology: The Development of Multi-Functional Hybridization Sensors, Brittany L. Mueller
Women of Needles and Holes, Michelle Munoz
Bridging Data and Theory: A Gray-Box Approach to Traffic Flow Dynamics, Shakib Mustavee
“Imagine You’re a Qualitative Researcher”: Exploring the Possibilities and Limitations of Gen-AI for Thematic Analysis, Nicole Narkiewicz
Compound Flooding Potential along the U.S. Coastline: from Continental to Local Scale, Ahmed A. Nasr
Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) seedling success in different habitats in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, USA, Mekail N. Negash
Making Meaning-Full Measures: Implementing Pragmatic Theory to Inform Definitional Correspondence, Matthew A. Ng
Numerical Modeling of Cavitation During Shock Droplet Interaction, Khanh Chi Nguyen
Adverse Childhood Events and Cannabis-Related Problems in Young Adults: The Role of Shame and Coping Motives, Minh Nguyen
Self-Transformation and Spirituality in Marketing, Mrudul Nilangekar