Submissions from 2004
Projection-Based Head-Mounted Displays For Wearable Computers, Ricardo Martins, Vesselin Shaoulov, Yonggang Ha, and Jannick Rolland
Atmospheric Induced Frequency Fluctuations In Lidar, Aaron J. Masino and Cynthia Y. Young
A Two-Phase Flow Model For Hydrogen Evolution In An Electrochemical Cell, Mahmut D. Mat, Kemal Aldas, and Olusegun J. Ilegbusi
Integrated Beam-Steered Optical Switch, D. A. May-Arrioja, N. Bickel, and P. LiKamWa
Reconfigurable 1×4 Optical Switch In Ingaasp Multiple Quantum Wells, D. A. May-Arrioja, N. Bickel, and P. Likamwa
Integrated Electro-Optic Mach-Zehnder Switch Realized By Zinc In-Diffusion, D. A. May-Arrioja and P. Likamwa
Ultra-Compact Multimode Interference Ingaasp Multiple Quantum Well Modulator, D. A. May-Arrioja, P. Likamwa, R. J. Selvas-Aguilar, and J. J. Sánchez-Mondragón
Variable Optical Attenuator Using Active Multimode Interference Waveguide, D. A. May-Arrioja, R. J. Selvas-Aguilar, J. Escobedo-Alatorre, P. LiKamWa, and J. J. Sanchez-Mondragon
Polymer-Derived Ceramics Based Fuel Atomizers, Z. Ma, L. An, X. Y. Chen, and A. Hays
Changes In Anoxic Denitrification Rate Resulting From Prefermentation Of A Septic, Phosphorus-Limited Wastewater, Terrence McCue, Rahul Naik, Mauricio Zepeda, Yan Hua Liu, and Igor Vassiliev
Rural Minority And Multicultural Preventive Care, Primary Care, And Mental Health Issues: Challenges And Opportunities, Rosemary McKenzie and Angeline Bushy
The Technology Adoption Life Cycle Attractor: Understanding The Dynamics Of High-Tech Markets, Phillip T. Meade and Luis Rabelo
Nonlinear Optical Beam Interactions In Waveguide Arrays, Joachim Meier, George I. Stegeman, Y. Silberberg, R. Morandotti, and J. S. Aitchison
Experimental Observation Of Discrete Modulational Instability, J. Meier, G. I. Stegeman, D. N. Christodoulides, Y. Silberberg, and R. Morandotti
Modulational Instability In Discrete Optics, J. Meier, G. I. Stegeman, D. N. Christodoulides, Y. Silberberg, and R. Morandotti
Modulational Instability In Discrete Optics, J. Meier, G. I. Stegeman, D. N. Christodoulides, Y. Silberberg, and R. Morandotti
Observation Of Discrete Modulational Instability, J. Meier, G. I. Stegeman, D. N. Christodoulides, Y. Silberberg, and R. Morandotti
Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals By Holographic Lithography Using The Umbrella Configuration: Symmetries And Complete Photonic Band Gaps [28], D. C. Meisel, M. Wegener, and K. Busch
Changes In Multiple Health Outcomes At 12 And 24 Weeks Resulting From 12 Weeks Of Exercise Counseling With Or Without Dietary Counseling In Obese Adults, Kathleen J. Melanson, Jessica Dell'Olio, Michael R. Carpenter, and Theodore J. Angelopoulos
Population Viability With Fire In Eryngium Cuneifolium: Deciphering A Decade Of Demographic Data, Eric S. Menges and Pedro F. Quintana-Ascencio
Grain Structure Of Thin Electrodeposited And Rolled Copper Foils, H. D. Merchant, W. C. Liu, L. A. Giannuzzi, and J. G. Morris
The Design And Implementation Of A Laser Rangefinder/Designator Beam Metrology System For Beam Characterization Analysis Through Environmental And Atmospheric Conditions At The Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (Nswc Crane), Christopher T. Middlebrook, Robert M. Bunch, and Bill Helms
Passive Millimeter-Wave Focal Plane Array, Charles Middleton, Guy Zummo, Arthur Weeks, Al Pergande, and Mirth Lee
Passive Millimeter-Wave Focal Plane Array, Charles Middleton, Guy Zummo, Arthur Weeks, Al Pergande, and Lee Mirth
Experimental Results And Numerical Simulation Of Mode Partition Noise Suppression In Muitiwavelength Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers, Michael Mielke and Peter J. Delfyett
Toward A Chip-Scale Multiwavelength Modelocked Semiconductor Laser, Michael M. Mielke and Peter J. Delfyett
Compact, High Average Power Semiconductor Laser System For Ultrashort Pulse Ablation, Michael Mielke, Richard Stoltz, Jeff Bullington, and Peter J. Delfyett
Residents’ Support For Tourism Growth In A Mature Destination: A Chronological Study Of Central Florida, Ady Milman
Tunable Photonic Crystal Circuits: Concepts And Designs Based On Single-Pore Infiltration, Sergei F. Mingaleev, Matthias Schillinger, Daniel Hermann, and Kurt Busch
Numerical Simulations Of Rotational Bursting Of F-Coronal Dust In Eccentric Orbits Due To Coronal Mass Ejections, Nebil Y. Misconi
Chemical Effects Of Co2 Addition On Soot Formation In Laminar C2H4 Diffusion Flames, H. Mohammed and F. Xu
Fabrication Of Passively Aligned Micro-Optics Using Focused Ion Beam, Waleed S. Mohammed and Eric G. Johnson
Wavelength Tunable Fiber Lens Based On Multimode Interference, Waleed S. Mohammed, Alok Mehta, and Eric G. Johnson
Efficient Rigorous Calculations Of Power Flow In Grating Coupled Surface-Emitting Devices, M. G. Moharam and Andrew B. Greenwell
Highly Linear And Efficient Gainasp-Inp Phase Modulators, H. Mohseni, H. An, Z. A. Shellenbarger, M. H. Kwakernaak, and A. N. Lepore
Educating Middle And High School Students In Space Operations: The Simulation Approach, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, Michael Georgiopoulos, Anne Donnelly, Dayana Cope, and Martin Steele
Self-Similar Collapse In Air, K. D. Moll, A. L. Gaeta, M. Richardson, N. Bernath, and J. Duncan
Self-Similar Collapse In Air, K. D. Moll, A. L. Gaeta, M. Richardson, N. Bernath, and J. Duncan
Infrared Frequency Selective Surfaces, Brian Monacelli, Glenn Boreman, Jonothan Pryor, Ben A. Munk, and Dale Kotter
Design Of A Thin Film Infrared Barcode On A Flexible Substrate, Brian Monacelli, Dale Kotter, and Glenn D. Boreman
Infrared Frequency Selective Surfaces: Design, Fabrication And Measurement, Brian Monacelli, Jonothan B. Pryor, Ben A. Munk, Dale Kotter, and Glenn D. Boreman
An Optimal Storage Format For Sparse Matrices, Eurípides Montagne and Anand Ekambaram
A Meta-Heuristic And Oscillation Improvement Strategy For The 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem, Reinaldo J. Moraga, Gail W. Depuy, and Gary E. Whitehouse
Observation Of Discrete Gap Solitons In Binary Waveguide Arrays, Roberto Morandotti, Daniel Mandelik, Yaron Silberberg, J. Stewart Aitchison, and Marc Sorel
Motivational Effects Of Adding Context Relevant Stress In Pc-Based Game Training, Christina S. Morris, Peter A. Hancock, and Ed C. Shirkey
Aging And Driving Ii: Implications Of Cognitive Changes, Mustapha Mouloua, Janan Smither, Peter A. Hancock, Jacqueline Duley, and Richard Adams
Excitations And Quantum Fluctuations In Site-Diluted Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets, Eduardo R. Mucciolo, A. H. Castro Neto, and Claudio Chamon
Simultaneous Visible And Near-Infrared Time Resolved Observations Of The Outer Solar System Object (29981) 1999 Td10, Béatrice E.A. Mueller, Carl W. Hergenrother, Nalin H. Samarasinha, Humberto Campins, and Donald W. McCarthy
A Bandwidth Selection For Kernel Density Estimation Of Functions Of Random Variables, A. R. Mugdadi and Ibrahim A. Ahmad
Constrained Quadratic Correlation Filters For Target Detection, Robert Muise, Abhijit Mahalanobis, Ram Mohapatra, Xin Li, and Deguang Han
Statistics Of Partially Coherent Beams: A Numerical Analysis, Claudia Mujat and Aristide Dogariu
The Influence Of Drying On Quantitative Laser Fluorescence And Optical Pathlengths In Incipient Natural Caries Lesions, C. Mujat, M. H. Van Der Veen, J. L. Ruben, A. Dogariu, and J. J. Ten Bosch
Interferometric Imaging Polarimeter, Mircea Mujat, Erwan Baleine, and Aristide Dogariu
Interferometric Measurement Of The Degree Of Polarization And Control Of The Contrast Of Intensity Fluctuations, Mircea Mujat, Aristide Dogariu, and Girish S. Agarwal
A Law Of Interference Of Electromagnetic Beams Of Any State Of Coherence And Polarization And The Fresnel-Arago Interference Laws, Mircea Mujat, Aristide Dogariu, and Emil Wolf
Computational Biology - The New Frontier Of Computer Science, Amar Mukherjee
Mpmd Fifth Global Innovations Proceedings, Surfaces And Interfaces In Nanostructured Materials And Trends In Liga: Preface, Sharmila M. Mukhopadhyay, Sudipta Seal, Narendra Dahotre, Arvind Agarwal, and John E. Smugeresky
Lean Principles Applied To Pre-Cast Concrete Homebuilding, Michael A. Mullens and Isabelina Nahmens
That Way Madness Lies: At The Intersection Of Philosophy And Clinical Psychology, Jennifer Mundale
Long-Term Oxidation And Phase Transformations In Aluminized Cmsx-4 Superalloys, N. Mu, J. Liu, J. W. Byeon, Y. H. Sohn, and Y. L. Nava
The Impact Of Compensation On The Turnover Intentions Of Outback Steakhouse Managers, Kevin S. Murphy and John A. Williams
Task Demand And Response Error In A Simulated Air Traffic Control Task: Implications For Ab Initio Training, L. L. Murphy, K. Smith, and P. A. Hancock
Predation Risk Avoidance By Terrestrial Amphibians: The Role Of Prey Experience And Vulnerability To Native And Exotic Predators, D. L. Murray, J. D. Roth, and A. J. Wirsing
Self-Trapping Of Light In A Two-Dimensional Photonic Lattice, Ziad H. Musslimani and Jianke Yang
The Impact Of Demographics On New Homebuyer Service Satisfaction, Isabelina Nahmens, Ahmad K. Elshennawy, and Michael A. Mullens
Control And Data Flow Graph Extraction For High-Level Synthesis, Ravi Namballa, N. Ranganathan, and Abdel Ejnioui
Culture Of Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis From The Blood Of Patients With Crohn'S Disease, Saleh A. Naser, George Ghobrial, Claudia Romero, and John F. Valentine
Dicussion On The Meeting On 'Statistical Approaches To Inverse Problems', Guy Nason, Eric Moulines, Christian P. Robert, Christophe Andrieu, and Ad Stoffelen
A Research Note On Male Chauvinism And Mexican Americans, Charles Negy and Douglas K. Snyder
A Cross-National Comparison Of Mexican And Mexican American Couples Using The Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised (Spanish), Charles Negy, Douglas K. Snyder, and Rolando Diáz-Loving
Firm Newness, Entrepreneurial Orientation, And Ethical Climate, Donald Neubaum, Marie Mitchell, and Marshall Schminke
Hollow Waveguide Delivery Of Ultrashort Pulses For Tissue Ablation, Michael N. Nguyen, Bryan S. Irwin, Russell G. Higbee, Waleed S. Mohammed, and Eric G. Johnson
Erratum: On Stresses Conjugate To Eulerian Strains (Acta Mechanica (2003) 165 (87-98)), D. W. Nicholson
Non-Iterative Solution Of Finite-Element Equations In Incompressible Solids, D. W. Nicholson
Evaluation Of Techniques For Control Of Disinfection By-Products: A Pilot Study, Fidelia N. Nnadi, Migdalia Hernandez, and Mark Fulkerson
Conservation Targets And Information Needs For Regional Conservation Planning, Reed F. Noss
Miniature Joule - Thomson (Jt) Cryocoolers For Propellant Management, W. Notardonato, G. Haddad, K. V. Krishna-Murty, J. Zhu, and J. S. Kapat
Operational Testing Of Densified Hydrogen Using G-M Refrigeration, W. U. Notardonato, J. H. Baik, and G. E. McIntosh
The Nucleus Of Comet Borrelly: A Study Of Morphology And Surface Brightness, Juergen Oberst, E. Howington-Kraus, R. Kirk, L. Soderblom, and B. Buratti
The Comprehensive Organizational Plan: How A Cop Can Protect And Serve Your Health Care Organization, Dawn Oetjen and Timothy Rotarius
High-Resolution And Analytical Tem Investigation Of Metastable-Tetragonal Phase Stabilization In Undoped Nanocrystalline Zirconia, Vladimir P. Oleshko, James M. Howe, Satyajit Shukla, and Sudipta Seal
O’Connor’S Good Country People, Kate Oliver
Using Dsm For Modeling Information Flow In Construction Design Projects, Amr A. Oloufa, Yasser A. Hosni, Mohamed Fayez, and Pär Axelsson
Infrared Thermography For Asphalt Crack Imaging And Automated Detection, Amr A. Oloufa, Hesham S. Mahgoub, and Hesham Ali
Developing Financial Literacy In Budding Entrepreneurs, Thomas O'Neal and Dennis Kulonda
Extracting The Model Parameters Of Non-Ideal Junctions Based On Explicit Analytical Solutions Of I-V Characteristics, Adelmo Ortiz-Conde, Francisco J.García Sánchez, and Juin J. Liou
Synthesis And Antileukemic Activity Of N-Phthaloyl-2-Aminoalcohols, A. V. Osintsev, G. L. Levit, V. P. Krasnov, G. D. Miles, and S. Yu Solodnikov
Rc-101, A Retrocyclin-1 Analogue With Enhanced Activity Against Primary Hiv Type 1 Isolates, Sherry M. Owen, Donna L. Rudolph, Wei Wang, Alexander M. Cole, and Alan J. Waring
A Θ-Defensin Composed Exclusively Of D-Amino Acids Is Active Against Hiv-1, S. M. Owen, D. Rudolph, W. Wang, A. M. Cole, and M. A. Sherman
Call Admission Control And Scheduling Policies For Umts Traffic For Qos Provisioning, Sourav Pal, Mainak Chatterjee, and Sajal K. Das
Improving Delivery Time Guarantees For Wireless Data Services, Sourav Pal, Mainak Chatterjee, and Sajal K. Das
Modulation Of Human 5-Lipoxygenase Activity By Membrane Lipids, Abhay H. Pande, David Moe, Kathleen N. Nemec, Shan Qin, and Shuhua Tan
Shedding Light On Police Culture: An Examination Of Officers’ Occupational Attitudes, Eugene A. Paoline
Phase Noise And Phase Modulation In Optical Coherence Tomography, Pascale Parrein and Joachim Meier
Principal Portfolios: Recasting The Efficient Frontier, M. Hossein Partovi and Michael Caputo
Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Of Space Shuttle Operations, Amith Paruchuri, Amit Wasadikar, Mario F. Marin, Luis Rabelo, and José A. Sepulveda
Nanocrystalline Ceria Imparts Better High-Temperature Protection, S. Patil, S. C. Kuiry, and S. Seal
A Web Services Environment For Internet-Scale Sensor Computing, Rui Peng, Kien A. Hua, and Georgiana L. Hamza-Lup
All-Optical Diode In An Asymmetrically Apodized Kerr Nonlinear Microresonator System, Suresh Pereira, Philip Chak, I. E. Sipe, Lasha Tkeshelashvili, and Kurt Busch