Submissions from 2002
Robust Adaptive Stabilization For Time Varying Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Control Coefficients, S. S. Ge and Jing Wang
Identification And Characterization Of The Allergenic Proteins Of Bahia Grass (Paspalum Notatum) Pollen., George Ghobrial, Saleh A. Naser, and Michael Sweeney
Managing Multi-Directional Communication In The Online Classroom, Jane Whitney Gibson, Dana V. Tesone, and Charles W. Blackwell
Intrinsic Laser-Induced Breakdown Of Silicate Glasses, Leonid B. Glebov
New Approach To Robust Optics For Hel Systems, Leonid B. Glebov, Vadim I. Smirnov, and C. Martin Stickley
Emotions And Personality In Agent Design And Modeling, Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz and Christine L. Lisetti
University Of Central Florida Librarians On Location, Donna Goda, Elizabeth K. Killingsworth, and Buenaventura B. Basco
Modified Jpeg Image Compression With Region-Dependent Quantization, Mitchell A. Golner, Wasfy B. Mikhael, and Venkatesh Krishnang
A New Simulation Tool For The Modeling And Control Of Distributed Systems, Fernando G. Gonzalez and Wayne J. Davis
Two Dimensional Array Of Antenna-Coupled Microbolometers, F. J. González, M. A. Gritz, and C. Fumeaux
Hammerhead Ribozymes For Target Validation, John Goodchild
King'S Theory As Foundation For An Advance Directive Decision-Making Model, Zella Jane Goodwin, Ermalynn M. Kiehl, and Janice Z. Peterson
The Good-Mother Stereotype: Stay At Home (Or Wish That You Did!), Kristin A. Gorman and Barbara A. Fritzsche
Relaxation Of A Two-Level System: Non-Negativity Of Density Matrix And Possibility For Anomalously Long T2, A. A. Goun and B. Ya Zel'Dovich
Antithrombin Activity Of Some Constituents From Origanum Vulgare, E. Goun, G. Cunningham, and S. Solodnikov
Anticancer And Antithrombin Activity Of Russian Plants, Elena A. Goun, V. M. Petrichenko, and S. U. Solodnikov
Barriers To Professional Entry: How Effective Is The 150-Hour Rule?, C. Terry Grant, Conrad S. Ciccotello, and Mark Dickie
New Sentencing Laws Follow Old Patterns: A Florida Case Study, Pamala L. Griset
Historical Changes In Intertidal Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica) Reefs In A Florida Lagoon Potentially Related To Boating Activities, Raymond E. Grizzle, Jamie R. Adams, and Linda J. Walters
The Balian-Low Theorem For Symplectic Lattices In Higher Dimensions, Karlheinz Gröchenig, Deguang Han, and Christopher Heil
Simulation Methods And Applications, Ratan Guha and Mostafa Bassiouni
Improving Web Access Efficiency Using P2P Proxies, Ratan K. Guha and James Z. Wang
Synthesis And Biological Evaluation Of New Citrate-Based Siderophores As Potential Probes For The Mechanism Of Iron Uptake In Mycobacteria, Hongyan Guo, Saleh A. Naser, and George Ghobrial
The Application Of Vinylogous Iminium Salt Derivatives To The Regiocontrolled Preparation Of Heterocyclic Appended Pyrazoles, John T. Gupton, Stuart C. Clough, and Robert B. Miller
Phases For Dyadic Orthonormal Wavelets, Qing Gu and Deguang Han
An Unstructured Mesh Generation Algorithm For Shallow Water Modeling, Scott C. Hagen, Olaf Horstmann, and Robert J. Bennett
Two-Photon Absorption Spectra Of Fluorene Derivatives, J. Hales, K. J. Schafer, and A. M. Morales
An Empirical Test Of The Rent-Shifting Hypothesis: The Case Of State Trading Enterprises, Stephen F. Hamilton and Kyle W. Stiegert
Surface Study Of Liquid Water Treated And Water Vapor Treated Mg2.35Ni Alloy, M. D. Hampton, J. K. Lomness, and L. A. Giannuzzi
The Arc Display: An Augmented Reality Visualization Center, F. G. Hamza-Lup, L. Davis, and J. P. Rolland
Ergonomics As A Foundation For A Science Of Purpose, P. A. Hancock and D. D. Diaz
Sans Subjectivity - Ergonomics Is Engineering, P. A. Hancock, J. L. Weaver, and Raja Parasuraman
Defeating Terrorism: What Can Human Factors/Ergonomics Offer?, Peter A. Hancock and Sandra G. Hart
Effects Of Gender And Athletic Participation On Driving Capability, Peter A. Hancock, Mary Jo Kane, and Steven Scallen
Creating Transportation Infrastructure Through State Spaceport Initiatives: Florida And Other Examples, R. Handberg
Making State Spaceports Economic Change Agents, Roger Handberg
Identifying High Maintenance Legacy Software, Matthew S. Harrison and Gwendolyn H. Walton
Axial Irradiance Distribution Throughout The Whole Space Behind An Annular Aperture, James E. Harvey and Andrey Krywonos
Tolerance On Defocus Precisely Locates The Far Field (Exactly Where Is That Far Field Anyway?), James E. Harvey, Andrey Krywonos, and Dijana Bogunovic
Design Of A Wearable Wide-Angle Projection Color Display, Yonggang Ha, Hong Hua, and Ricardo Martins
Methods For The Assessment Of Head-Mounted Displays In Visual Space, Yonggang Ha and Jannick Rolland
Optical Assessment Of Head-Mounted Displays In Visual Space, Yonggang Ha and Jannick Rolland
Viscosity Dependence Of Optical Limiting In Carbon-Black Suspensions, F. E. Hernández, Cleber R. Mendonça, and Ion Cohanoschi
Viscosity Dependence Of Optical Limiting In Carbon Black Suspensions, Florencio E. Hernández, William Shensky, and Ion Cohanoschi
The Flow-Service-Quality Framework: Unified Engineering For Large-Scale, Adaptive Systems, A. Hevner, R. Linger, and A. Sobel
The Characterization Of Saw Coupling Factor From Paired Idt Insertion Loss Measurements, Fred S. Hickernell
Exploring Cognitions: Uncertainly Orientation And Information Exchange, Ross Hightower and Carol Saunders
Morphisms Of Mislin Genera Induced By Finite Normal Subgroups, P. J. Hilton and P. J. Witbooi
Fasu: A Full Automatic Segmenting System For Ultrasound Images, N. Hiransakolwong, P. S. Windyga, and K. A. Hua
Sources Of Formaldehyde, Other Aldehydes And Terpenes In A New Manufactured House, A. T. Hodgson, D. Beal, and J. E.R. McIlvaine
Nuts And Bolts Of Np Practice In Assisted Living Facilities., Lygia Owen Holcomb and Diane M. Wink
The Magnetic Hysteresis Of Nife-31% Thin Films Under Isotropic In-Plane Stress, Patrick Holland, Mary Kempton, and Dustin Ragan
International High School Space Settlement Design Competition: A Model For Secondary School Education In Space Research, John P. Holmquist and John S. Barnett
Fouling Control In Activated Sludge Submerged Hollow Fiber Membrane Bioreactors, S. P. Hong, T. H. Bae, and T. M. Tak
Higher Order Mode Gaussian Beam Waves Propagating Through Turbulence, Cynthia Y. Hopen, Yadira V. Gilchrest, and Brian R. Macon
Magnetically Modulated Optical Transmission Of Magnetic Fluid Films, H. E. Horng, S. Y. Yang, and W. S. Tse
Design Of An Ultra-Light Head-Mounted Projective Display (Hmpd) And Its Applications In Augmented Collaborative Environments, Hong Hua, Chunyu Gao, and Leonard Brown
Study Of The Imaging Properties Of Retro-Reflective Materials Used In Head-Mounted Projective Displays (Hmpds), Hong Hua, Chunyu Gao, and Jannick P. Rolland
An Adaptive Video Multicast Scheme For Varying Workloads, Kien A. Hua, Jung Hwan Oh, and Khanh Vu
Space-Based Middleware For Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems, Charles E. Hughes, James T. Burnett, and J. Michael Moshell
Physical Properties Of Nano-Scale And Micro-Scale Zero Valent Iron Emulsions, C. A. Huntley, R. W. DeVor, and C. A. Clausen
Full Bridge Zcs Pwm Converter For High-Voltage High-Power Applications, Chris Iannello, Shiguo Luo, and Issa Batarseh
Assessing Hurricane Effects. Part 1 - Sensitivity Analysis, Ronald L. Iman, Mark E. Johnson, and Tom A. Schroeder
Assessing Hurricane Effects. Part 2 - Uncertainty Analysis, Ronald L. Iman, Mark E. Johnson, and Tom A. Schroeder
Performance Evaluation Of Short-Term Time-Series Traffic Prediction Model, Sherif Ishak and Haitham Al-Deek
Diffractionless Propagation In Low Loss Linbo3 Channel Waveguide Arrays, Robert Iwanow, Roland Schiek, and George Stegeman
Flat–Top Narrow-Band Spectral Response Obtained From Cascaded Resonant Grating Reflection Filters, Donald K. Jacob, Steven C. Dunn, and M. G. Moharam
Corrosion Resistance Characteristics Of A Modified Weathering Steel, S. Jana, S. C. Kuiry, and Amit Ganguly
Symmetry Properties Of Two-Dimensional Quadratic Spatial Solitons For Non-Critical Phase-Matching In Knbo3, Ladislav Jankovic, Roman Malendevich, and Sergey Polyakov
Cataloging Coast To Coast, Selma K. Jaskowski, Linda M. Sobey, and Linda J. Sutton
Review: Power And Information Technology Research: A Metatriangulation Review, Jon Jasperson, Traci A. Carte, and Carol S. Saunders
Visual Content-Based Segmentation Of Talk And Game Shows, O. Javed, S. Khan, and Z. Rasheed
Tracking And Object Classification For Automated Surveillance, Omar Javed and Mubarak Shah
A Hierarchical Approach To Robust Background Subtraction Using Color And Gradient Information, O. Javed, K. Shafique, and M. Shah
Software, Florian G. Jentsch, Sherri A. Rehfeld, and Michelle E. Harper
Driver Workload Response To In-Vehicle Device Operations, Christian J. Jerome, H. C.Neil Ganey, and Mustapha Mouloua
Evaluating Changes In Florida'S Legislative Process: Innovative Rules And Conservative Norms, Aubrey Jewett
A Discrepancy Model Of Information System Personnel Turnover, James J. Jiang and Gary Klein
Measuring Information System Service Quality: Servqual From The Other Side, James J. Jiang, Gary Klein, and Christopher L. Carr
Reducing User-Related Risks During And Prior To System Development, James J. Jiang, Gary Klein, and Hong Gee Chen
Communication Skill Importance And Proficiency: Viewpoints Of Is Users, Is Specialists, And Is Project Managers, James J. Jiang, Gary Klein, and Houn Gee Chen
Perception Differences Of Software Success: Provider And User Views Of System Metrics, James J. Jiang, Gary Klein, and Richard Discenza
Intelligent Systems Techniques And Applications In Product Forecasting, James Jiang, Gary Klein, and Roger A. Pick
Considering Both Intra-Pattern And Inter-Pattern Anomalies For Intrusion Detection, Ning Jiang, Kien A. Hua, and Simon Sheu
Scalable Benchmarking And Performance Monitoring: A Coordination And Mobility Perspective, Kyungkoo Jim, Dan C. Marinescu, and Yongchang Ji
Analysis Of A Corrugated Horn With The Use Of The Bor-Fdtd Method, Christopher P. Johnson and Parveen Wahid
Group Play Therapy With Sexually Abused Preschool Children: Group Behaviors And Interventions, Karyn Dayle Jones
High School Students As Therapeutic Agents With Young Children Experiencing Schooladjustment Difficulties: The Effectiveness Of A Filial Therapy Training Model, Leslie Jones, Tammy Rhine, and Sue Bratton
Validation Of Quikscat Radiometer Rain Rates Using The Trmm Microwave Radiometer, W. Linwood Jones, Khalil Ahmad, and Jun Dong Park
A Feasibility Study For A Wide-Swath, Airborne, Hurricane Imaging Microwave Radiometer For Operational Hurricane Measurements, W. Linwood Jones, Jun Dung Park, and Josko Zec
Combined Active And Passive Microwave Sensing Of Ocean Surface Wind Vector From Trmm, W. Linwood Jones, Seubson Soisuvarn, and Jun Park
The Liberal Peace And Conflictive Interactions: The Onset Of Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1950-78, Bernadette M.E. Jungblut and Richard J. Stoll
Intrusion Detection Using Mobile Agents In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, O. Kachirski and R. Guha
Generalized Nonlinear Robust Control Design: The Beam And Ball Example, J. Kaloust, C. Ham, and Z. Qu
Roundtable: Eyes Wide Shut And The Cultural Poetics Of Eighteenth-Century American Periodical Literature, Mark Kamrath
Evaluation Of Polarization Diversity Schemes Using Dipole Antennas, Mohua Kar and Parveen Wahid
Investigations On Polarization Schemes For Use In Wireless Environments, Mohua Kar and Parveen Wahid
Analysis Of An Exact Inversion Algorithm For Spiral Cone-Beam Ct, Alexander Katsevich
Microlocal Analysis Of An Fbp Algorithm For Truncated Spiral Cone Beam Data, Alexander Katsevich
Initiation And Stationary Operating States In A Crossed-Field Vacuum Electron Device, D. J. Kaup