The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Examining how pejorative stereotypes about Black women shape their experiences in physics Ph.D. programs, Camille A. Coffie
An Intersectional Examination of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Educational Outcomes in Children in The U.S., Josalie C. Condon
An Evaluation of High School Counselor Assignment Models Organizational Structure and their Effect Upon Student Achievement Outcomes in a Central Florida School District, Jannette A. Connor
ASPIRA and the Young Lords: Examining Their Impact on Fostering a Puerto Rican Cultural Identity in New York City During the 1960s and 1970s, Asmara M. Cortes-Caba
Ammonia for Aviation, Brandon Cotto
The Uglier Animals, Fernanda Coutinho Teixeira
The Case for Photothermal Spectroscopy in the Future of Planetary Science Missions, Christopher T. Cox
A Meta-Analysis of Cannabis Research: Is there Evidence of Lasting Neurocognitive Effects?, Mark J. Crisafulli
An Exploration of Administrative Implementation of Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning (ACCEL- FL Statute 1002.3105) in Florida Elementary Schools, Patricia L. Cummings
Exploring the Mechanism of Chaperonin-Containing TCP-1 (CCT) as a Cancer Therapeutic, Carolyn K. Dang
Nailed It: Creative Nonfiction Essays, Kristi M. Dao
Towards Label Efficiency and Privacy Preservation in Video Understanding, Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave
What Fishing Tackle Should I Bring Today?: Safety Harbor Resource Collection Tools as Adaptations to Aquatic Environments, Richard J. Davis III
Corporate Restructuring Spin-off in a Technical Project-Based Organization, Stephen J. Davis
Cultivating Green Public Spaces and Backyard Gardens Amid COVID-19: An Anthropological Study of Metro-Orlando Gardeners, Chelsea N. Daws
The Black Hair Experience: Exploring the Workplace Experience for Black Women with Natural Hair and Hairstyles, Shameika D. Daye
The Effect of Perceived Discrimination on Alcohol Use Behaviors: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Among Hispanic/Latinx Drinkers, Ardhys N. De Leon
An Ethnography of the Self-Determination of Students with Disabilities when Participating in High-Level Mathematics Tasks in an Inclusive Classroom, Diane M. DelliBovi
Multi Species Time Histories of Ammonia Hydrogen Blended Mixtures Inside a Shock Tube, Christopher W. Dennis
A Content Analysis of the Mathematics Curriculum Progression for Students Taking Algebra I and Geometry Honors Before High School, Yeidi Diaz Reyes
Immigant Twists: The Hunt for Heritage, Healing and the Twist of DNA in Poetic and Hybrid Forms, Colleen Dieckmann
Models of Information Diffusion and The Role of Influence, Chathura JJ Don Dimungu Arachchige
Design and Perception of Diverse Virtual Avatars in Immersive Environments, Tiffany D. Do
Comical, Familial, Satirical: Exploring Visual Culture Through Portraiture and Graphic Narrative, Matthew D. Dunn
Analyzing the Use of Plain Language in Brief Summaries on, Megan J. Eddington
Enhanced Neural Networks based Flight Parameter Predictions for UAVs with Distributed Flow Sensors, Elliott Eggers
Work Motivation and Occupational Attitudes: An Application of Self-Determination Theory Among Rangers, Richard L. Elligson Jr
Design And Implementation Of a High-Power Fiber Amplifier For Diamond Raman Laser Pump, Ryan Ellis
Academic Resilience and Wellness as Predictors of Imposter Syndrome in First-Generation Graduate Students, Timothy Eng
Sensing Using Angular Momentum of Light: From Polarization to Optical Vortices, Mahdi Eshaghi
Connecting in Crisis: Exploring Online Informal Communications in Florida’s Unemployment Struggle, Anna V. Eskamani
Computational Approaches to Study Post Transcriptional Regulation Events, Naima Ahmed Fahmi
Low-rank Matrix Estimation, Xing Fan
Adaptive Anomaly Prediction Models, Ashkan Farhangi
On The Characterization and Modeling Of Unsteady Aerodynamic Systems In Extraterrestrial Environments, Wayne Williamtine Farrell
Nonlinear Beam Deflection and Optical Properties of Semiconductors and Semimetals, Sanaz Faryadras
Foreign Language Writing Anxiety: Lived Experiences of International Graduate Students, Padideh Fattahi Marnani
Design Modifications to Reduce a Brushless Exciter Response Time, Esnick Felissaint
Application of a Zinc-Borate based nanoparticle to impede the spread of Huanglongbing, Carlos J. Flores
Prompt Engineering: Toward a Rhetoric and Poetics for Neural Network Augmented Authorship in Composition and Rhetoric, Christopher Foley
Capacity Building Partnerships Between University Counseling Programs and Urban Elementary Schools, Alexandra Frank
Investigating The Role Of Chaperonin Containing TCP-1 In Extracellular Vesicles Isolated From Breast And Prostate Cancer Cell Lines, Colten J. Frank
Using Geographic Information Systems To Examine Unmet Healthcare Needs Among Transgender and Non-Binary Young Adults in Florida, Nino Franklin
Non-Destructive Nylon Microplastics Analysis Using Room-Temperature Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Noah M. Froelich
Frontal Plane Hip Strength of Female Collegiate Soccer Players: Impact of Training Load and Seasonal Variation, Maxine Furtado Mesa
Strengthening the Cyber-Physical Resilience of Active Distribution Systems, Xue Gao
Human Performance in Context: Exploring the Effect of Social Support on Vigilance, Allison E. Garibaldi
Lucas' Gift: Exploring the Importance of Self-Care, Kevaun L. Gayle
Photonic Integrated Circuits for Computation, Fatemeh Ghaedi Vanani
Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Clay-Zwitterion Hybrid Material, Suvash Ghimire
Advanced optical diagnostic techniques for heat transfer measurments in supercritical CO2 flows, Ritesh Ghorpade
Design Parameters for a Piezoelectric-Based, High-Authority, High-Bandwidth Flow Injection Valve, Sydney A. Giannuzzi
Exploring Whether Color Proportions Quantified by Color Histograms Can Predict Guidance in a Visual Search Task, Jessica N. Goetz
Theatre as Resistance: Application of Queer and Feminist Theories to Theatrical Practice and Pedagogy, Chanel H. Gomaa
Secondary Online Learning: Investigating Pacing, Spacing and Consistency, Brandi Goodman
Objective-Driven Strategies for HPC Job Scheduling, Alexander V. Goponenko
Illuminating the Path: The Impact of Digital Innovation on Diversity in Special Education Teacher Preparation Recruitment, Ashley Grays
Mother Tongue, Kianna Greene
Application of Long-Read Sequencing in Microbiome Compositional Studies related to Disease, Noah Greenman
The Crash Consistency, Performance, and Security of Persistent Memory Objects, Derrick Alex Greenspan
The Cost of Caring: An Analysis of Professional Quality of Life with School Based Mental Health Designees, Meredith L. Griffin and Meredith Griffin
Hyperbolic Geometry and Hierarchical Representation Learning, William Grisaitis
Using electroencephalography to predict metabolic cost, Jordan Grubb
Analysis, Design and Optimization of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Energy System, Sahin Gullu
An Assessment of the Hotel Customers’ Robotic Service Quality Perceptions: Scale Development and Validation, Ahmet Hacikara
Building better homes for pollinators: How native plants benefit pollinator communities in suburban landscapes, Mykayla Hagaman
An Examination of Religious Leaders' Perceptions of Scrupulosity, Nicole K. Hale
A Framework for Improving Employee Experience in the Hospitality Industry, Scott Hall
Deep Learning One-Class Classification With Support Vector Methods, Hayden D. Hampton
An examination of English learners' college readiness in grade 9 as measured by the PSAT 8/9, Tonny Harris Jr.
Human iPSC-CMT2s Motoneuron Model for Phenotypic Analysis, KENNETH HAWKINS
Film Adaptation of Novels Through GenAI, Joshua M. Head
Examining factors associated with secondary trauma through lived experiences of k-12 school leaders and their impact on school leadership practices., Shakelia M. Henderson
A Quantitative Approach to the Analysis of Human Hair for Forensic Examinations, David S. Hernandez Funes
Human Visual Search Performance for Close Range Detection of Static Targets from Moving Sensor Platforms, Jennifer Hewitt
High Temperature Shock Tube and Laser Diagnostics Measurements of Fuel Combustion for Solid Fuel Ramjets, Jacklyn P. Higgs
From Ramen to Research: The Experience of Financial Scarcity in Graduate School, Charlotte Holden
The Online Teacher's Lounge: Understanding How Small Non-Political Groups Discuss Politics on Social Media, Sarah Holland
Exploring Fraction Comprehension and Interest in Elementary Education Through AI-Powered Personalized Learning, Kenneth Holman
An Analysis of the Relationship Between a Novice Educator Support Team and the Self-Efficacy of Beginning Teachers in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, Bailey Holmquist
Assessment of Caretaker Resources and Motivation in the Wean-to-Market Phase of Swine Production, Joshua W. Holtkamp
Towards Sparse IMU Sensor-Based Estimation of Walking Kinematics, Joint Moments, and Ground Reaction Forces in Multiple Locomotion Modes via Deep Learning, Md Sanzid Bin Hossain
Adaptive Beyond Von-Neumann Computing Devices and Reconfigurable Architectures for Edge Computing Applications, Mousam Hossain
Disability Representation in Contemporary Playwriting, Caroline Hull
An Analysis of the Relationship Between PBIS Model School Status and Middle School Student Discipline Outcomes, Ismail M. ibn Ali
Bayesian Variable Selection with Shrinkage Priors and Generative Adversarial Networks for Fraud Detection, Amina Issoufou Anaroua
Chinese Masculinities During the Maoist Era: Representations of Model Men, Daniel L. Izadirad Mr.
Adoption of Electric Vehicle and Its Impact on Residential Sector Energy Demand, Md Istiak Jahan
Development of a Novel Mitochondria Biosensor, Randall K. James
In an Immersive Space, Raising Awareness to Universalize the Concept of Resistance and Hope, Elaheh Jazemi
The Effects of Sexual Assault on Identity and Interpersonal Relationships Among Male and Female Victims, Ishara Jean-Francois
Millimeter-Wave Software-Defined Radios with Programmable Directionality, Marc H. jean
A Comparative Case of the Sense of Belonging of Students and Black Neighborhood Stakeholders Utilizing Public Recreational Space Near an Urban College Campus, Briyanna N. Jenkins